li ilafi quraish
li ilafi quraish

Li Ilafi Quraish In English, Arabic, and Transliteration (Surah Quraish)


The 106th surah of the Qur’an, Surah al Quraysh which starts with the phrase li ilafi quraish, has only four ayas verses.

Li Ilafi Quraish In English

  1. For the blessings [We have bestowed upon] Quraysh.
  2. The blessing of their regular journeys, winter and summer.
  3. Let them worship the Lord of this House.
  4. Who has fed them against hunger and has secured them against fear.

Surah Quraish In English Transliteration

  • Li iylafi Kuraish
  • Ilaa fihim rihlatash shitaa i wassaiyf
  • Fal ya’abuduu rabba hazal bayt
  • Allazi ad’amahum min juu’in wa aa manahum min kauf

Surah Quraish In Arabic

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

  • لِإِيلافِ قُرَيْشٍ (١)
  • إِيلافِهِمْ رِحْلَةَ الشِّتَاءِ وَالصَّيْفِ (٢)
  • فَلْيَعْبُدُوا رَبَّ هَذَا الْبَيْتِ (٣)
  • الَّذِي أَطْعَمَهُم مِّن جُوعٍ وَآمَنَهُم مِّنْ خَوْفٍ (٤)

Summary Of Surah Li Ilafi Quraish

Number of verses4
Surah BeforeSurah Feel
Position30 Juz
Other namesQuraish
Surah Quraish Pronunciation

Li Ilafi Quraish Meaning

The blessings that Allah bestowed upon Quraysh were innumerable.

If there was no other blessing than this, that they were enabled to travel in safety to engage in trade

In addition to the security they enjoyed as residents of the sanctuary of Makkah, it would dictate that they should worship Allah alone, associating no others with Him in worship.


Many of the commentators said that this is connected to the preceding surah, and what is meant is:

We did what We did to the army of the elephant for the sake of Quraysh.

In order to keep them safe, guard their interests and secure their regular journeys, to Yemen in the winter and to Syria in the summer, for the purpose of trade and earning.

Allah destroyed those who intended ill towards them and increased respect for the Haram and its people in the hearts of the Arabs.

So that they held them in high esteem and would not want to cause any harm to them during any journey they wanted to undertake.


Therefore Allah commanded them to give thanks, saying:

Let them worship the Lord of this Housed that is,

Let them affirm His oneness and devote worship sincerely to Him alone.

Who has fed them against hunger and has secured them against fear.

Plentiful provision and security against fear are among the greatest of worldly blessings, that require gratitude to Allah.

O Allah, to You be praise and thanks for Your blessings, both visible and invisible.

Allah specifically mentions that He is the Lord of the House, by way of honouring it; otherwise He is the Lord of all things.

Tafseer Surah Quraish In English

Many early scholars thought this surah was a continuation of the previous one, despite the fact that it begins with different words.

The interpretation was that Allah safeguarded His House and destroyed the army of as hab al feel in order to provide security for the Quraysh in Makkah.

Because Allah rescued His House from the great invading army, the Quraysh’s status as custodians of the Kabah was elevated across the region.

Other Arab tribes believed the Quraysh were supported by Allah, therefore their commerce caravans were safe to travel through any portion of Arabia.

This was a blessing in and of itself, for which they should be grateful.

Despite their Lord’s blessings of wealth, success, and fame, the Quraysh continued to practise shirk.

They had strewn idols throughout Allah’s House and were worshipping them alongside Him.

From among the Quraysh, Allah chose His ultimate Messenger.

They were commanded to worship Him alone before all other peoples.

It was all due to the Lord of this House for whatever worldly blessings they had reaped.

Eelaf has numerous meanings, including securing, gathering, making things convenient, and becoming acclimated or habitual.

As a result of the Quraysh’s killing of those who attempted to destroy the Kabah, they were able to meet and congregate in Makkah, safe and secure, and continue with their usual trade activities.

They were being reminded that Allah had bestowed this boon on them, and that their thanks and worship should be directed solely to Him.

Allah, the Exalted, bestowed security, prosperity, and dignity on the Quraysh among the Arabian tribes.

They were able to roam around the region without fear of being injured or assaulted because of the privilege and reputation they had established as caretakers of the Kabah.

It also allowed them to freely conduct business transactions with adjacent regions, which resulted in large earnings and prosperity.

Every year, their trading caravans would set out, loaded with commodities, in the winter to Yemen and in the summer to Syria and Palestine.

They were held in high regard by the tribes along the trade routes, who would not challenge them or levy the passage taxes demanded of other caravans.

As a result, the Quraysh became prosperous, and Makkah rose to prominence as the Arabian peninsula’s most important commercial city. They were indebted to their Lord for everything.

Despite poor security conditions in the region surrounding Makkah, where attacks and raids were common, the sanctity of the House provided security to people who lived nearby.

The Quraysh received their blessings because of Allah’s House; it was His House’s care that elevated their status and position in Arabia.

They admitted that He was the Lord of the land. It was only right that they devote their worship to Him alone.

A steady environment is required for the development of all facets of civilised life.

They cannot be realised in a land plagued by hunger, anxiety, distress, and poverty, where people must devote all of their energies to merely surviving, or when people live in constant worry for themselves and their families.

Before the message could spread to other regions and eventually to the farthest reaches of the globe, security and sustenance were required.

Freedom from hunger and panic is a fundamental condition for any healthy community, and it is one of Allah’s greatest bounties. Many others on the planet, however, do not enjoy it.

The Quraysh, on the other hand, received this blessing from Allah. After they asked Him for help alone, He saved them from the ab al-feel onslaught.

He protected them from harm and then bestowed wealth on them.

He kept them from going hungry by allowing them to succeed in their business and trade.

He also gave them the respect of other tribes, which safeguarded them from fear.

All that they have accomplished has been possible only because of the Lord of this House’s assistance; thus, they should worship Him alone.

In reality, all people should worship Allah alone in thankfulness for His innumerable blessings.

Allah knows Best.

Surah Nasr and Surah Masad are also wonderful chapters from the Holy Qur’an.


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