Dua For Wearing Clothes In English, Arabic Text, and Transliteration
There are some authentic Dua for wearing clothes according to the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet SAW.
Clothing is an essential part of our daily living and not only is it used to cover our bodies and allow us to remain modest, but it also helps us to keep warm and adorn ourselves.
It is important that we show our gratefulness to Allah SWT for every great blessing.
Dua When Wearing Clothes In English
The meaning of the Dua for wearing clothes is All praise is due to Allah who has clothed me with this garment and provided me with it without any effort or power of mine.
Dua For Wearing Clothes In Arabic Text
The dua for wearing clothes in Arabic is:
الْحَمْدُ للهِ الَّذِي كَسَانِي هَذَا الثَّوْبَ وَرَزَقَنِيهِ مِنْ غَيْرِ حَوْلٍ مِّنِّي وَلاَ قُوَّةٍ.
Alhmadulillahil ladhee kasaani haadhath thawba warazaqaneehi min ghayri hawlim minnee walaa quwwah.

There is no doubt that one cannot bring to his soul benefit nor harm, except what Allah wills.
There is no doubt that what we eat, drink and wear is from the favor of Allah, the Honored and Glorious is He, and that He is the One Who created it for us.
Had Allah not made it easy, it would not have been easy to obtain.
If Allah, the most High willed, money would have vanished from our hands and we would not be able to achieve anything.
If Allah willed, He would make money present with us but we would not find anything to eat or wear or drink:
“Say (O Muhammad) Tell me! If (all) your water were to sinkaway, who then can supply you with flowing (spring) water?
Everything with us of blessing is from Allah and amongst this is clothing. If Allah favors you with a new cloth, shirt or trouser or cloak or gutrah, or fanilah and you wear it, say:
‘O Allah, praise be to You, You have clothed me with it,’ and you mention it by its name, for example:
‘O Allah, praise be to You, You have clothed me this shirt, You have clothed me this trouser, You have clothed me this gatrah, You have clothed me this cap, You have clothed me this wrapper, You have clothed me this fanilah and so on.’
Whatever you wear and is new, praise Allah for it and say:
‘O Allah, praise be to You have clothed me this, I ask You for its good and goodness for which it has been made, and I seek your protection from its evil and the evil for which it has been made.’
This (the cloth) could be a source of evil for you or fire might consume its edge and it ignite till it engulfs the entire garment and engulf you.
There might even be on it poisonous things about which you are not aware. It may induce one to pride and tyranny over people.
Or it could be a source of fitnah (tribulation) which is one of the worst for of evils and corruption.
Such is the like of the dresses which some women specialize in making, similar to the dresses of western disbelieving women.
The most important is that you say:
‘O Allah, I seek refuge with You from its evil and the evil for which it has been made.’
This is because it has been made and could be a means to evil.
So, these are four sentence:
‘O Allah, to You is Praise, You have clothed me this, I seek refuge with You from its evil and evil for which it has been made, I ask you of its good and goodness for which it has been made.’
Benefits of this special dua
- You are following a Sunnah of our beloved Prophet SAW.
- You will be making zikr of Allah subhanahu wata’ala.
- You are will be thanking Allah Ta’aala and as a result, Allah Ta’aala will give you more.
- You will be humbling yourself before Allah Ta’aala and reminding yourself that everything comes from Allah Ta’aala alone.

Let’s break down this beautiful dua (supplication) into a listicle format, highlighting the details and meanings behind each phrase:
1. Gratitude for Allah’s Blessing
- Praise to Allah: Begin by acknowledging and expressing gratitude to Allah.
- Detail: Recognize Allah as the source of all blessings, including the clothes you are about to wear.
2. Acknowledging Allah’s Role in Clothing
- Clothing as a Blessing: Acknowledge that Allah is the one who has provided you with clothing.
- Detail: Understand that clothing is not merely a result of your effort but a blessing bestowed upon you by Allah.
3. Humility in Receiving Blessings
- Without Effort or Power: Emphasize that this provision of clothing is not due to your own efforts or abilities.
- Detail: Recognize your dependence on Allah’s mercy and generosity for even the basic necessities in life.
4. A Moment of Reflection
- Pause for Thought: Take a moment to reflect on the ease with which Allah has provided for you.
- Detail: Consider the simplicity and grace in Allah’s act of clothing you without requiring any struggle on your part.
5. The Act of Wearing the Garment
- Wearing the Garment: As you put on the garment, use this opportunity to express your gratitude and mindfulness.
- Detail: Visualize the act of putting on the garment as a conscious acknowledgment of Allah’s benevolence.
6. Deepening Connection with Allah
- Connection Through Dua: Understand that this dua is a means of connecting with Allah.
- Detail: Dua is a powerful tool to strengthen your relationship with Allah, fostering a sense of closeness and dependence.
7. Sharing the Wisdom
- Teach Others: Share the significance of this dua with others, encouraging them to incorporate it into their lives.
- Detail: Spread the wisdom and beauty of this dua, fostering a community that appreciates and acknowledges Allah’s blessings.
Allah alone grants success.