Allahummahdini Wa Saddidni Meaning and Arabic Text (Full Dua)
Have you ever come across the Dua ‘allahummahdini wa saddidni‘ and wondered about its meaning and significance? Its words are simple, yet its meaning is profound, carrying a deep significance.
Alee bin Abee Taalib – may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet SAW ordered him to say this powerful Dua for asking guidance.
In this blog, we’ll delve into the meaning of this powerful supplication and explore how it can be written in Arabic text.
Allahummahdini Wa Saddidni Meaning In English
Allahumma dini wa saddidni means O Allah! Direct me to the Right Path and make me adhere to the Straight Path.
Allahumma dini Wa Saddidni in Arabic
اللَّهُمَّ اهْدِنِي وَسَدِّدْنِ
The dua is transliterated as: “Allahumma-hdini wa saddidni.“
Another narration of Dua for asking guidance is: O Allah I ask you for guidance and uprightness.
Arabic text
اللَّهمَّ إنِّي أسْألُكَ الهُدَى والسَّدَادَ
Allahumma inni as’aluk-alhuda was-sadad.

Breakdown of the Dua
The Dua begins with the word ‘Allahumma,’ which is an invocation to Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate. It is a humble call for guidance and support from the Almighty.
‘Ihdinii‘ means “guide me.” In this part of the Dua, the believer is beseeching Allah to show them the right path, to guide them in their journey, and to lead them towards righteousness.
Wa Saddidnii
‘Saddidnii‘ means “make me steadfast” or “rectify me.” This part of the Dua reflects the desire for moral rectitude, steadfastness in faith, and the strength to resist temptations and distractions.
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Hadith Reference
Ali RA reported: The Messenger of Allah SAW said to me, “Recite: ‘ Allahumma-hdini wa saddidni (O Allah! Direct me to the Right Path and make me adhere to the Straight Path).”
Another narration is: ‘ Allahumma inni as’aluk-alhuda was-sadad (O Allah I ask you for guidance and uprightness).” or).”
[Muslim 2725]
Guidance means a person being on the right path in his words, actions and belief, adhering to that which is correct and avoiding wrongs.
Allah – the most High – said:
“O you who believe! Keep your duty to Allah and fear Him, and say (always) the truth” that is, that which is right “He will direct you to do righteous good deeds and will forgive you your sins…”
(Surah 33:70-71)
Qawlan Sadeedah means correctness in speech. Allah mentions two great benefits of an upright word:
- The first: Upright actions, and
- the second: forgiveness of sins.
Therefore, a person should ask Allah for the contents of this supplication: Allahumma inni as-alukal-hudaa was- sadaad (O Allah I ask you for guidance and uprightness).” or Allahumma- hdini wa saddidnee (O Allah! Direct me to the right path and make me adhere to the straight path). And the meaning is the same.

Understanding the Dua: Why We Ask for Guidance
At its core, this dua is about seeking Allah’s help to live a life that is pleasing to Him. When we ask, “Direct me to the Right Path,” we’re asking Allah to show us the path of truth, virtue, and righteousness.
This is not just about knowing what’s right and wrong, but about having clarity in every choice we make, from big decisions to the small, everyday actions that shape our character and destiny.
By following up with “and make me adhere to the Straight Path,” we recognize that knowing the right path isn’t always enough. The journey requires strength, patience, and persistence.
This part of the dua is asking Allah for the willpower and determination to stay on that straight path, even when things get difficult, distracting, or uncertain.
Why This Dua is So Important
- Continuous Need for Guidance
Guidance isn’t something we ask for just once. Life brings constant challenges, temptations, and distractions, so we need Allah’s direction at every step. This dua reflects that we’re not able to do it on our own, no matter how much knowledge or willpower we think we have. Seeking guidance regularly shows humility and dependence on Allah’s wisdom. - Strength to Stay Firm
Life can be full of obstacles that try to pull us off course—stress, desires, doubts, or external influences. By asking Allah to help us “adhere to the Straight Path,” we’re asking for resilience and consistency, for the ability to stay strong even when things aren’t easy. It’s a plea for Allah to hold us firm on a path that leads to His pleasure. - A Reminder of Our Ultimate Goal
This dua also serves as a reminder of what our ultimate goal should be: pleasing Allah and attaining success in the Hereafter. It’s a way to refocus our hearts, bringing clarity to what really matters and aligning our actions with that purpose. - Humility and Trust in Allah
By turning to Allah for guidance, we acknowledge that we’re not all-knowing. We don’t always have the answers, and that’s okay. Trusting Allah’s guidance opens our hearts to His wisdom, and we become more receptive to learning and growth.
The Significance of the “Right Path” and “Straight Path”
- The “Right Path” (As-Siraat al-Mustaqeem) refers to the path that is pleasing to Allah, the way of the prophets and the righteous. This path is grounded in faith, morality, and compassion. When we ask to be directed to this path, we’re asking Allah to help us see the truth clearly, so that our choices and actions reflect that truth.
- The “Straight Path” represents a life of consistency, not just bursts of good behavior. We want to avoid extremes and stay balanced, following the middle path in Islam. This part of the dua emphasizes stability and avoiding going astray, no matter what situation we’re in.
When and How to Recite This Dua
This dua is relevant at any time, but here are some moments when it can be particularly powerful:
- In Daily Prayers: It’s meaningful to make this dua during or after our salah, as it aligns our hearts and intentions with the purpose of worship. It’s also a way to seek Allah’s help in living out the guidance we’re seeking.
- During Times of Confusion: When facing tough decisions or periods of uncertainty, this dua can be a source of clarity and peace, reminding us to rely on Allah for direction rather than our limited understanding.
- When Feeling Weak or Distracted: If you feel tempted, or if you’re struggling to stay on the path you know is right, this dua is a powerful way to seek Allah’s help in regaining focus and strength.
Reflection on Its Simplicity and Power
The beauty of this dua lies in its simplicity. In a few words, it encapsulates one of the greatest needs of every believer. It’s a reminder that no matter how much we know, or how committed we are, we’re always in need of Allah’s guidance and strength.
This dua is also a great example of how, in Islam, we’re encouraged to focus on our journey, not just the destination.
The path to Allah requires both knowledge (the Right Path) and action (adherence to the Straight Path). By asking Allah for both, we ensure that our faith isn’t just intellectual but lived out in every aspect of our lives.
Final Reflection
Asking Allah to guide us and keep us on the straight path is like asking for a lifelong companion who will help us navigate all the ups and downs. This dua shows us that true success lies in being on a path that brings us closer to Allah, step by step, every day.
May Allah grant us all steadfastness on the Right Path and help us adhere firmly to His guidance, always. Ameen.
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