Iza Ja Nasrullah Surah In English
Iza Ja Nasrullah Surah In English

Iza Ja Nasrullah Surah In English, Arabic, and Transliteration (Surah Nasr)


The word nasr appears in the first verse of Iza Ja Nasrullah Surah, which gives the Surah its name. It also means the help in English.

Surah Nasr is the 110th chapter of the Qur’an and has only three, with this, it is regarded as one of the shortest Surah in the Holy Book.

Surah Nasr (Iza Ja Nasrullah) In Arabic

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

  • إِذَا جَاءَ نَصْرُ اللَّهِ وَالْفَتْحُ (١)
  • وَرَأَيْتَ النَّاسَ يَدْخُلُونَ فِي دِينِ اللَّهِ أَفْوَاجًا (٢)
  • فَسَبِّحْ بِحَمْدِ رَبِّكَ وَاسْتَغْفِرْهُ إِنَّهُ كَانَ تَوَّابًا (٣)

Surah Nasr Transliteration

  • Izaa jaa a nasrul Lahi wal fath
  • Wa raaytan nasa yadkuluna fii deenil Lahi afwajaa
  • Fasabih bi hamdi Rabbika was tagfirhu innahu kana tawwabaa.

Iza Ja Nasrullah Surah In English Translation

  1. When Allah’s help and victory come.
  2. And you see people entering Allah’s religion in multitudes.
  3. Glorify and praise your Lord, and seek His forgiveness; verily He is ever Accepting of repentance.
Iza Ja Nasrullah Surah In English
Iza Ja Nasrullah Surah In English

Summary Of Iza Ja Nasrullah Surah

Number of Verses3
Position30 juz
Other namesThe Help, the victory
Surah BeforeSurah Al Masad

Tafseer Surah Nasr In English Language

The glad tidings foretold that Allah would grant His help to His Messenger, enabling him to conquer Makkah, and that the people would enter the religion of Allah in multitudes.

So that many of them would become his people and his supporters, after having been his enemies.


And what was foretold came to pass.

With regard to the command after the divine help and victory came to pass, Allah commanded His Messenger SAW to give thanks to his Lord for that, to glorify and praise Him, and to seek His forgiveness.

As for the hint, there were in fact two hints, the first of which was that divine support of this religion would continue and increase when His Messenger Up glorified and praised his Lord, and sought His forgiveness, for that is part of gratitude, as Allah says elsewhere:

…If you give thanks, I will surely give you more…

(Ibraheem 14: 7)


And that indeed came to pass during the time of the Rightly Guided Caliphs and afterwards.

Divine help for this Ummah continued and Islam attained success unmatched by any other religion, until the Ummah’s attitude changed and they began to behave contrary to Allah’s commands.

Then Allah inflicted upon them division and disunity, and there happened what happened.

Yet despite that, this Ummah and this religion continue to receive of the mercy and kindness of Allah that which never crossed anyone’s mind and could scarcely be imagined.

As for the second hint, it is a hint that the death of the Messenger of Allah (SAW) was approaching.

This may be explained by the fact that his life was a virtuous life, as Allah swore by it.

And it is known that virtuous matters end with pleas for forgiveness, as in the case of the prayer, Hajj and so on.

So Allah’s command to His Messenger to praise Him and seek His forgiveness in this situation was a hint that his life was coming to an end.

So let him prepare and get ready to meet his Lord, and end his life with the best deeds that he could do blessings and peace of Allah be upon him.

He complied with the Qur’anic injunction and started to say that in his prayer.

He would often say in his bowing and prostration: Glory and praise be to you, O Allah; O Allah, forgive me.

(Bukhari and Muslim)

Surah Nasr Reciatation

Why Was Surah Nasr Revealed?

According to Abdullah bin Abbas, this is the final Surah of the Quran to be revealed, as no further Surahs were sent down to the Holy Prophet following it.

