Friend in Arabic
Friend in Arabic

How To Say Friend in Arabic Male And Female


Arabic is a beautiful and complex language with a rich cultural history. If you’re learning Arabic, you might be interested in how to say friend in Arabic language.

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the word for “friend” in Arabic and discuss some of the nuances and variations that you should be aware of.

How To Say Friend in Arabic

The formal Classical Arabic word for friend is pronounced Sadiiq and written ﺻَﺪِﻳﻖ, while the Arabic word for female friend is written as ﺻَﺪِﻳﻘَﺔ and the pronunciation is sadiiqa. This word is derived from the Arabic root sadaqa (ص – د – ق), which holds the meaning of ‘to tell the truth, trueness, truthfulness’. 

A true friend is someone who is always there for you, through the good times and the bad. They are reliable, trustworthy, and always willing to lend a helping hand or an ear to listen.

They are also honest and have your best interests at heart, even if it means giving you tough love or challenging you to be your best self.


So, it’s obvious how this is the word to refer to ‘a friend’, i.e: he is my ‘sadeek’, then he is the one to tell me the truth, he doesn’t tell me any false or lies, he doesn’t fool or deceive me, he is my truthfulness, so, he is my sadeek, my loyal honest friend.

However, there are also other words that can be used to refer to friends in Arabic, depending on the context and the level of formality as well as how it is said in dialect Arabic and in Standard Arabic. 

Note that both are used daily and are understood in the whole Arab world with subtle shift in usage.

Read also: How To Say Hello In Arabic With Response.

Khaleel خليل

Khaleel is another Arabic word for friend. The female form is خليلة and pronounced khaleelah.


This word is used to describe someone who has gone so far into your life and your life details, maybe into your house, your family, your secrets, into the smallest details of of all your life, so, he is your close friend.

Arab people rarely use this word in their everyday life. It’s worth mentioning that this word is very unique in this context because Allah SWT has used it to describe prophet Ibrahim as being the Allah’s Khaleel (the Allah’s close friend)! 

Refer to Chapter 4, Surah An-Nisa, verse 125 in The Holy Qurr’aan.


In Syria, the word rafeeq رفيق means a mate or a companion for male while rafeeqa رفيقة for female mate or companion.

It’s important to note that Arabic is a language with a complex system of formal and informal language, and the word you use to refer to a friend will depend on the relationship you have with them and the level of formality of the situation.

In general, it’s best to use the word “sadeeq” in formal situations and to be more careful about your word choice in more informal settings.

In conclusion, we have in Arabic more than one word to use for a friend.

Friend in Arabic Male

Here are some of the Arabic words for friend used for male:

  • Sadeeq   صَدِيق
  • Saahib  صاحِب
  • Rafeeq   رَفِيق
  • Khaleel   خليل
  • Waly وَلِيّ

Friend in Arabic Female

Here are some of the Arabic words for friend used for female:

  • Sadeeqa   صَدِيقَة
  • Saahiba   صاحبة
  • Rafeeqa   رفيقة
  • Khaleela   خليلة

Friends in Arabic

The Arabic word for friends is ﺃَﺻﺪِﻗَﺎﺀ and pronounced asdiqaa for masculine plural and ﺻَﺪِﻳﻘَﺎﺕ pronounced as Sadiiqaat for feminine plural.

My friend In Arabic

The Arabic words for my friend are:

  • Sadeeqiy  صديقي my friend
  • Asdiqaa’i  اصدقائي my friends
  • Sadeeqatiy  صديقتي my friend (female)
  • Saahibiy صاحِبِي

Close friend In Arabic

The Arabic word for close friend is written as وَصِيل and the pronunciation is waseel.

Best friend In Arabic

The Arabic word for best friend is written صَفِيّ and the pronunciation is safiyyu.

Paragraph About Friend In Arabic

الصديق بعض الاوقات يصبح مثل الاخ من ام اخرى. انا لدي الكثير من الاصدقاء واحبهم واحترمهم جميعاً. احمد هو صديق خاص لي وهو صديق مقرب والمفضل. نحن اصدقاء لعدة سنوات. هو يقف معي عندما يكون لدي مصاعب وانا اقوم بالمثل له.

