Allahumma Arinal Haqqa
Allahumma Arinal Haqqa

Allahumma Arinal Haqqa In Arabic – Transliteration And Meaning


Allahumma arinal haqqa is a beautiful Dua for recognizing truth and falsehood. What is the meaning and authenticity of this invocation is what this post will be looking at.

Allahumma Arinal Haqqa Meaning

The meaning of Allahumma arinal haqqa Haq is O Allah! show us the truth as true, and inspire us to follow it. Show us falsehood as falsehood, and inspire us to abstain from it.

Allahumma Arinal Haqqa Dua In Arabic

Allahumma Arinal Haqqa Dua in Arabic text is as follows

اَللّٰهُمَّ اَرِنَا الْحَقَّ حَقًّا وَّ ارْزُقْنَا اتِّبَاعَهٗ وَ اَرِنَا الْبَاطِلَ بَاطِلًا وَّ ارْزُقْنَا اجْتِنَابَهٗ


Allahumma arinal haqqa haqqaw warzuqnat tiba’ah, wa arinal baatila baatilaw warzuqnaj tinaabah.


Reference For The Du’a

According to scholars, the prophet, Muhammad SAW didn’t said or recite this Dua. Some scholars said that the du’a is quoted by Imam Ghazali (rahimahullah) -without any chain-.

Some attributed the Dua to Sayyidna Abubakar Radiyallahu anhu and sayyiduna Umar RA, however, there is no authentic chain of narrations to them.

Allahumma Arinal Haqqa

On the other hand, Muslims are encouraged to call upon Allah for forgiveness, guidance, and strength throughout the day.

Muslims can make these personal supplications or prayers (du’a) in their own words, in any language if it is not agonist the Quran and Sunnah.

There are also recommended examples from the Quran and Sunnah. Some samples are found in the pages linked below.


Allahumma arinal haqq


Shaykh Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (Rahmatullahi ‘alayh) often encouraged the recitation of the following Dua, in these times of great Fitnah.

It is a beautiful Dua, whereby we ask Allah Ta’ala to make apparent to us, what is Haq (truth) and Baatil (falsehood), and grant us the Taufeeq and ability to follow what is Haq and stay away and refrain from whatever is Baatil.

This Dua is a lesson for the Ummah. It teaches the Ummah – especially people like us, living in these times of great Fitnah, where for many, Baatil is no longer regarded as Baatil and Haq is no longer regarded as Haq.

Looking at these times, we see people from all walks of life, research Islam, and come to conclusions which are in conflict with what Islam truly is.

We see Muslims who speak about the need for Haraam to be Halaal, such as interest taking and giving. We see Muslims, influenced by the different “isms”, misinterpret Islam, and clamour for changes in Shari’ah, or call for a modern approach, living in modern times – Na uzu Billahi min zaalik.

There is such an onslaught of Baatil and so many, so many are caught up in that assault; in that ambush.

In this Dua,

O Allah! Enable us to see the Truth as Truth and give us the ability to follow it.

We learn that knowing Haq is not sufficient.…Because there are many who know Haq, but do not practice on it.

Generally, Muslims are acquainted with Halaal and Haraam. However, despite knowing, many of us do not practice. There is no Salaah, Zakaah, Fasting and other Deeni obligations being fulfilled.

Accordingly, the Dua continues, asking for the Taufeeq of Ittiba – the ability to practise on it; because Amal (practice) is necessary.

Thereafter, Dua is made: And show us the falsehood as false and give us the ability to refrain from it.

We are asking of Allah Ta’ala, that He make known to us, make apparent to us, make clear to us, whatever is Haraam, sinful, detested and disliked by Him.

Often, a person sees the Haq as Baatil and vice versa. So Dua is made that we know what is Haq and what is Baatil, without any confusion and uncertainty, that we are easily able to differentiate between the two.

Like a tsunami; sin and falsehood are sweeping through the Muslim Ummah. All around us we find that Baatil is widespread.

It has become the norm; it is in vogue, and the majority accepts it and engages in it. It is not even considered Haraam.

The sad condition and plight of the Ummah is gauged when we see the extent of Baatil in our personal lives, and we see how the culture and customs of the Kuffaar have become dominant and have replaced practical implementation of Islam – and everyone is quite content and comfortable living with that.

When the Sahaba (Radhiyallahu ‘Anhum) accepted Islam, despite the majority of them coming out of Kufr and Shirk, there was no sign of Kufr in their lives thereafter.

We were born and brought up in Islam. We have Islam, but the culture of the Kuffaar is found in all dimensions of our lives – our homes, our businesses, our Nikahs and Walimas, our dressing. Sometimes there is no trace of Islam.

Allahumma arinal haqq

In this Dua, the word “warzuqna” is used.

Shaykh Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (Rahmatullahi ‘alayh) beautifully explained that just as we search for our Rizq, we look forward to it, we enjoy it – so Haq should become like our Rizq.

Like how we seek sustenance, in the same way, we should seek good deeds – with eagerness and enthusiasm.

From the early hours of the morning, millions of people are on the move, traveling by car, bus, train, plane – active in the effort of sustenance… and there seems to be no satisfaction when it comes to wanting more and more of the material world.

Even if a person is multi-rich, we find the person is still seeking for more. There is just no contentment even in sufficiency.

In this Dua, we are asking that we are not content except pursuing the Rizq of Haq, the Rizq of Ibaadah, the Rizq of Sawaab. Ittiba of Haq must become our spiritual Rizq.

And this Haq includes both the rights of Allah Ta’ala and the rights of creation – of parents, of wife (or husband), of children, neighbours, and others.

Furthermore, we all know that we require food for our survival. When a person has not eaten in many days, his hearing is affected, his sight is affected, his speech is affected. Weakness sets in.

Similarly, without the spiritual nourishment of Haq – knowing it and practicing on it, Imaan will weaken and will deteriorate, on all fronts.

Added to this, the Hadeeth informs us: “No soul will die until it completes its sustenance.” A person does not die until he has eaten the last grain of food which is destined for him.

In a similar vein, we are asking for Allah Ta’ala that Haq be the same to us, that we complete our lives on the Rizq of Haq, that our lives end on Haq, on Imaan.

We are also asking for Taufeeq to stay away from sin, with the same kind of happiness as when we seek our Rizq; that we look forward to restraining ourselves from all Haraam.

Just as a Muslim does not go out in search of pigs for his Rizq; rather he keeps clear of pigs and pork – so too, should he stay away from Baatil. Just as pigs are Haraam, so too is everything else that is classified as sin.

Unfortunately, we find that many seek out Haraam. They plan and make arrangements for indulgence in Haraam – going to the cinemas, casinos, visiting porn sites, taking and giving interest, etc. May Allah Ta’ala protect us all.

Both, abstinence from sins and doing good deeds must be as we find our sustenance – enjoyable. This, in turn, will bring happiness and Sukoon.

If this becomes the condition of a person: He pursues good deeds with that kind of eagerness and abstains from sins, with that kind of happiness, as sustenance is enjoyed, the person becomes a Waliullah (A Friend of Allah Ta’ala).

We should learn this Dua, teach it to others and frequently recite it. May Allah Ta’ala grant us Taufeeq.


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