Kitchen in Arabic
Kitchen in Arabic

Kitchen in Arabic Language (Things and Kitchen Utensils in Arabic)


If you’re interested in learning Arabic, one of the most useful vocabulary words to know is “kitchen.”

Whether you’re a language learner planning a trip to an Arabic-speaking country, or simply looking to expand your linguistic horizons, knowing how to say kitchen in Arabic can be a valuable skill.

Knowing these words will not only help you to communicate but can be also very useful for following recipes either on videos or written.

How To Say Kitchen in Arabic?

The most common word for “kitchen” in Arabic is “مَطْبَخ,” which is pronounced “mat-bakh.” This word is in standard modern Arabic and used in most Arabic-speaking countries and is understood across dialects.

Kitchen Utensils in Arabic

The Arabic phrase for kitchen utensils is ادوات الطبخ and the pronounciation is adawaatul maTbakh.


Things in the Kitchen in Arabic

In this section, you will find out how to refer to the different items that can be found in a kitchen.

Blender in Arabicخلاطkhallaat
Food processorجهاز إعداد الطعامjihaazu a’daad aT-TaAaam
Electric kettleغلايةghalaaya
Toaster in Arabicمحمصة خبزmuHamiSSat khubz
Microwave ovenفرن ميكروويفfurn meekroweef
Stovetop in Arabic سخّانsakhkhaan
Burner in Arabic محرّقةmuHarriqa
Draining boardلوح تجفيف الصحونlawh tajfeef aS-SuHoon
Refrigerator in Arabic ثلاجةthallaaja
Dishwasherغسٌالة الصحونghassaalat aS-SuHoon
Garbage canصندوق النفاياتsandooqan-nifaayaat

Kitchenware in Arabic

In this section, you will find out how to refer to the different kitchen utensils that can be found in a kitchen.

Cutting boardلوح الشقlawH ash-shaqq
Cleaver in Arabic ساطورsaaToor
Bread knifeسكين الخبزsikkeen al-khubz
Knife sharpenerمسن السكينmisann as-sikkeen
Kitchen knife سكين المطبخsikkeen al-maTbakh
Grater in Arabic مبشرةmibshara
Mortar in Arabic هاونhaawun
Pestle in Arabic يد الهاونyad al-haawun
Masher in Arabic هراسةharraasa
Meat tenderizerملين اللحمmulayyin al-laHm
Bottle openerفتاحة زجاجfattaaHat zujaajaat
Can openerفتاحة علبfattaaHatAulab
Skewer in Arabic سيخseekh
Peeler in Arabic مقشرةmuqashshira
Apple corerمسخرجة قلب التفاحmustakhrijat qalb at-tuffaaH
Colander in Arabic مصفاةmiSfaah
Food turnerحامل شريحة السمكHaamil shareeHatas-samak
Serving spoonملعقة غرفmilAaqat gharf
Garlic pressمكبس الثومmikbas ath-thoom
Slotted spoonملعقة مخرمةmilAaqa mukharrama
Wooden spoonملعقة خشبmilAaqa khashab
Spatula in Arabic مبسطmibsaT
Frying panمقلاةmiqlaah
Saucepan in Arabic كفتkift
Scoopمفرفة ايس كريمmighrafat aays kreem
Whisk in Arabic خفاقةkhaffaaqa
Carving forkشوكة قطعshawkat qaTA
Casserole dishكسرولةkasarola
Wokمقلاة مستديرةmiqlaah mustadeera
Grill panسوايةshawwaaya
Earthenware dishانية خزفيةaaniya khazafeeya
Mixing bowlطاسة خلطTaasat khalT

Check out Classroom in Arabic Language (Classroom Objects in Arabic)

Baking Cakes

In this section, you will find out how to refer to the different baking cakes items that can be found in a kitchen.

Flan tinصينية فلانSeneeyat flaan
Pie tinصينية فطائرSeneeyat faTaa’ir
Cake tinصينية كعكSeneeyat kaAk
Measuring cupدورق قياسdawraq qiyaas
Scales in Arabic ميزانmeezaan
Oven mittقفاز الفرنquffaaz al-furn
Apron in Arabic مريلةmaryala
Rolling pinمرقاقmirqaaqI
Piping bagكيس تزين المعجناتkees tazyeen al-muAajjinaatI
Pastry brushفرشاة معجناتfurshaat muAajjinaat
Cooling rackحامل تبريدHaamil tabreed
Baking trayصينية خبزSeneeyat khabz
Tray in Arabic صينية أقراص الكعكSeneeyat aqraaSal-kaAkmuffin


Learning how to say “kitchen” in Arabic is a valuable skill, but it’s important to note that it’s just one word in a complex and rich language.

If you’re interested in learning Arabic, there are several resources available to help you get started. You can take classes at a local community college or university, hire a private tutor, or use online language-learning programs such as Duolingo. 


So, start practicing your Arabic today, and soon you’ll be on your way to fluency!


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