dua for sneezing

Dua For Sneezing, Its Reply in Arabic, and English Meaning


While sneezing may be a common occurrence, did you know that there is actually a Dua for sneezing that is recommended to be recited after a person sneezes? This Dua is considered to be a way to express gratitude.

Whether you are a Muslim who already knows about this Dua or someone who is simply interested in learning more about Islamic practices, this blog post will provide you with a detailed explanation of the Dua for sneezing and its significance in Islam.

Dua For Sneezing in English

When a Muslims sneezes, he should say: Al-hamdu Lillah (praise be to Allah). The phrases used to praise Allah when you sneeze have been narrated in various forms:

  • Al-hamdu Lillah (praise be to Allah)
  • Al-hamdu-Lillah ‘ala kulli hal (Praise be to Allah in all situations)
  • Al-hamdu-Lillah Rabb il-‘Alamin (Praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds)

Al-Nawawi said in Sharh Muslim:

“Al-Qadi said: The scholars differed as to how one should praise Allah or respond, and there are varying reports concerning that.

It was said that he should say, “Al-hamdu Lillah (praise be to Allah)”, or “Al-hamdu-Lillah Rabb il-‘Alamin (Praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds)”, or “Al-hamdu-Lillah ‘ala kulli hal (Praise be to Allah in all situations)”.

Ibn Jarir said: He has the choice between all of these. This is the correct view, but they agree that he is enjoined to praise Allah.

For more, please see this answer from IslamQA


Sneezing Dua In Arabic Text

الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ

What to say when someone says Alhamdulillah after sneezing

When a person sneezes and says Alhamdulillah, it becomes a duty on all those who hear him to say:

يَرْحَمُكَ اللَّهُ

Transliteration: YarhamukAllah

Meaning: may Allah have mercy upon you.


So, you supplicate for mercy for him as a reward for praising Allah, Honored and Glorious. Once he has praised Allah, then amongst his reward is that his brothers should supplicate for mercy upon him.

What To Say After Someone Says Yarhamukallah

The phrases used to pray for the one who says Yarhamukallah have also been narrated in various forms:

يَهْدِيكُمُ اللَّهُ، ويُصْلِحُ بَالَكُمْ

Transliteration: Yahdikum Allah wa yuslihu balakum

Meaning: May Allah guide you and rectify your condition

  • Yaghfir Allahu lana wa lakum (May Allah forgive us and you)
  • Afana Allah wa iyyakum min al-nar, yarhamukum Allah (May Allah save us and you from the Fire; may Allah have mercy on you)
  • Yarhamuna Allahu wa iyyakum wa yaghfir lana wa lakum (may Allah have mercy on us and you, may He forgive us and you)

All of these are sahih and the Muslim may choose whichever of them he wants.

For more, please see this answer.

Benefits of sneezing Islam

Sneezing shows liveliness and vitality, hence it is beloved to Allah.

It is established in the Sharee’ah that when a person sneezes he should say: Alhamdulillahi – praise be to Allah.’

This is a favor of Allah which He has been granted and as such, he should praise Allah. So, he says: ‘Alhamdulillah – praise be to Allah,’ be it in the course of a Salat or outside it and wherever he may be.

However, scholars – may Allah shower blessings on him – explained that when he sneezes while in the toilet, he should not say: ‘Alhamdulillahi – praise be to Allah,’ with his tongue but with his mind.

They – may Allah shower blessings on him – stated that one should not utter words of remembrance of Allah in the toilet.

When a person sneezes and praises Allah, it becomes a duty on all those who hear him to say: ‘YarhamukAllah – may Allah have mercy upon you.’

So, they supplicate for mercy for him as a reward for praising Allah, Honored and Glorious. Once he has praised Allah, then amongst his reward is that his brothers should supplicate for mercy upon him.

The apparent meaning of his statement: ‘It becomes a duty upon all who hear him,’ is that it is obligatory for each individual who hears him.

This is further supported by his statement in another hadeeth: ‘When he sneezes and praises Allah, then you (plural) should make Tashmeet to him.’

Some scholars opine that response to the one who sneezes is a communal obligation; that is, once one person from the group (of people present) responds saying: ‘YarhamukAllah – May Allah have mercy upon you,’ this is sufficient.

However, to err on the side of caution, each person who hears him should respond; that is, supplicate for mercy upon him as stated in the hadeeth.

Etiquette Of Sneezing In Islam

One of the etiquettes of sneezing is that one covers one’s nose with his cloth.

Scholars explain that there are two points of wisdom in this:

  1. The first: Some disease (organisms) could be ejected during this sneeze and spread to those around him.
  2. The second: Some repugnant materials could be expelled from his nose, which would be preveneted if he covers his face. And this is good.

However, you should avoid covering the nose with your palm as some people do. This is an error because it limits the air which exits through the mouth while sneezing which may cause harm to you.

There is evidence in these hadeeths that the one who sneezes and does not praise Allah does not deserve a response of: ‘YarhamukAllah – May Allah have Mercy upon you.’

This is because two men sneezed in the presence of the Prophet it who responded to one with YarhamukAllah (may Allah have mercy on you) but did not respond to the other.

The latter said to him: ‘O Messenger of Allah it, you invoked the blessing of Allah on this man but but you did not say so in my case.’

He it said: ‘He praised Allah (i.e. he said Al-hamdu lillah) but you did not.’Hence, if a person sneezes but failed to praise Allah, you should not say to him: ‘YarhamukAllah – May Allah have Mercy upon you.’

It is unavoidable that the praise of the one who sneezes be audible; also, when the one who sneeze is told:

‘Yarhamuka Allah – May Allah have mercy upon you,’ he must say: ‘Yahdikummullah wa Yuslih baalakum – May Allah guide you and set aright your affairs.’


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