This Surah was sent down on the occasion of the Farewell Pilgrimage in the middle of the Tashriq Days at Mina, according to Abdullah bin Umar, and after it, the Holy Prophet mounted his she camel and gave his well-known Sermon.

If both of these stories are taken together, it appears that there was a three-month and-a-half-day gap between the revelation of Surah An-Nasr and the Holy Prophet’s death.

Because the same gap existed historically between the Farewell Pilgrimage and the Holy Prophet’s death.

When this Surah was revealed, according to Ibn Abbas, the Holy Prophet stated that he had been informed of his death and that his time had come.

According to various traditions recorded by Abdullah bin Abbas, the Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW understood that he had been told of his departure from the world when this Surah was revealed.

Umm Habibah, the Mother of the Believers, said that when this Surah was revealed, the Holy Prophet stated that he would leave the world that year. His daughter wept upon hearing this.

The prophet SAW said to his beloved daughter that she will be the first to join him from among my relatives.

Fatima Radiyallahu Anha laughed when she heard this.

According to Ibn Abbas:

Umar used to call me to his assembly, where I would sit beside some of the most significant old Companions who had fought at Badr.

Some of them were not pleased with this.

They lamented the fact that they, too, had sons that were similar to the boy.

So why was he invited to sit in the assembly in particular?

Umar said, the boy enjoyed the position and distinction as a result of his knowledge.

The Companions of Badr were invited one day, and he summoned me to join them.

I assumed he had invited me to the meeting in order to prove his point.

Umar asked the Companions of Badr during the conversation

What do you say about Iza ja nasrullahi wal fath?”

Some of the companion said:

We have been enjoined in it to glorify Allah and pray for His forgiveness when His succour comes and we achieve victory.

Others said that it as implying the capture of cities and forts. While some remained silent.

Umar Radiyallahu Anhu asked,

Do you also say the same, Ibn Abbas?

Ibn Abbas said No,

Said asked What, therefore, is your point of view?.

I submitted that it implied to Allah’s Messenger’s (peace be upon him) final hour; in it, he was told that when Allah’s help arrived and victory was achieved, it would be a sign that his hour had arrived.

Hence, he should glorify Allah and ask for His forgiveness.

Umar the said

I know nothing but what you have spoken.

Subject Matter and Theme Of Surah Nasr

According to the above traditions, Allah informed His Messenger (upon whom be peace) in this Surah that when Islam achieved complete victory in Arabia and people began to convert in large numbers to Allah’s religion, it would mean that the mission for which he had been sent to the world had been fulfilled.

Then he was told to spend his time thanking and worshipping Allah, by whose grace he had been able to complete such a huge duty, and to urge Him to forgive any flaws or frailties he may have displayed during the service.

With a little thought, one can easily recognise the significant distinction between a Prophet and a regular worldly leader.

If a world leader is able to bring about a revolution in his lifetime that achieves the goal and objective of his battle, this would be cause for celebration.

However, we are witnessing a very different phenomenon.

In the space of 23 years, Allah’s Messenger revolutionised an entire nation’s beliefs, thoughts, customs, morals, civilization, ways of life, economy, politics, and fighting ability, enabling it to conquer the world and become the leader of nations.

However, when he completed this one-of-a-kind task, he was not enjoined to celebrate it, but to glorify and praise Allah and to pray for His forgiveness, and he went about his business.

According to Aishah Radiyallahu Anha:

Before his death, the Holy Messenger (peace be upon him) would often recite:

Subhanak Allahumma wa bi hamdika astaghfiruka wa atubu ilaika.

Or, according to other traditions, Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi astaghfirullaha wa atubu ilaihi.

Aishah asked,

O Messenger of Allah, what are these words you have started reciting?

He replied: A sign has been assigned to me, and whenever I see it, I should start to say these words and it is Iza ja nasrullahi wal fathu.

