Al Shakoor Name of Allah
Al Shakoor Name of Allah

Al Shakoor Name of Allah Meaning And Benefits In English


Al Shakoor Name of Allah means The One Most Ready To Appreciate And Reward Abundantly. The one who rewards abundantly and multiplies the rewards of His obedient servants for their deeds.

Deeds which He Himself favored them with, deeds which He Himself granted to them, the one who does not allow any of their deeds to be lost.

Ash Shakur in Arabic

Here is how to write Ash Shakur in Arabic text.


What Does Al Shakoor Mean?

Ash Shakoor means the One who frequently blesses and rewards His obedient servants abundantly and is pleased with a little gratitude from His servants in return for His countless blessings.


If His servants do something for His sake, He rewards them for it many times over, and if they leave it for His sake, He gives them something else that is much better for them.

Ash Shakoor In Quran

This Name occurs four times in the Qur’an, some the places include

On the other hand, it occurs in the subject form of Shaker (All-Recognizer of goodness and righteousness of His servants), as shown, for instance, in His saying:

And if any one doth Good voluntarily, be sure that Allah is the All-Recognizer (of good), All-Knower.

Al-Baqarah 158

To be thankful then, according to Ibo Manzhur, is to be willing to appreciate whatever good is done to you, though to praise is more general than to give thanks.

When such is attributed to Allah Almighty, it means that He is the One, Who highly estimates the good deeds and acts of worship His servants do, for which He gives them rewards in abundance.


But, this characteristic is desirable for man, and if one is described as being grateful, this is because he is renown for the great deal of thanks and gratitude he gives to others.

In this connection, it is narrated in a correct Hadith that when the companions observed that the Messenger of Allah, Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him, strove his utmost in his service to Allah Almighty they asked him about the reason for that, since Allah Almighty forgave for him all of his sins that he had done in the past and in the future, he said in reply to them:

Should I not then become a grateful servant (to the Favours of Allah Almighty)?

This readiness to appreciate service means that Allah Almighty is the One, with Whom the good, no matter little it might be, increases; and this increase results from two points:

He, first, multiplies the good deeds as much as ten to seven hundred times to more and more for such of His servants and devotees as He pleases; and, on the other hand, He always gives rewards to His servants according to the best of their deeds, whatsoever little and insignificant.

That necessitates, to be sure, that He forgives for them their sins, whatsoever grievous and serious.

Al Shakoor Name of Allah
Al Shakoor Name of Allah

According to some men of knowledge, Ash-Shakur (the Most Ready to appreciate service) is the One, Whose Gratitude is permanent, and Bounty is widely spread among all of His creatures, in such a way that He gives great rewards for every item of service and obedience, whatsoever little, in exhortation of His servants to hasten to obey Him, and submit to His Orders and Commands.

Do you not see that He accepts the good deeds, whatever little they might be, and gives increase of His Bounty?

Allah does not only give rewards for service, but also He gives more and more out of His Grace in great abundance to such as praises and gives thanks to Him for all of His Favours:

And remember! your Lord caused to be declared (publicly): “If ye are grateful, I will add more (favors) unto you; but if ye show ingratitude, truly My punishment is terrible indeed.

Surah Ibrahim 7

This concept of Gratefulness is uniquely particular to Allah Almighty, for it is He Alone Who gives rewards for service, and further He increases such for those who are thankful from amongst His servants.

But anyone of mankind is grateful only to the favours done to him; and whatever great and bountiful his gratitude might be, and whatever thanks and praises he strives his utmost to give are, all of that is insignificant in comparison with only a single favour bestowed upon him by Allah.

One’s gratefulness is no more than an aspect of his pleasure with the favour conferred upon him; but, in order to have gratitude complete and perfect, it is not sufficient for one to give thanks for such a favour, but also it is necessary for him to work in order to keep it permanently at his hand; and Allah prompts His servants to work hard with thanks as He orders the family of the Prophet Dawood.

Allah’s appreciation of service of His servants is to multiply rewards for them, be kind and merciful towards them, and vie in glory with the angels because of them.

One’s faithfulness is to obey Allah Almighty in all of His Orders and Commands; and Allah’s Faithfulness to His servants is to help them be grateful to Him.

