Days Of The Week in Arabic
Days Of The Week in Arabic

Days Of The Week in Arabic: A Complete Guide


The days of the week in Arabic are essential to learn if you’re planning on spending any time in Arab-speaking countries.

Whether you’re talking about your daily schedule, travel plans or scheduling an appointment, learning the weekdays in Arabic perfectly is an absolute must for any serious student.

In this post, we’ll take a close look at how to pronounce the Arabic days of the week, learn how to use them in sentences and finally look at some expressions and holidays which include the words.

Days Of The Week in Arabic

In Arabic, the days of the week are called أيام الأسبوع (ayam al-usbuʿ) which translates to ’weekly days’. The days of the week in Arabic are as follows:

We’ll explain this later below.


EnglishDays in Arabic Pronounciation
Sunday in Arabicالأحدal-‘ahad
Monday in Arabicالإثنينal-‘ithnayn
Tuesday in Arabicالثلاثاءal-thulaathaa
Wednesday in Arabicالأربعاءal-‘arbi’aa’
Thursday in Arabicالخميسal-khamees
Friday in Arabicالجمعةal-jum’ah
Saturday in Arabicالسبتas-sabt

In Arabic, the days of the week are named after the numbers one through five, with Sunday being the first day of the week.

The names of the days are derived from a combination of the definite article “al” and the cardinal number word. For example, “al-ahad” means “the one,” referring to the first day of the week.

It’s important to note that the names of the days of the week are not always used in the same way as they are in English.

Read also Health In Arabic (Diseases And Medical Vocabulary In Arabic)

Day In Arabic

The Arabic word for day is يَوم (yawm), and properly the name of each day is يَوم plus the word from the list above. However, you will often see يَوم omitted and the days simply called by the names listed above.


Sunday In Arabic

The Arabic word for Sunday is written as الأحد and pronounced al-‘ahad. Arabs named it as “Awwal أوَّل” which translates as “First” and is derived from number “One واحد”. The One in Arabic is الأحد which is also one of the 99 attributes of Allah.

Monday In Arabic

Monday in Arabic is called الإثنين and the pronunciation is al-‘ithnayn. Literally means اثنين means two. It is derived from number two and refers to the second day of the week.

Tuesday In Arabic

The Arabic word for Tuesday is الثلاثاء and pronounced as al-thulaathaa. It refers to the third day of the week and is derived from number three which is written as ثلاثة in Arabic.

Wednesday In Arabic

The Arabic word for Wednesday is written الأربعاء and the pronunciation is al-‘arbi’aa. It refers to the fourth day of the week and is derived from number four, written as أربعة in Arabic.

Thursday in Arabic

Thursday in Arabic is written الخميس and pronounced as al-khamees. It refers to the fifth day of the week and is derived from number five خمسة.

Friday In Arabic

The Arabic word for Friday is الجمعة and pronounced as al-jum’ah. The Arabic name means “gathering or assembly” and is derived from the Arabic root verb “to gather جمع“.

It is known that Firday is the weekend holiday all over the Arab world and Muslims gather on this day for a congregation prayer and family visits.

The Arabic name for Friday (Jum’ah) can also refer to the whole week in some Arabic contexts. Friday or Al-Jum’ah was mentioned once in the Holy Qur’an and there is a whole chapter or Surah named Al-Jum’ah.

Saturday in Arabic

The Arabic word for Saturday is السبت and the pronunciation is as-sabt. The name is derived from the root verb “to rest or hibernate سبت“.

The name and its derivative verb were mentioned six times in the Holy Qur’an. Saturday is also a weekend holiday in some Arab countries like Egypt and Saudi Arabia.


Overall, learning the days of the week in Arabic can be a fun and useful way to improve your language skills and better understand the culture of the Arab world.

Whether you’re planning a trip to an Arab-speaking country or simply want to expand your language knowledge, learning the days of the week in Arabic is a great place to start.


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