Meaning: A friend sometime becomes like a brother from another mother. I have many friends and I like them and respect them all. Ahmad is a special friend for me and he is my close and best friend. We have known each other for many years. He stands up with me when I have a hard time and I do the same to him.

تعرفت على صديقي قبل خمسة سنوات في المدرسة، الان هو الصديق المفضل لي. صديقي المفضل وانا نتقابل كل يوم، واذا لم نتقابل نتحدث في الهاتف. هو يعرف اخواني وابي، وانا اعرف عائلته. نحن نعيش في نفس الندينة، ونحن سافرنا سويتاً كثيراً. جميعنا نحب الالعاب الاكترونيه.

Meaning: I met my friend five years ago in school, now he is my best friend. My best friend and I meet everyday, and if we do not meet, we talk in the phone. He knows my brother and father, and I know his family. We live in the same city, and we have traveled together many times. We both like to play computer games.

Companion in Arabic

The Arabic word for companion is sahib” and written as صاحب. It is also another word for “friend” in Arabic. This word has more strict meaning and usage. The word صاحبة “sahiiba” can be used to refer to female. 

This word means ‘a companion’ and usually a certain kind of companion, a companion who accompany you in a certain event or area but without necessarily being your true friend.

He has merely existed with you in that settings. So, it is not necessarily that he has your love, trust, approval or any of the qualities of a friendship. 

Moreover, this word is used in The Qur’an to describe two religiously-contrast men, one a believer and the other a disbeliever and they both are described as beings (sahib); refer to Chapter 18, Surah Kahf verse 37 of The Holy Qur’an. 

Hence, comes the meaning companion… he has company with you in a certain time and place for a certain event however long it lasted.

There are also many different Arabic words for friend, and they slightly differ from country to country. 

For example, In Syria, the dialect word used for ‘a friend’ is different from the one used in Egypt; and both words are understood in both countries as generally ‘a friend’.

Expressions and more words containing friend in Arabic

The following is a list of several expressions relating to the words “sadeeq” in Arabic or “friend” in English.

sincere friendصَفِيّ
intimate friendإلْف ; نَجِيّ ; وَلِيجَة
honest friendصَفِيّ
inseparable friendوَصِيل
bosom friendإلْف ; أنِيس ; صَفِيّ
friendly feelingحَرَارَة ; مَوَدّة ; وَدّ
friendly atmosphereأُنْس
friendly in Arabic تَرْحِيب ; رَفِيق ; صَدِيق ; صاحِب ; قَرِيب ; قَلْبيّ ;
friendlinessأُلْفَة ; أُنْس ; حَمِيمِيّة
true friendصَفِيّ
join as friendsتَرَافَق ; تَزَامَل ; تَصَادَق
be friendsتَخَالّ ; تَصَاحَبَ ; تَصَادَقَ
friendly toرَفَقَ ; رَفُقَ (بِهِ أو لَهُ أو عَلَيْه)
friendly reproachعَتْب ; عِتَاب ; مُعَاتَبَة
friendly relationsمَوَدّة ; وَدّ
unfriendly in Arabicبارِد ; جافّ ; عُدْوانِيّ
unfriendliness in Arabic إعْراض ; بُرُودَة ; جَفَاء
friendship in Arabicأُلْفَة ; رِفْقَة ; صَدَاقَة ; صُحْبَة ; وَلاَء
intimate friendshipمُنَادَمَة
restore to friendshipأصْلَح بَيْنَهُم ; لاءَم بَيْنَهُم


In conclusion, if you want to say “friend” in Arabic, the word you’ll want to use is “sadeeq”. However, there are other words that can be used to refer to friends in Arabic, depending on the context and the level of formality of the situation.

As you continue to learn and practice Arabic, be sure to pay attention to these nuances and variations in order to communicate effectively with native speakers.


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