Health In Arabic (Diseases And Medical Vocabulary In Arabic)
Health plays a huge part in our life. This list contains Arabic words and expressions which are used in relation to health and sickness.
One of the reasons you might be reading this article is because you are wondering how to say health in Arabic. So we made this vocabulary list about health and medical in Arabic.
You can use these to ask about someone’s health, describe your health condition in Arabic, the symptoms you feel, express how your health condition has improved, and how to wish a sick person a recovery, but you can also simply add these terms to your expanding Arabic vocabulary.
How To Say Health In Arabic?
The Arabic word for health is pronounced SiHHa and written ﺻِﺤَّﺔ.
How To Say I’m Sick In Arabic
The most common ways to I’m sick in Arabic are:
- I am sick (male) in Arabic انا ﻣَﺮِﻳﺾ
- I’m sick (female) in Arabic أنا ﻣَﺮِﻳﻀَﺔ
- You are sick (male) in Arabic انتَ ﻣَﺮِﻳﺾ
- You are sick (female) in Arabic انتِ ﻣَﺮِﻳﻀَﺔ
- I don’t feel well in Arabic أنا لست بصحة جيدة
The Arabic word شَعَر بِـ (sha’ara bi) is used to express how or what you feel. For example:
- I have a stomach ache in Arabic is أشعر بألم في المعدة
The most common ways to ask about someone’s health in Arabic are:
- How do you feel (today)? In Arabic بماذا تشعر(اليوم)؟
- How are you feeling? كيف تشعر الان؟
- Is everything okay? هل كل شيء على ما يرام؟
They will most likely respond:
- I’m fine in Arabic أنا بخير
- I feel sick in Arabic أشعر بالمرض
- Not so good in Arabic لستُ بحالة جيدة
- Not very well in Arabic لستُ جيدًا
If the person wants to say what is wrong, they may give the reason they feel that way:
- I feel pain in my ear أشعر بألم في أذني
- I feel pain in my teeth أشعر بألم في أسناني
- I feel pain in my back أشعر بألم في ظهري
- I have a headache عندي صداع
- I’ve got a sore throat عندي التهاب في الحلق
Words Related To Health In Arabic
Here is list of Arabic words related to sick and their meanings.
There you have it, new list of vocabulary to help you talk about health, sickness, illnesses, and lots more in Arabic!
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In this section, you are going to learn:
- Medical Arabic nouns such as illness, diseases, name of doctors, hospital patient, injection, dosage.
- Medical Arabic adjectives such as healthy, sick, contagious.
- Medical Arabic verbs such as to cure, to get sick, and to prescribe.
Here is a list of some basic words related to health in Arabic and tools used by medical staffs in hospital.

English | Arabic |
Hospital in Arabic | مُسْتَشْفى |
Patient in Arabic | مَرِيض |
Doctor in Arabic | طَبِيب |
Nurse (female) | مُمَرِّضَة |
Clinic in Arabic | عِيَادَة |
Emergency room in Arabic | غُرْفَةُ الطَّوارِئ |
Pharmacy in Arabic | صَيْدَلِيَّة |
Injury, wound in Arabic | إِصَابَة |
Cut in Arabic | جُرْح |
Pain in Arabic | أَلَم |
Ache in Arabic | وَجَع |
Improvement in Arabic | تَحَسُّن |
Vaccination in Arabic | تَطْعِيْم |
Injection in Arabic | حُقْنَة |
Pill/ tablet in Arabic | قُرْص |
Medicine/ medication/ remedy | دَوَاء |
Dosage in Arabic | جُرْعَة |
Blood in Arabic | دَمّ |
Prescription in Arabic | وَصْفَة |
Surgery in Arabic | جِرَاحَة |
Operation in Arabic | عَمَلِيَّة |
Cure/ treatment in Arabic | عِلَاج |
Check-up in Arabic | فَحْص |
Thermometer in Arabic | ميزانُ الحَرارَة |
Recovery in Arabic | شِفاء |
Contagious in Arabic | مُعْدٍ |
Vaccine in Arabic | لَقَاح |
Antibiotic in Arabic | مُضادٌ حَيَوي |
Immunity in Arabic | حَصانَة |
Health insurance in Arabic | تأمينٌ صِحِّيّ |
Bandage in Arabic | ضمادة |
Autoclave in Arabic | جهاز التعقيم |
Mask in Arabic | كمامة بالانجليزي |
Gloves in Arabic | قفازات بالانجليزي |
First aid in Arabic | إسعاف أولي |
Post-operative care | عناية بعد الجراحة |
Preoperative care | عناية قبل العملية |
Pulse in Arabic | نبض بالانجليزي |
Injection in Arabic | حقن |
Syringe in Arabic | حقنة |
Obstetrics & Gynecology Nurse | ممرضة أمراض نساء وتوليد |
Dressing in Arabic | تضميد |
Vaccine in Arabic | طعم (تطعيم) |
Cast in Arabic | جبيرة كسور بالانجليزي (جبس) |
Plaster in Arabic | لزقة جروح بالانجليزي |
Dose in Arabic | جرعة دواء |
Diseases in Arabic
This is a list of some basic diseases in Arabic. We may use these terms either to understand the doctor’s diagnosis or to describe our symptoms or medical history when talking to a doctor in Arabic.
