Is Dog Haus Halal
Is Dog Haus Halal

Is Dog Haus Halal? What You Should Know


Dog Haus has garnered critical acclaim and national attention for its signature all beef Haus Dogs and handcrafted proprietary Haus Sausages, as well as its 100% genetically tested, humanely raised Black Angus beef which carries no hormones or antibiotics. But the question arises: is dog Haus halal? Continue reading to find the answer.

Is Dog Haus Halal?

Yes, dog Haus is halal. This restaurant is listed as sourcing some/all of its meat from a known supplier of Halal meat. This means that the management or employees of the restaurant may not be aware of their own halal status if asked. However, they may be able to confirm their meat supplier is Creekstone Farms, in which case you can proceed if you feel comfortable eating there.

According to information gathered online, Creekstone Farms is reported to supply Halal meat to this restaurant, which uses it in one or more of its dishes. The meat for Creekstone Farms is certified by Halal Transactions of Omaha.

From the owner: ‘My name is Jesse Koontz and I am the owner and operator of Dog Haus in Lincoln Park. I am writing to verify to you that all of our dogs, burgers, and chili are made from 100% Creekstone Farms beef. We have 3 separate cooking surfaces and 3 separate fryers that have allowed us to 100% accommodate Halal customers to ensure there is no cross-contamination between beef and pork.’

IslamQA stated that the ruling on sausages and mortadella, and other types of this food is the same as the ruling on its source, which is the animal from which the processed meat was taken.


So if the animal was one which it is permissible to eat, there is nothing wrong with eating it, or buying and selling it, because Allah, may He be exalted, says:

This day [all] good foods have been made lawful, and the food of those who were given the Scripture is lawful for you}

Surah al-Maa’idah verse 5

It is also essential to pay attention to the way in which the food is manufactured and stored: it should be healthy, and cause no harm to the one who eats it, whether that harm is because of ingredients that are added to the meat during manufacturing, or because of the way in which it is manufactured and preserved.

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If the meat is haraam, such as pork, or it is permissible, such as beef, but the animal was not slaughtered by a Muslim or one of the People of the Book (that is, a Jew or Christian), or it was not slaughtered in the manner prescribed in Islam – whether it was killed by stunning, drowning or any other way – then it is haraam meat, regardless of whether it is processed or is sold in its normal form, because in that case it is maytah (dead meat), and maytah is not permissible for a Muslim.

What Is Consider Halal In Islam?

According to the Muslims in Dietetics and Nutrition, a member group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Halal food can never contain pork or pork products (including gelatin and shortenings) or alcohol.


Halal animals must be slaughtered by hand, not by machine, by a Muslim who says Bismillah. The animal’s blood must drain completely after it is killed because Muslims who eat Halal do not consume fresh blood of animals.

If those slaughtering the meat are from the People of the Book, namely Jews and Christians, it is permissible to eat it, and it is not appropriate to ask as to how it was slaughtered or whether they mentioned Allah’s name over it or not.

That is because the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) ate the lamb given to him by a Jewish woman in Khaybar, and he ate the meal to which a Jewish man invited him, and it contained rendered fat, but the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) did not ask how they had slaughtered it or whether they had mentioned Allah’s name over it.

In Saheeh al-Bukhari it is narrated that some people said to the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him): Some people bring us meat, and we do not know whether the name of Allah was mentioned over it or not. He said:

“Say Bismillah over it yourselves and eat it.”

Aa’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her), who narrated the hadith, said: They had only recently become Muslim.

These hadiths indicate that it is not appropriate to ask about how the slaughtering was carried out if the person who carried it out is qualified to do so.

This highlights the wisdom of Islamic teachings and how Islam makes things easy for people, because requiring people to find out whether conditions are met even if the person who performed the action is qualified would cause a great deal of difficulty and hardship, and Islam would become a religion of hardship and difficulty.

However, if the meat came from a foreign country where the slaughterers are people whose meat is not permissible to eat, such as Zoroastrians and idol worshippers, and those who do not follow any religion, then it is not permissible to eat it, because Allah, may He be exalted, has not permitted the meat of any non-Muslims except those who were given the Book, namely the Jews and Christians.

If we are uncertain as to whether the slaughterman was one whose meat is permissible or one whose meat is not permissible, then that is not a problem [i.e., if most of the people in that country are those whose meat is permissible].

If there are points which bring about alot of doubt due to its halal status, one must abstain from such restaurants. Especially when our lives don’t depend on these restaurants.


A Muslim leaves that which is doubtful and holds on to the doubtless. One must be very careful of that which he consumes for the acceptance of his du’aas rely upon the things that he consumes.

We should try and stay away from all doubtful and Haraam things in any quantity, small or big.

The Prophets were ordered by Allah in the Qur’an to consume only Halaal. If we consume Haraam or doubtful things then this has a big effect on our actions and our prayers are not answered.

May Allah open our hearts, save us from Haraam and give us the Tawfeeq to accept the Haqq (truth). Ameen


In order for a food to be considered halal, it must be made with ingredients that are permissible according to Islamic law. This means that the meat used in the dog Haus must be from an animal that is slaughtered in the name of Allah and is not prohibited in the Qur’an.

In most cases, this means that the meat must be from a chicken, lamb, or beef that is slaughtered in a humane and sanitary manner.

In addition to this, the dog Haus menu must also be prepared in a way that is consistent with Islamic dietary laws. This means that it should not be cooked with any alcohol or other prohibited substances, and should not be contaminated with any non-halal ingredients.

And Allah knows best.


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