120 Animals In Arabic (With English Translations)
Learning animals in Arabic is always one of the most enjoyable aspects of a new language. Especially if you are an animal lover or you are learning with kids!
Arabic is an advantageous language to learn, and getting familiar with the most common animals is one of the essential parts of a learner’s vocabulary.
Knowing some animal vocabulary in Arabic is infinitely useful for talking about nature, the world at large and even for all sorts of interactions in day-to-day life.
While you might have reviewed a basic list of animal names that include “cat” and “dog” and a few others in Arabic by now, you haven’t seen a list like this one!
Get ready to learn over 100 animals in Arabic. Learning about animal in Arabic can help you:
- Improve your pronunciation
- Sound more fluent (especially if you’re visiting a zoo)
- A perfect way to prepare for a trip to Arabian countries as well.
Arabic Animals Names With Translation
Pets In Arabic
Pets are often friends, companions and even considered part of the family. There is no way you should learn the Arabic language without also learning the Arabic words for some of your favorite pets.
Here’s a list of the most common “pets” you’ll find in the households and how they translate to English:
Arabic Transliteration Meaning
- هامستر hamster hamster
- أَرنَب arnab rabbit
- فَأر faʾr mouse
- جُرَذ jurad rat
- خِنزير غيني khinzīr ġīnī guinea pig
- سَمَك ذَهَبي samak ḏahabī goldfish
- بَبَّغاء babbaġā parrot
- قطّة Qitta Cat
- كلب Kalb Dog

Farm Animals In Arabic
Farm animals are some of the first animal names that children learn in school.
This section will explore the most common farm animal names in the Arabic language.
Let’s check out some common farm animals:
- cow بقرة baqara
- bull, ox ثور Saur
- calf عجل ijl
- buffalo جاموس jaamuus
- sheep غنم ġanam
- lamb خروف Kharuuf
- donkey حمار Himaar
- horse حصان HiSaan
- camel جمل jamal
- goat ماعز maa3iz
- pig خنزير Khinziir
- rabbit أرنب arnab

Birds In Arabic
Arabs use the term Tuyuur [طيور] to describe birds. Some common birds names in Arabic include:
- small bird, sparrow عصفور Usfuur
- parrot ببغاء babġaa
- duck بطة batt(a)
- pigeon حمامة Hamaam(a)
- goose وزة wazz(a)
- chicke دجاجة dajaaj(a)
- rooster ديك diik
- turkey ديك رومي diik ruumi
- owl بومة buum(a)
- peacoc طاووس Taawuus
- stork لقلق laqlaq
- swallow عصفور الجنة Usfuur al-janna
- sparrow عصفور دوري USfuur duury
- ostrich نعام na3aam(a)
- crow غراب ġuraab
- nightingale بلبل bulbul
- falcon, hawk صقر Saqr
- eagle نسر nasr
- swan بجعة baja3(a)
- dove يمامة yamaam(a)
- canary كناري kanaaree
- hummingbird طنان Tannaan
- gull نورس nawras
- woodpecker نقار naqqaar
- flamingo بشروس basharoos
- pelican بجعة bajaAa
- crane كركي kurkee
- pheasant تدرج tadruj
- cockatoo ككاتوه kakaatoo

Reptiles And Amphibians In Arabic
Reptiles are common around deserts in the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa, so there is a good chance you will encounter a few if you visit these areas.
Understanding how to say reptile and amphibian animal names in Arabic is usually pretty straightforward. However, take note of the different pronunciations, which is typical for Arabian animal vocabulary.
Learn more 40 Vegetables in Arabic – Most Common.
Reptiles – Al-zawaahif
- snake ثعبان thu3baan
- alligator تمساح أمركي timsaaH amreekee
- iguana إجوانة iguana
- lizard سحلية siHliyya
- turtle سلحفاة بحرية sulHufaah bahriyya
- tortoise سلحفاة sulaHfaah
- Sarahan horned viper حية قرناء Hayya qarnaa’
- crocodile تمساح timsaaH
- snail حلزون Halazuun

Amphibians – Al-barmaa’eeyaat
- frog ضفدع Difdi3
- toad ضفدع الطين DafdaAaT-Teen
- tadpole فرغ الضفدع tadpole
- salamander سلمندار samandaar

