Fa Inna Ma Al Usri Yusra MEANING, Arabic, Surah, And Benefits
Fa inna ma al usri yusra is a great verse from Surah Al Inshirah. In this article, we will learn how to write it in Arabic text, the translation and meaning in English, commentary of some scholars explanation and benefits of this Aya.
Fa Inna Ma al Usri Yusra Meaning In English
Fa inna ma al usri yusra means So truly where there is hardship there is also ease; while Inna ma’al usri yusra means Truly with hardship comes ease.
Fa Inna Ma’al Usri Yusra In Arabic
Below is how to write fa inna ma’al usri yusra in arabic;
فَإِنَّ مَعَ ٱلۡعُسۡرِ يُسۡرًا
Inna Ma’al Usri Yusra In Arabic
Here is how to write inna ma’al usri yusra in arabic text;
إِنَّ مَعَ ٱلۡعُسۡرِ يُسۡرًا
Inna Ma’al Usri Yusra Copy Paste
Below is the Arabic text of inna ma’al usri yusra copy paste.
فَإِنَّ مَعَ ٱلۡعُسۡرِ يُسۡرًا(5) إِنَّ مَعَ ٱلۡعُسۡرِ يُسۡرًا (6)
Inna Ma’al Usri Yusra Surah
Fa inna ma al usri yusra and inna ma’al usri yusra are two verses in Surah 94. The name of the surah is sharh or Inshirah. It contains 8 verses and fa inna ma’al usri yusra inna ma’al usri yusra are verses 5 and 6 respectively.
Usri Yusra Meaning
The meaning of usri is hardship and Yusra means ease.
Fa Inna Ma’al Usri Yusra Meaning And Explanation
So truly with hardship comes ease, truly with hardship comes ease. This is great glad tidings, for every time there is hardship and difficulty, it is accompanied by ease, to the extent that even if hardship were to enter a lizard hole, ease would enter upon it and expel it, as Allah says elsewhere:
Allah will grant after hardship, ease.
Surah Talaq verse 7
This is a sure promise from Him, and indeed, Allah’s promises are true and He never breaks them.
And the Prophet SAW said:
Verily there is relief with distress, and verily there is with hardship ease.
Recorded and authenticated by at-Tirmidhi
The fact that the word translated here as hardship appears in the definite form indicates that it refers to one hardship, whereas the fact that the word translated here as ease appears in the indefinite form indicates that it is more than one, and one hardship can never overwhelm plural or repeated ease.
The definite form conveys a generic meaning and refers to any kind of hardship, indicating that any hardship – no matter what degree of difficulty it reaches – will ultimately and inevitably be relieved.
Then Allah instructs His Messenger SAW first and foremost, and the believers after him, to give thanks to Him and to do what is required in response to His blessings, as He says:
So whenever you are free, strive in worship and supplication that is, when you are free from your errands and business, and there is nothing left in your heart to distract it, then strive hard in worship and supplication.
And to your Lord alone turn in hope that is, have great hope that your Lord will respond to your supplication and accept your acts of worship.
Allah Subhanahu wata’ala says:
“Is not He (better than your gods) Who responds to the distressed one, when he calls on Him, and who removes the evil and makes you inheritors of the earth, generations after generations? Is there any ilaha (god) with Allah? Little is that you remember”
Surah An-Naml verse 62)
So, whenever matters become harder, expect relief from Allah- free is He from all imperfections and Exalted is He.
Prophet Muhammad SAW said: “prosperity follows adversity”: every hardship is followed by prosperity; rather two reliefs surround every hardship: a relief before and a relief after.
Ibn Abbaas (may Allah be pleased with both of them) said, ‘One hardship can never overcome two reliefs.’
Allah also reassures the Prophet SAW that ease will overtake hardship and that with every hardship He has prepared relief.
Although it might appear a contradiction that hardship would come with ease, the words convey that the hardship is not complete because some kind of ease accompanies it.
Use of the definite article (al) indicates that al-ʽusr is one particular hardship, while the indefinite yusr implies numerous forms and aspects of ease.
Therefore the scholars have understood that the hardship will be overcome. This is reaffirmed by its repetition. The difficult times he was going through would soon give way to better times.
Allahu Akbar, oh you who are concerned and afflicted, oh you who are compelled and anxious, oh you who are narrowed down by the world, stand here, read and contemplate this amazing surah.
Allah says in verses 5 and 6 of surah sharh
Indeed with hardship there is ease * Indeed with hardship comes ease’
(Surah Al-Sharh: 5, 6).
This verse has a great place in the hearts, and it has a high status in the souls.
And that is because it included a sure promise from Allah, and it fell on the hearts as a beneficial medicine falls on a deep wound.
Indeed, with hardship there is ease.
There is a great secret from these verses, and what will befall us will be easy upon us.
Whoever knows that the meaning is: That there is no hardship but that after its hardship, prosperity will come to it.
And there is no hardship in this world except that it will be enveloped by ease.
