How To Say Tea in Arabic
How To Say Tea in Arabic

How To Say Tea in Arabic (Green, Mint, Chamomile Tea In Arabic)


In this lesson, we will learn how to say tea in Arabic, how to pronounce it and lots of vocabularies related to tea in the Arabic language.

How To Say Tea in Arabic

The Arabic word for tea is pronounced shaay and written ﺷَﺎﻱ while the tea is written as الشَّاي and the pronunciation is ashshaay.

Tea in Arabicﺷَﺎﻱ
Green tea in Arabic ﺷَﺎﻱ أخضر
Lemon Balm tea in Arabicشاي بلسم الليمون
Chamomile tea in Arabicشاي البابونج
Black tea in Arabicﺷَﺎﻱ أسود
Mint tea in Arabicﺷَﺎﻱٌ ﺑِﺎَﻟﻨَّﻌﻨَﺎﻉِ
Milk tea in Arabicﺷَﺎﻱ حليب
Anise Tea in Arabicشراب الينسون
Hibiscus tea in Arabicشراب الكركديه
Tea leaf in Arabic ورقة شاي
Matcha in Arabicشاي الماتشا
Bubble tea in Arabicشاي الفقاقيع
Fruit tea in Arabicشاي الفواكه
Green tea in Arabic

The Arabic word for green tea is pronounced shaayun akhdar and written as ﺷَﺎﻱ أخضر

Milk tea in Arabic

The Arabic word for milk tea is pronounced shaayun haliib and written ﺷَﺎﻱ حليب.

Mint tea in Arabic

The Arabic word for mint tea is pronounced shaayun bianna3naa3i and written ﺷَﺎﻱٌ ﺑِﺎَﻟﻨَّﻌﻨَﺎﻉِ.


Black tea in Arabic

Black tea is written as ﺷَﺎﻱ أسود in Arabic and the pronunciation is shaayun aswad.

Cup of tea in Arabic

The Arabic word for cup of tea is written as كوب من الشاي and the pronunciation is kuubun minsh shaay.

Chamomile tea in Arabic

Chamomile tea is written as شاي البابونج and pronounced as shaayul baabuunaj.

Lemon Balm tea in Arabic

Lemon Balm tea in Arabic is شاي بلسم الليمون and pronounced as shay balsam allaymwn.

Hibiscus tea in Arabic

The Arabic word for hibiscus tea is written شراب الكركديه and the pronunciation is shirabul karkadiyyah.


Anise Tea in Arabic

The Arabic word for tea is pronounced shiraabul yanisun and written شراب الينسون.

Read 30+ Arabic Plant Names (Plus Tree, Leaf, Seed In Arabic)

  • Do you want to drink tea? هل تريد أن تشرب شاي؟
  • I want to drink tea  أريد أن أشرب شاي
  • I am Drinking (drink) tea أَنَا أَشْرَبُ شاي
  • She is drinking (drinks) tea هِيَ تَشْرَبُ شاي
  • He is drinking (drinks) tea هُوَ يَشْرَبُ شاي
  • They are drinking (drink) tea هُمْ يَشْرَبُونَ شاي
  • You are drinking (drink) tea انت تَشْرَبُ شاي 

Other Words Related To Tea In Arabic

  • Tea set in Arabic … طَقْمُ شاي
  • Tea service in Arabic … طَقْمُ شاي
  • Tea party in Arabic … حَفْلَةُ شاي


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