English | Arabic |
Abdomen in Arabic | بطن |
Abortion in Arabic | إجهاض |
Immunity in Arabic | مناعة |
Acute in Arabic | حاد |
Acute heart failure in Arabic | قصور القلب الحاد |
Acute inflammation in Arabic | التهاب حاد |
Acute liver infection | التهاب الكبد الحاد |
Addiction in Arabic | إدمان |
Airway in Arabic | مجرى الهواء |
Allergic reaction in Arabic | رد فعل تحسسي |
Amnesia in Arabic | فقدان ذاكرة |
Amputation in Arabic | بتر |
Anemia in Arabic | فقر دم |
Appendicitis in Arabic | التهاب الزائدة الدودية |
Appetite in Arabic | شهية |
Asthma in Arabic | ربو |
Bleeding in Arabic | نزف |
Blood clotting in Arabic | تجلط الدم |
Blood pressure in Arabic | ضغط الدم |
Blood transfusion in Arabic | نقل الدم |
Bones in Arabic | عظام |
Bone marrow in Arabic | نخاع العظام |
Caesarean section in Arabic | عملية قيصرية |
Chemotherapy in Arabic | علاج كيماوي |
Chronic in Arabic | مزمن |
Colic in Arabic | مغص |
Colitis in Arabic | التهاب القولون |
Coma in Arabic | غيبوبة |
Complications in Arabic | مضاعفات |
Contagious diseases in Arabic | أمراض معدية |
Cough in Arabic | يسعل ( يكح) سعال (كحة) |
Dehydration in Arabic | جفاف |
Diabetes in Arabic | مرض السكري |
Diagnosis in Arabic | تشخيص |
Diarrhea in Arabic | إسهال |
Digestion in Arabic | الهضم |
Fever in Arabic | حُمى |
Headache in Arabic | صداع |
Hepatitis in Arabic | التهاب الكبد |
Hypertension in Arabic | ارتفاع ضغط الدم |
Influenza, flu in Arabic | إنفلونزا |
Tumor in Arabic | ورم |
Infection in Arabic | عدوى |
Rash in Arabic | طفح جلدي |
Renal failure in Arabic | قصور الكلى |
Stethoscope in Arabic | سماعة الطبيب |
Stomach in Arabic | معدة |
Stroke in Arabic | سكتة دماغية |
Veins in Arabic | أوردة |
Runny nose in Arabic | رشح |
To sneeze in Arabic | يعطس |
Breathing in Arabic | التنفس |
Treat in Arabic | يعالج |
Heart in Arabic | القلب |
Beat in Arabic | ضربة |
Fertility in Arabic | الخصوبة |
Incubation in Arabic | احتضان المرض |
Choke in Arabic | يختنق |
Contagious disease in Arabic | مرض معدي |
Virus in Arabic | فيروس |
To be ill in Arabic | يمرض |
Patient in Arabic | مريض |
Healthy in Arabic | صحي |
Stomach ache in Arabic | ألم المعدة |
Backache in Arabic | ألم الظهر |
Sore throat in Arabic | التهاب الحلق |
Dry eye in Arabic | جفاف العين |
Heart attack in Arabic | نوبة قلبية / جلطة |
Shock in Arabic | صدمة |
Prescription in Arabic | وصفة طبية (روشتة) |
Arterial pressure in Arabic | الضغط الشرياني |
Medical Specialists in Arabic
It is important to learn the names of the different medical specialtist especially if you want to travel abroad, so that you can know the name of the specialization that you need at the hospital.