There is no way to despair of him with her, nor to be narrowed to him with her, so how amazing!
It is the generosity of God – the Almighty – and the greatness of his kindness, the greatness of his gifts, and the abundance of him, that ease is mentioned twice in this surah – and so is hardship!
So he explained that with hardship comes ease, and that after adversity is prosperity, and distress follows relief, and stinginess is followed by facilitation.
And that – the Almighty – replaces narrowness with amplitude, and poverty with riches, and wretchedness with happiness, and leaves grief with ease, and as much as affliction magnifies, it will undoubtedly be followed by reward and prosperity.
And according to the extent of the hardship in it, the reward will be, and know that the situation does not last in any case, and that the days are successive.
Ibn Masoud, may Allah be pleased with him, said:
If hardship was in a hole, ease would have entered it until he expelled it.
A poet says:
O miserable one, be patient # After hardship comes ease.
So do not be sad, O servant, and do not become bored, be optimistic and do not despair, praise Allah and do not be angry, and hope to God – the Mighty and Sublime – and do not despair.
Be patient a little, for after hardship, ease will be eased. Every thing has a time and a measure.
And rejoice in God’s choice – the Almighty – for you, for you do not know where the interest lies.
Adversity may be better for you than prosperity, and if the world narrows you down, do not say:
O Lord, I have a great concern; But know, worry that you have a great Lord.
This is a promise from God, the Almighty in these verses to facilitate every difficulty, to the Noble Prophet, and it is also for the faithful servants of God, the Almighty.
What Do You Do At The Times Of Difficulties in Islam?
- Pray Your obligatory sallah On time.
- Read the Holy Qur’an on a daily basis
- Always make Dua (supplication)
- Give charity/ sadaqah
- Wake up early and perform Tahajjud
- Have a vision and set goals
This remembrance and repetition in this verse – in the form in which it is – necessitated this observation, this recall of manifestations of care, and this review of the sites of care, even according to the saying of those who say that it is for emphasis – as will come with us.
Hence, the expressions of scholars and commentators differed, regarding interpretation, reporting, the wonderful lesson in this strange verse.
The hardship is mentioned with the alif and the lam, and there is no precedent, so it turns to the truth, so what is meant by the two words is one thing, and as for ease, it is mentioned by way of denial, so one of them is not the other.
With hardship in this world for the believer there is ease in this world, and ease in the Hereafter.
The Hereafter, which is what he mentioned in the second verse, so Prophet Muhammad said, peace be upon him:
No hardship will be overcome by two easements.
That is, the hardship of this world will not be overcome by the ease that he promised to the believers in this world, and the ease that he promised them in the Hereafter.
And as for the ease of the Hereafter, it is permanent and does not pass away.
Others agree that ease in the two verses is different, in contrast to hardship.
It was narrated that Omar Ibn Al-Khattab – may God be pleased with him – informed him that Abu Ubaidah was confined to the Levant and the people had turned against him.
So Omar wrote to him:
Peace be upon you. The hardships of two things will be overcome, and Patience and perseverance and bond and fear God that you may be successful.
What concerns us is that we know that after hardship there is ease and inevitable.
And every severe thing that descended on a people. Peace will come after its hardship.
We ask God to reveal all the hardships that are going through today in the countries of the Muslims, to relieve them of their worries, to pay off their anguish, to ease their stumbles, and to take in their hands everything that He loves and is pleased with.
There is no escape for us, no success, and no exit for us from what we are in, unless we return to Allah, the Mighty and Sublime – and stand before Him, act upon His commands, and turn away from His prohibitions.
Forget about misleading slogans and malicious advertisements.
For the future is a must for this religion.
What Does Fa Inna Ma Al Usri Yusra mean?
If hardship was in a hole, ease would have entered it until it expelled it.
And always in times of distress there is relief, and in times of affliction there is prosperity.
And betrothal, distress, misery, calamity, harm, and despair will surely be released sooner or later.
O you who are afraid, afflicted, accused, imprisoned, wounded, stabbed, stranger, alone, separated and crossed out, be confident in God and be patient for His judgment, for the removal of evil from you will be quite quick, in Sha Allah.
Fear the prayer of distress, God will relieve your stress and distress.
Recite the duas for distress such as,
There is no god but Allah, the Forbearing, the Generous. There is no god but Allah, the Most High, the Great, Glory be to the Lord of the seven heavens and the Lord of the Great Throne, praise be to God, the Lord of the Worlds.
And repeat it, and relief will come from Allah, in Sha Allah.
The wind of relief is coming, God Almighty will deliver us, the helper of those who seek help, from the ordeal of the unjust siege, and from all the economic crises that afflict the world, and God will save us from it.
Oh Allah, Pay off our debts, heal our patients, have mercy on our dead, and protect us, our children, our families, with your protection.
What we are living through in this critical period, and the current health conditions, of hardship and anguish, that surrounds us from every side, will be followed by ease and relief soon.
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