Arabic Letter م, How To Pronounce It, Words, And All You Should Know
In this blog post, we’ll be exploring the letter م (pronounced “meem”), which is the twenty-fourth letter in the Arabic alphabet.
Whether you’re a language enthusiast or simply curious about the Arabic language, you’ll find plenty of interesting insights about the letter “م” in this post.
What Is Letter م?
The twenty-fourth letter of the Arabic alphabet is م. It is preceded by ل (l) and followed by ن (n).
How To Pronounce م
The Arabic letter “م” (pronounced “meem”) is pronounced by pressing the lips together and releasing them with a nasal sound, similar to the English “m” sound.
To produce this sound, bring your lips together and release air through your nose while vibrating your vocal cords.
It is important to note that the sound of “م” in Arabic is slightly different from the English “m” sound, as it is more nasal and is produced by closing the lips more tightly.
Letter ﻡ with Fatha is pronounced as ma, with kasra is mi and with dhumma is pronounced as mu.
Usage in Arabic Language
The Arabic letter “م” (pronounced “meem”) is a letter of the Arabic alphabet, and by itself, it doesn’t have a meaning.
However, when it is combined with other letters, it can form words and carry meaning. For example, “ماء” (maa) means “water” in Arabic, and “من” (min) means “from” or “of.”
The meaning of the letter “م” in Arabic, therefore, depends on the context and the other letters it is combined with.
In the Arabic language, the letter “م” is used in a variety of ways, including as a standalone letter and as part of various words.
For example, it is commonly used to represent the word for “water,” which is “ماء” (maa).
The letter is also used in conjunction with other letters to form new words and meanings. For instance, when combined with the letter “ن” (pronounced “noon”), it forms the word “من” (pronounced “min”), which means “from” or “of.”

The Different Forms of the Arabic Letter Mim and Their Usage
Letter م has four distinct forms. Understanding these forms and their usage is crucial for anyone learning Arabic or trying to improve their Arabic writing skills.
Isolated form | Final form | Medial form | Initial form |
م | ـم | ـمـ | مـ |

Isolated Form of Mim
The isolated form of mim (ﻡ) is used when the letter ﻡ stands alone or appears at the end of a word after a right-joining letter.
In simpler terms, if there is no letter before ﻡ that needs to connect, and there is no letter after ﻡ, then the isolated form of ﻡ is used.
The isolated form it is just a circle and it goes down again and it doesn’t matter what’s the shape of the circle.
All you have to do is make it a circle and down but you have to keep the level very short level.

Initial Form of Mim (ﻣـ)
The initial form of mim (ﻣـ) is used when the letter mim appears at the beginning of a word or in the middle of a word if the letter before is right-joining.
In other words, if there is no letter before mim that needs to connect, but there is a letter after it, then the initial form of ﻡ is used.
The initial form is a circle and then we drag it because it’s a two way connector.

Medial Form of Mim
The medial form of mim (ـﻤـ) is used when the letter ﻡ appears in the middle of a word and the letter before it is not right-joining.
In other words, if there is a letter before ﻡ that needs to connect, and there is a letter after it, then the medial form of mim is used.
We do connect it to the right side and then to the left side.

Final Form of Mim
The final form of mim (ـﻢ) is used when the letter ﻡ appears at the end of a word, and the letter before it is not right-joining.
In simpler terms, if there is a letter before ﻡ that needs to connect, and there is no letter after mim, then the final form of mim is used.
Then final form it gets connected from the right but you get the same isolated form at the end.