To be sure, one’s gratefulness is done by both words; and this is the expression of the tongue, and sincere faith in Allah’s Favours; and this is the confirmation of the heart.

In this way, gratefulness is divided into three kinds:

That which is to recognize Allah’s Favour by one’s tongue, for which he gives thanks to Him; That which is done by his organs, i.e. to do the due service to his Lord Almighty; and That which is done by his heart, i.e. to clean it from all impurities, and keep it away from all evil and suspicious suggestions.

Ya Shakur Benefits

  • Loving Allah and striving hard to attain His good pleasure, for He bestows immeasurable blessings and favours upon His servants, increases His favours upon them when they thank Him, rewards them abundantly and forgives their sins.
  • Being aware of Allah’s presence and showing His due respect by dutifully thanking Him for His blessings with the heart, the tongue and the limbs.
  • Showing gratitude to Allah and keeping away from being ungrateful to Him and also showing gratitude to others for their favours, for whoever does not thank people does not thank Allah.

How does one get the good manners related to that Name?

If one intends to be thankful to Allah Almighty, he should, first of all, be straight and upright in all of his deeds, acts and words; and then, he should submit to Him, comply with all of His Commands and Restrictions, do what is due upon him, enjoin what is right and refrain from what is forbidden.

He further should love Him as much as He has to be loved, praises Him as He should be lauded, recognize all of His Favours He bestows upon him, which he should not use but in what pleases Allah Almighty.

It is incumbent upon one also to be grateful to Allah not only at the times of ease and prosperity: but also at the times of distress and difficulty, for in some cases, such might be a cause of would-be bliss.

It is narrated that once a man was asked about the reasons for gratefulness in his sight, thereupon he said:

If, we have (good), we will be grateful; and if we are deprived (of good), we will patiently persevere.

The former said: But, this is not the type of gratefulness in our sight.

When he was asked about it, he said:

If we have (good), we then will give others preference over us (in it); and if we are deprived (of good), we will be grateful (to Allah).

No doubt, Allah Almighty asks His servants to give thanks to him:

Then do ye remember Me; I will remember you. Be grateful to Me and reject not Faith.

Al-Baqarah 152

It is out of gratefulness to Him that one should employ whatever favours are bestowed upon him just in what is beneficial to mankind, and be eager to convey good to the people, as much as is within his power, otherwise, he will be ungrateful.

Allah Almighty inaugurates His Book with praise, in order to affirm the great significance and high value of the characteristic of thankfulness and gratefulness, as being the best way to become closer to the Presence of Allah.

As to the celebration of the Praises of Allah by that Name, the Holy Qur’an instructs us how to supplicate Allah by His Name Ash-Shakur when it tells about prophet Suleiman that he supplicated:

O my Lord! so order me that I may be grateful for Thy favors, which Thou hast bestowed on me and on my parents, and that I may work the righteousness that will please Thee: and admit me, by Thy Grace, to the ranks of Thy righteous Servants.

Surah An-N aml 19

This is almost similar to the following statement, with which one should supplicate Allah:

O my Lord! grant me that I may be grateful for Thy favour which Thou hast bestowed upon me, and upon both my parents, and that I may work righteousness such as Thou mayest approve; and be gracious to me in my issue. Truly have I turned to Thee and truly do I bow (to Thee) in Islam.(Al-Ahqaf 15)

Al Shakoor Name of Allah

It is well-known that when the inhabitants of the Garden enter the Garden and find true Allah’s Promise to them, for Allah never fails in His Promises, they will say:

Praise be to Allah, Who has removed from us (all) sorrow: for our Lord is indeed Oft-Forgiving, Most ready to appreciate (service). (Surah Fatir 34)

The following supplication is transmitted from the Messenger of Allah “Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him” on the authority of A’ishah:

O Allah! I seek refuge with Your pleasure from Your anger, with Your forgiveness from Your punishment, and with (the mercy of) You from (the anger of) You. I cannot reckon Your praise, for You are as You applauded Yourself.

Praise be to Allah as much as is fitting for (all of) His Favours, and His Increase (in good): 0 Allah! Make good the conclusion of all of our affairs, and deliver us from the shame of this world, and (save us) from the punishment of the hereafter.


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