In other traditions on the subject, Aishah narrated that the Holy Prophet often recited the phrases

Subhanak Allahumma wa bi hamdika, Allahumma aghfirli in his ruku and Sujood. This was his interpretation of the Quran (specifically, Surah An-Nasr).

According to Ibn Abbas, after the revelation of this Surah, the Holy Messenger (peace be upon him) began to work more intensely and devotedly for the Hereafter than he had ever worked before.

Iza Ja Nasrullah Surah In English Tafseer

By victory, we don’t mean success in a single campaign, but rather the final victory after which there was no authority in the land to resist or oppose Islam, and it became clear that Islam would rule Arabia alone.

As for the second verse,

When the time for people to enter Islam one by one and two by two comes to an end, and when entire tribes and people belonging to enormous tracts begin to enter it in throngs, of their own free will, and without waging battle or opposition.

This began in A.H. 9, leading to the designation of that year as the Year of Deputations.

Deputations from all over Arabia began to come before the Holy Messenger (upon whom be peace), converting to Islam and swearing allegiance to him, until, by the time he left for the Farewell Pilgrimage to Makkah in A.H. 10, the entire country had become Muslim, with not a single polytheist remaining.

Hamd means praising and hallowing Allah Almighty, as well as thanking and paying reverence to Him.

Tasbih means considering Allah to be pure and without flaws.

When the Holy Prophet saw Allah’s power manifested, he was commanded to do hamd and tasbih of Allah.

In this context, hamd means that he should never think of his great success as the result of his own brilliance, but rather should attribute it to Allah’s favour and mercy, thank Him alone for it, and acknowledge with his heart and tongue that praise and gratitude for victory and success belong to Him alone.

And tasbih means that he should regard Allah as pure and without the constraint that the exaltation of his Word required or was dependent on his effort and endeavour.

His heart, on the other hand, should be filled with the belief that the success of his effort and struggle was contingent on Allah’s help and guidance.

He could choose any of His servants to perform this task.

It was His favour that He had taken it from him and used him to bring His religion to fruition.

Furthermore, reciting the tasbih, namely Subhan Allah, is awe-inspiring.

When a magnificent event occurs, one cries subhan-Allah, meaning that it was only through Allah’s power that such a wonderful occurrence occurred; otherwise, no power in the world could have created it.

As for the last verse,

Pray to your Lord to overlook; and pardon whatever error or weakness you may have revealed unwittingly in the performance of the service that He had entrusted to you.

Man has been taught this manners by Islam.

Even if a man has rendered the highest possible service to Allah’s Religion, has made countless sacrifices in its behalf.

And has worked exceptionally hard to carry out the rites of His worship, he should never believe that he has completely fulfilled the right that his Lord has bestowed on him.

Rather, he should always believe that he has fallen short of what was expected of him, and he should pray to Allah, by saying,

Lord, overlook and forgive whatever weakness I might have shown in rendering Your right, and accept the little service that I have been able to perform.

How can another person regard his work as superb and be involved in the misunderstanding that he has fulfilled the right Allah imposed on him when such an etiquette was taught to the Holy Messenger (upon whom be peace)?

No one in the world conceivably has toiled and struggled so hard in the cause of Allah as he did, how can another person regard his work as superb and be involved in the misunderstanding that he has fulfilled the right Allah imposed on him?

In fact, Allah’s right is so great that no creature can ever genuinely and entirely satisfy and render it.

Allah has taught Muslims an eternal lesson through this command: “Do not consider any of your worship, devotion, or religious service to be exceptional.

Even if you have dedicated your entire life to Allah’s cause, you should always believe that you could not possibly fulfil all of your Lord’s demands.

Similarly, when you achieve a win, you should not think of it as a consequence of your own brilliance, but rather as a result of Allah’s bounty and favour.

Instead of boasting and gloating about your success and victory, you should bend down before your Lord and worship and exalt Him, repent and beg for His pardon.”


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