Harf Al Jar Examples
Harf Al Jar Examples

Harf Al Jar Examples, Meanings With Explanation


In Arabic Languages, prepositions are called al-Huruf al-Jaarah (الحروف الجارة). They are also called al-Huruf al-Jarr (الحروف الجر). These are the words that change the last vowel of the noun next to them to jarr (or kasrah). 

However, there are some exceptions in nouns that can never have jarr at their last consonant, e.g. Ibrahim, Ayesha etc.

If a noun is proceeded by a preposition HARF JARR it occurs in the genetive case. Here are harf al jar examples with their meanings.

Harf Al Jar Examples

Some of the examples of harf Al Jar are:

  • من
  • إلى
  • متى
  • عن
  • على
  • في
  • الباء
  • الكاف
  • اللام
  • منذ
  • حتى
  • From
  • To
  • When
  • About
  • On
  • In
  • With
  • For resemblance
  • For, belonging to
  • Since
  • Until
الطّائر على الغُصنِ.The bird is on the branch.
فاطمة ذاهبةٌ إلى السوقِ.Fatima is going to the market.
المكتب من الخَشبِThe desk is made of wood.
السيارة لزيدٍThe car belongs to Zaid.
الطالب في الفصلِThe student is in the class.
عائشة كالقمرِAisha is like the moon.
القصة عن الأميرةِThe story is about the princess.
كتبت بالقلمِI wrote with the pen.

The above mentioned sentences contain the following prepositions. These particles precede a noun and take it in the genitive case. You have observed in the above-mentioned sentences that the noun following prepositions are all vowelled with KASRA


Their declension may be expressed thus: Majroor bil kasra.

In sentence 1, the noun gusuni is in the genitive case because it is preceded by preposition. The sign denoting the genitive case of this noun كَسرة because it is singular.

Harf Al Jar Examples and meanings

All in all, there are seventeen prepositions, but, for the present, the following will suffice:

1. On or above على

زيدٌ حالسٌ عَلى الأرضِZaid is sitting on the ground
الكُتبُ على الرّفِّThe books are on the shelf.

2. Towards, at, to, till إلى

غسلتُ اليدُ الى المرفقِI washed the arm till the elbow.
زيد ناظر إلى السماءِZaid is looking at the sky.

3. From, of, since, than etc. مِنْ

سليمٌ راجعٌ من القريةِSaleem is returning from the village.
البرتقال من الفواكهِThe orange is among (the) fruits.
الصندقُ من الحديدِThe box is made of iron.
خالد أكبرُ من سليمِKhalid is bigger Saleem.
القطةُ أصغر من الكلبِThe cat is smaller than the dog.

4. For, belonging to لِ (اللام)

Generally, this (اللام) laam is used for denoting possession or any kind of association or connection.

الحمد لِلهِAll praise is for Allah.
قلت لزيدٍI said in Zaid.
الفرس لخالدٍThe horse belong to Khalid.

5. In في

الولد في الغرفةِThe boy is in the room.
الأقلام في الدرجِThe pens are in the drawer.

6. For resemblance ك (الكاف)

This is known as the kaaf of comparison الكاف التشبيه


الطاعم الشاكر كالصائمِ الصبرThe thankful eater is like one patient faster.
زيد كالأسدِZaid is like a lion.

7. From, about. عن

سألت عن المعلمI asked about the teacher.
المسجد بعيد عن البيتThe mosque is far from the house.

8. In, with, at, on etc. بِ (الباء)

بسمِ الله الرحمن الرحيمIn the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
أكلت بالملعقةِI ate with the spoon.

The Dual in the Genitive Form 


الكتب لطالبينِThe books belong to the two (male) students.
زيد وسليم كالخوينِZaid and Saleem or like two brothers.
الطفلان نائمان على السريرينِThe two children are sleeping on the two beds.
الرجال يسافرون إلى القريتينِThe men are travelling to the two villages.
الأولاد في الغرفتينِThe children are in the two moms.
بحثت عن الطفلينِI searched for the two children.

Explanatory Note

You have learnt that the noun following a preposition is majroor (in the genitive case). In a singular noun, the genitive is indicated by the kasra, while in the dual it is indicated by Ya. (The ALIF of the dual changes to YA). 

In the first example, majroor is dalibaini because it is preceded by the preposition LA. The genitive is indicated by YA since the noun is dual. Its declension will be mgnessed as: MUSANNA MAJROOR BIL YAA.

Learn more in the below video

The Sound Masculine Plural and its Genitive Indication 


خالد من الصالحينَKhalid is among the righteous.
السلام على المرسلينَPeace be upon the prophets.
البيوت لمعلمينَThe houses belong to the teachers.
الطاعمون الشاكرون كالصائمين الصابرينَThe thankful eaters are like the patient fasters.
لا خير في المبتدعينَThere is no good in the innovators.
ذهبت إلى المُفتينَI went to the legal scholars.

Explanatory Note

The genitive in the sound masculine plund is indicated YA. In sentence SALIHEENA is in the genitive form because it is preceded by the preposition MIN.

The indication of the genitive case of the sound masculine plural is YA. The letter preceding YA is vowelled by KASRA and its declension will be expressed as: JAM’U MUZZAKARIN SALIMUN MAJROORUN BIL YAA.

The Sound Feminine Plural and its Genitive Indication 

The sound feminine plural occurs in the genitive foam like any singular noun i.e. with KASRA


البراقع للبنتاتِThe veils are for the girls.
عائشة من الصالحاتِAyesha is among the righteous.
سألت عن الطالباتِI asked about the students.

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