Arabic Letter ﻡ Is a Moon Letter
In Arabic grammar, the letters of the Arabic alphabet are classified into two categories: moon letters (حُرُوفُ الْقَمَرِيَّةِ) and sun letters (حُرُوفُ الشَّمْسِيَّةِ).
The classification of the letters as moon or sun letters is based on the way they interact with the Arabic definite article “Al” (ال).
You get the definite form of a word by putting the definite article al in front of it.
The Arabic letter mim is a moon letter. That means that the definite article is pronounced al and nothing else. The letters that are not moon letters are called sun letters, and they are assimilated with the definite article al.
For example:
The word “mauz” (موز) means “mango.” When “Al” (ال) is added before it, it becomes “Al-maiz” (الموز).
Therefore, the letter ﻡ is considered a moon letter in Arabic grammar because of the way it interacts with the definite article “Al” (ال) and doesn’t changes its pronunciation.
Letter م Words
Arabic Word | Transliteration | Meaning |
مَاء | māʾ | Water |
مُدَرِّس | mudarris | Teacher |
مُحَمَّد | Muḥammad | Muhammad |
مَسْجِد | masjid | Mosque |
مُسْلِم | Muslim | Muslim |
مُسَاعِد | musāʿid | Assistant |
مُعْلِم | muʿallim | Teacher |
مَعْرِفَة | maʿrifa | Knowledge |
مُدِير | mudīr | Director |
مُتَفَوِّق | mutafawwiq | Successful |
مُحَافِظ | muḥāfiẓ | Guardian |
مَطْعَم | maṭʿam | Restaurant |
مُصَمِّم | muṣammim | Designer |
مَوْعِد | mawʿid | Appointment |
مُستَشَار | mustashār | Advisor |
مُدَرَّب | mudarrab | Trainer |
مُخْتَلِف | mukhtalif | Different |
مُنْفَذ | munfaẓ | Outlet |
مَبْلَغ | mablagh | Amount |
مُتَجَرِّب | mutajarrid | Experimental |
مَدَرِّب | maddarrib | Coach |
مُستَوْدَع | mustawdāʿ | Warehouse |
مُشَارِك | mushārik | Partner |
مُسْتَشْفَى | mustashfā | Hospital |
مَحَاضِر | maḥāḍir | Lectures |
مَرِيض | marīḍ | Patient |
مُحَاسِب | muḥāsib | Accountant |
مُتَحَمِّس | mutaḥammis | Enthusiastic |
مُتَفَائِل | mutafaʾil | Optimistic |
مُعَلِّم | muʿallim | Educator |
مُهِنْدِس | muhandis | Engineer |
مَكْتَب | maktab | Office |
مُسْتَجِيب | mustajīb | Responsive |
مُعَاوِن | muʿāwin | Assistant |
مُسْتَثْمِر | mustathmir | Investor |
مُشَرِّف | musharraf | Supervisor |
More Words That Start With Letter ﻡ
Arabic Word | Transliteration | Meaning |
مُبَلِّغ | muballigh | Informer |
مَرْحَباً | marḥaban | Welcome |
مَسَاء | masāʾ | Evening |
مَعَ | maʿa | With |
مَرْكَز | markaz | Center |
مُعْجِز | muʿjiz | Miracle |
مُتَعَاوِن | mutaʿāwin | Cooperative |
مُتَطَوِّر | mutatawwir | Developed |
مُجْتَمَع | mujtamaʿ | Society |
مُشْتَرِك | mushtarik | Common |
مُعَرِّف | muʿarif | Identifier |
مُحْتَرِم | muḥtaram | Respected |
مَلِكَة | malikah | Queen |
مَوْرِد | mawrid | Source |
مُصَوِّر | muṣawwir | Photographer |
مُطَوَّر | mutawwir | Improved |
مُجْتَهِد | mujtahid | Hardworking |
مَوْقِع | mauqif | Location |
مُستَعْجِل | mustaʿjil | Urgent |
مُشَرِّق | musharriq | Eastern |
مُبْتَكِر | mubtakir | Innovative |
مُتَحَدِّث | mutahaddith | Speaker |
مَسَاعَدَة | musāʿadah | Assistance |
مُستَوْعَب | mustawʿab | Recipient |
مَدِينَة | madīnah | City |
مُتَطَلَّب | mutaṭallib | Requirement |
مَرْآة | marʾah | Mirror |
مُقَدِّم | muqaddim | Presenter |
مُحَاسِن | muḥāsin | Advantages |
مُحَاضِرة | muḥāḍirah | Lecture |
مُقْتَرِح | muqtarif | Suggestion |
مُسْتَجَاب | mustajāb | Answered |
مَسَافَة | masāfah | Distance |
مُدَوِّن | mudawwin | Blogger |
مُخْتَص | mukhtas | Specialist |

Understanding the different forms of the Arabic letter ﻡ and its usage is essential for anyone learning Arabic or trying to improve their Arabic writing skills.
These rules can also be applied to most Arabic dual-joining letters, making it easier to master the Arabic script.