Brother In Arabic Language And How To Say It
On this page you will find a list of Arabic vocabulary for brother. This list includes brother in Arabic language, how to pronounce it and how to use it in Arabic sentences.
If you are travelling to an Arabic-speaking country or learning Arabic language then you’ll definitely find these words very useful!
How To Say Brother In Arabic
The most common Arabic word for brother is pronounced ‘akhkh and written ﺃَﺥّ. The plural form for brothers in Arabic is pronounced Ikhwan and written as إخْوان (used mostly for blood brothers; also pronounced UKHWA).
How Do Pronounce Brother In Arabic
The correct pronunciation of brother can be found in the audio below.
My Brother In Arabic
The Arabic word for my brother is pronounced Akhi and written as أخـي. For example هذا أخي محمد, meaning this is my brother, Muhammad.
This is how to pronounce my brother in Arabic language.
- Read Family in Arabic
- King In Arabic
- Wolf in Arabic
Related Arabic Words For Brother
Below are some related Arabic words for brother in Arabic language.
- Shaqiq شَقِيق
- half brother أخٌ لأبٍ أو لأُمّ (غَيْرُ شَقِيق)
- brotherly إخائيّ أَخَويّ
- Brother أخ Akh
- My brother أخـي Akhi
- Our brother أخـونـا Akhona OR أخـانـا Akhana
- Your brother أخـوك Akhok(a) OR أخـاك Akhak(a) Brothers إخوة Ekhwa
- My brothers إخـوتـي Ekhwati OR إخـوانـي
- older brother ﺍَﻟﺄَﺥُّ ﺍَﻟﻜَﺒِﻴﺮُ al’akhul kabiiru
- little brother ﺍَﻟﺄَﺥُّ ﺍَﻟﺼَّﻐِﻴﺮُ al’akhus Saghiir
Sentences Using Brother In Arabic
Arabic | English Translation |
لديها اربعة إخوان كبار | She has four older brothers. |
أخي مهندس | My brother is an engineer |
أَخوكَ ظَريفٌ جِدًّا | Your brother is a real laugh. |
لديّ أخ واحد | I have one brother. |
لديها خمس إخوة أكبر منها | She has five older brothers. |
هُناكَ شَبَهٌ واضِحٌ بين الإخْوةِ | There is a marked similarity between the brothers. |
لديك أخوين أكبر منك | You have two older brothers. |
لديها خمسة إخوان كبار | She has five older brothers. |
ليس لديّ إخوة | I don’t have any brothers. |
موسى و عيسى أخوَيْن | Musa and Isa are brothers. |
هم إخوتي | They are my brothers. |
لَهُ خَمْسةُ إخْوةٍ | He has five brothers. |
سَوْفَ يَأْتي أَخي لِيَأْخُذَني في 10 صَباحاً | My brother is coming for me at 10 am. |
لَدى أَخيها أَرْبَعةُ أَطْفالٍ، أَمّا هي فَلَيْسَ لَدَيْها أَطْفالٌ | Her brother has four children, but she has none. |
تشاجرت مع أخي الكبير البارحة | I had a fight with my older brother yesterday. |
تَجادَلْتُ مع أَخي حول هذا الأَمْرِ | I had an argument with my brother about it. |
يعمل أبي وأخي في هذا المصنع | My father and my brother work in this factory. |
أَخي أَكْبَرُ مِنّي بِتِسْعِ سَنَواتٍ | My brother is nine years older than me. |
الولد الذي يغسل السيارة هو أخي | The boy washing the car is my brother. |
اِشترت أمي مظلة صفراء لأخي | My Mother bought a yellow umbrella for my brother. |
أتستطيع أن تفرق توم من أخيه؟ | Can you tell Tom from his twin brother? |
لا يمكنني أن أفرّق بينه وبين أخيه | I cannot tell him from his brother. |
أَخْطَأْتُ بَيْنَكَ وَبَيْنَ أَخيكَ | I mixed you up with your brother. |
أَنْتَظِرُ مَجيءَ أَخي هذا المَساءَ | I’m expecting my brother tonight. |
أَخوهُ فَقيرٌ، لَكِنَّهُ غَنيٌّ | His brother is poor, but he is rich. |
أَخوها فَقيرٌ، لَكِنَّها غَنيّةٌ | Her brother is poor, but she is rich. |
انْتَجَعَ الرَجُلُ أَخاهُ | The man sought refuge with his brother. |
عمر ليس أخي ، بل ابن عمي | Umar is not my brother, but my cousin. |
ساعدني أخي أن أحل واجبي | My brother helped me with my homework. |
اخي طبيب | My brother is a doctor. |