How To Say Ocean In Arabic (With Pronounciations)
How do you say ocean in Arabic? Let’s go over the ocean Arabic vocabulary, how to pronounce and how write it in Arabic language.
How To Say Ocean In Arabic
The common Arabic word for ocean is pronounced muHiiT and written as ﻣُﺤِﻴﻂ. Other Arabic words for ocean are أُوقيانُوس (uwqianus) and قامُوس (qaamuus).
What Are The 5 Oceans In Arabic?
The five oceans in Arabic are;
1. Pacific Ocean In Arabic
The Arabic word for pacific ocean is pronounced al-muHiiT al-haadiy and written as المحيط الهادي.
2. Arabic Word For Arctic Ocean
The Arabic word for pacific ocean is pronounced al-muHiiT al-mutajammid ash-shamaaliy and written as المحيط المتجمد الشمالي.
3. Arabic Word For Atlantic Ocean
The Arabic word for Atlantic Ocean is written as المحيط الأطلسي and transliterated as al-muHiiT al-aTlasiy.
4. Arabic Word For Indian Ocean
The Arabic word that means Indian Ocean is المحيط الهندي and pronounced al-muHiiT al-hindiy.
5. Arabic Word For Southern Ocean
The Arabic word which means Southern Ocean is written المحيط الجنوبي and pronounced al-muHiiT al-januubiy.
The five oceans in Arabic is presented below, it is written in Arabic language, English meaning and transliteration as well.
English | Arabic | Transliteration |
Atlantic Ocean | المحيط الأطلسي | al-muHiiT al-aTlasiy |
Arctic Ocean | المحيط المتجمد الشمالي | al-muHiiT al-mutajammid ash-shamaaliy |
Pacific Ocean | المحيط الهادي | al-muHiiT al-haadiy |
Indian Ocean | المحيط الهندي | al-muHiiT al-hindiy |
Southern Ocean | المحيط الجنوبي | al-muHiiT al-januubiy |
Related Ocean Vocabulary In Arabic
- A drop in the ocean = قطرة في المحيط
- Bottom of the ocean = قاع المحيط
- Drop in the ocean = سقط في المحيط
- Across the ocean = عبر المحيط
- Vast ocean = محيط شاسع
- Ocean view = عرض المحيط
- Ocean shipping = الشحن البحري
- Ocean cruiser = الطراد المحيط
- Ocean current = المحيط الحالي
- Ocean-going = سفري محيطى ذو علاقة بالسفر فى المحيط
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