English | Arabic |
Anesthesiologist in Arabic | طبيب تخدير |
Ophthalmologist in Arabic | طبيب عيون |
Dentist in Arabic | طبيب أسنان |
Dermatology clinic | عيادة جلدية |
Dermatologist in Arabic | طبيب جلدية |
Psychiatrist in Arabic | طبيب نفسي |
Surgeon in Arabic | جراح |
Pediatrician/ Pediatrist | طبيب أطفال |
Gynecologist in Arabic | طبيب أمراض نساء |
Obstetricians in Arabic | طبيب توليد |
SPEC PHY GYNECOLOGY OBSTETRICS | اخصائي أمراض نساء وتوليد |
OB-GYN doctor (obstetrician/gynecologist) | دكتور نساء وولادة |
Cardiologist in Arabic | طبيب قلب |
Neurologist in Arabic | طبيب أعصاب |
Hematologist in Arabic | طبيب متخصص في أمراض الدم |
Rheumatologist in Arabic | طبيب متخصص في أمراض المفاصل والأمراض الروماتيزمية |
Urologist in Arabic | دكتور مسالك بولية |
Pulmonologist in Arabic | طبيب متخصص في أمراض الجهاز التنفسي |
Otolaryngologist in Arabic | دكتور أنف وأذن وحنجرة |
ENT doctor (ear nose throat) | دكتور أنف واذن وحنجرة |
Gastroenterologist in Arabic | طبيب أمراض الجهاز الهضمي |
Internist/ general internist/ doctor of internal medicine | طبيب باطني |
Veterinarian in Arabic | دكتور بيطري |
Medical Tests In Arabic
English | Arabic |
cardiogram | مخطط القلب |
deep x-ray | أشعة سينينة عميقة |
electrocardiogram [ECG] | مخطط كهربائي للقلب |
CT/CAT scan““Computerized Axilla Tomography | أشعة مقطعية |
pregnancy test | اختبار حمل |
RH (rhesus factor) | عامل رايزيس |
sensitivity test | اختبار حساسية |
CBC (Complete blood count) | صورة دم كاملة |
Stool Analysis | تحليل براز |
Uric Acid | حمض اليوريا |
Urine Test | تحليل بول |
Laboratory (LAB) | معمل |
Microscope | ميكروسكوب |
Samples | عينات |
Red Blood cells (RBCs) | كرات دم حمراء |
White Blood cells(WBCs) | كرات دم بيضاء |
Platelets | صفائح دموية |
bleeding Time | سرعة النزف |
Coagulation time | زمن التجلط ( التخثر) |
Blood groups | فصائل الدم |
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) | قياس سرعة الترسيب بالدم |
Glucose | جلوكوز ( سكر الدم) |
Random Blood Glucose | تحليل السكر العشوائي |
Fasting Blood Sugar | نسبة السكر الصائم |
Kidney Function Tests | ختبارات وظائف الكلى |
Parasites | طفيليات |
Worms | ديدان |
Ova | بيض (الطفيليات) |
Larvae | اليرقات (ديدان غير ناضجة) |
Liver Function Tests | اختبارات وظائف الكبد |
Liver Enzymes | انزيمات الكبد |
Medical Verbs in Arabic
Here are important verbs related to health in Arabic.
to become sick | مَرِضَ |
to get better | تَحَسَّنَ |
to diagnose a disease | شَخَّصَ |
to prescribe | وَصَفَ |
to treat an illness/ a patient | عَالَجَ |
to cure, heal | شَفَى |
to be/ get injured | جُرِحَ |
to bleed | نَزَفَ |
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