Wild / Forest / Safari (Land Animals) In Arabic
There are plenty of wild animals that still abound in the Arab world.
- lion أسد asad
- hippopotamus فرس faras
- rhinoceros وحيد القرن waHiid al-qarn
- giraffe زرافة zaraafa
- zebra حمار وحشي Himaar waHši
- Kangaroo كنغر kanġar
- hyena ضبع Dab3
- panther, cheetah فهد fahd
- wolf ذئب di’b
- bear دبّ dubb
- tiger نمر namir
- elephant فيل fiil
- monkey قرد qird
- bat خفاش xuffaas
- squirrel سنجاب sinjaab
- fox ثعلب ta3lab
- deer, gazelle غزال ġazaal

Sea / Aquatic Animals In Arabic
There are plenty of fascinating and wonderful sea animals living in the depths of our oceans.
Some common aquatic animals include:w
- fish سمك samak
- whale حوت Huut
- shark قرش qirs
- dolphin دخس duxas
- octopus أخطبوط uxtubuut
- Jellyfish قنديل البحر qandiil al-baHr
- squid حبّار Habbaar
- swordfish أبو سيف abu seif
- shrimp روبيان ruubiyaan
- lobster سرطان بحري saraTaan baHri
- crab سرطان saraTaan
- starfish نجمة البحر najmat al-baHr
- eel ثعبان البحر tu3baan al-baHr
- seahorse حصان البحر HiSaan al-baHr
- seal عجل البحر ijl al-baHr
- walrus فظّ fazz
- salmon سالمون salamuun
- catfish قرموط qarmuut
- tuna تنّ tunn
- oysters, clams محار maHaar

Bugs and Insects In Arabic
If you plan on visiting an Arab country, learning the names of bugs and insects might prove useful.
The Arabic word for is insect حشرة (ج) حشرات Hašara (plural) Hašaraat.
- mosquito بعوضة ba3uuD(a)
- fly ذبابة dubaab(a)
- bee نحلة naHl(a)
- ant نملة naml(a)
- cockroach صرصور SurSuur
- flea برغوث burġuut
- louse قملة qaml(a)
- beetle خنفساء xunfusaa’
- wasp دبّور dabbuur
- worm دودة duud(a)
- butterfly فراشة faraaš(a)
- spider عنكبوت ankabuut
- scorpion عقربة aqraba
- termite نمل ابيض naml abyad
- moth عثة Auththa
- cocoon شرنقة sharnaqa
- caterpillar يسروع caterpillar
- grasshopper جندب jundub
- praying mantis فرس النبي firs an nabiyy
- centipede ام اربعة واربعين umm arbaAa wa-arbaAeen
- dragonfly يعسوب yaAsoob
- ladybug دعسوقة daAsooqa
- worm دودة dooda

Animal Parts In Arabic
Animals—regardless of what language is being used to talk about them—have different body parts than us.
The parts of animals are named the following in Arabic:
- tail ذيل deil
- paw قدم الحيوان qadam al-Hayawaan
- hoof حافر Haafir
- claw مخلب maxlab
- fur فروة farwa
- beak منقار minqaar
- wing جناح jinaah
- feather ريشة riish(a)
- fin زعنفة za3nifa
- hair شَعر šaʿr
- fang ناب nāb
- tooth سِن sin
- mouth فَم fam
- horn قَرن qarn
- scale حَرشَفَة ḥaršafah
- antenna قَرن اِستِشعار qarn istišʿār
- trunk جِذع Jiḏh’
- tentacle مِجَس mijas
- hoof حافِر hafir
- leg رِجل rijil
Animal Sounds In Arabic
Some of the animal sounds in Arabic include:
- to bark نبح – ينبح (نباح ) nabaHa – yanbaHu (nubaaH)
- to meow ماء – يمؤ (مواء) maa’a – yamuu’u (muwaa’)
- to moo خار – يخور (خوار) khaara – yakhuuru (khuwaar)
- to tweet, chirp زقزق – يزقزق (زقزقة) zaqzaqa – yazaqzaqu (zaqzaqa)
- to roar زأر – يزأر (زئير) za’ara – yaza’aru (za’iir)
- to crow صاح – يصيح (صياح) SaaHa – yaSiiHu (SiyaaH)
- to bray (donkey) شهق – يشهق (شهيق) shahaqa – yašhiqu (shahiiq)
- to neigh حمحم – يحمحم (حمحمة) HamHama – yaHamHamu (HamHama)
Learning the animals in Arabic language is one of the easiest (and most fun) aspects of Arabic vocabulary. Whether it’s farm animals, zoo animals, sea animals or jungle animals in Arabic.
Make sure to keep practicing your newfound language skills so whether you want to travel to more Arabic-speaking places, or gain confidence doing business with Arabic-speaking colleagues, you’ll feel empowered to do precisely that.