Quran Para 27 PDF, Audio Plus Photos
In this article, we will be looking at the total number of surahs in para 27, what surahs are in this para as well as the summary of these Quran chapters.
The main division of the Qur’an is into chapters (surah) and verses (ayat). The Quran is additionally divided into 30 equal sections, called juz (plural: ajiza) in Arabic and also known as para in Iran and the Indian subcontinent.
How Many Surahs In Para 27?
The twenty-seven Para or Juz of the Quran is Qala Fama Khatbukum (خَطْبُكُمْ فَمَا قَال) which contains 7 Surahs from Surah Dhariyaat to Surah Al-Hadid
Most of these surahs are Meccan surah, only the last chapter of this para was revealed after the migration to Madinah.
Where Does Para 27 Start?
27th para stars from the middle of Surah Az-Zariyat, 51st chapter, verse 31. Surah Az-zariyat is a Makki and contains 60 ayat. The para continue to the end of Surah Hadeed, the 57th chapter, verse 29.
Related Juz 27 Quran (Surah List, PDF And Read Online).
Quran Para 27 Surah List
- Surah Az-Zariyat
- Surah Tur
- Surah Najm
- Surah al-Qamar
- Surah ar-Rahman
- Surah al-Waqiah
- Surah al-Hadeed
The table below is the list of 27th para of the Quran.
Name Of Surah | English Name | Number of verses | Place of revelations | Main Theme |
Adh-Dhaariyaat | The Wind That Scatter, The Winnowing Winds, | From verse 31-60 | Makkah | Destruction of those who denied the messengers, and a warning for those who deny the truth. |
At-Toor | The Mount, Mount Sinai | 49 | Makkah | |
An-Najm | The Star, The Unfolding | 62 | Makkah | Muhammad’s experience of an ascension to heaven (Mi’raj, including his vision of the Sidrat al-Muntaha, the Lote-Tree of the Extremity). |
Al-Qamar | The Moon | 55 | Makkah | |
Ar-Rahman | The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious | 78 | Madinah | Everything will pass away, except the face of God. Description of paradise. |
Al-Waqi’ah | The Inevitable, The Event, That Which Must Come to Pass | 96 | Makkah | Description of life in the Hereafter for the believers and the disblievers. |
Al Hadeed | The Iron | 29 | Madinah |
Here is the complete photos of this para if you want to read them online.

Para 27 PDF
Here is the PDF of 27 para in Arabic below.
Summary Of The Surahs In 27th Para Of The Quran
1. Surat al-Dhariyat
- Surat al-Dhariyat, a series of swears about the wind, begins Juz 27.
- Wind is an essential component of life on Earth. It maintains the water cycle.
- The implied question is: because wind is life-giving and Allah created it, why don’t you accept Allah’s power to bring back the dead to life?
- Two more truths are highlighted: “And in the sky is your promised sustenance” (verse 22).
- Secondly, “We built the universe with our creative power, and We are ever-expanding it (verse 47).
- Could this be a reference to the expanding universe? The Makkans are reminded of their forefather Ibrahim, who was blessed with a kid in his old age so He can gift a child to an infertile couple.
- This is another example of the Quran challenging intellectual boundaries, making believing in the Resurrection difficult for the Makkans.
- Then a reminder of what happened to those who denied, as well as a warning that their fate may be the same if they continue to deny.
2. Surah Tur
- Para 27 continues with Surat al-Tur, a late Makkan Surah.
- It gives proof from nature and human history for the truth of Islamic beliefs.
- It begins with five powerful oaths as witnesses to the Prophet’s message and threatens Makkah’s disbelievers: “Your Lord’s punishment will certainly come to pass” (verse 7).
- Verse 21 validates the saying “you reap what you sow”; “each person is answerable for his deeds.”
- However, there is a compromise for virtuous people: their faithful offspring will join them in Paradise, even if they are not as righteous as their parents.
- The following passage raises thirteen difficult questions, ranging from challenging the misconception that the Prophet was a poet or a soothsayer to who holds the treasures of Allah.
3. Surah Najm
- Surah An-Najm was the first passage that the Prophet Muhammad openly preached before a gathering near the Ka’aba, and it had a profound effect on the assembled unbelievers.
- They were chastised for their belief in their false, numerous goddesses.
- They were chastised for adhering to their ancestors’ faith and traditions without challenging such views.
- Allah is the only Creator and Sustainer and does not require the “help” of false gods.
- Islam follows in the footsteps of previous prophets such as Abraham and Moses.
- It is not a new, alien faith that is being revived, but rather the religion of their predecessors.
- Unbelievers should not think of themselves as superior beings who will escape judgement.
4. Surah al-Qamar
- One night on the plains of Mina outside Makkah, the Prophet ﷺ was with a group of Quraysh, and they demanded a miracle, “split the moon into two parts, and we will believe”.
- Abdullah ibn Masood reports that the Prophet ﷺ raised his hands and lo and behold, it split into two parts.
- The Makkans were stunned, and quipped, “This is a powerful magic”.
5. Surah ar-Rahman
- Surah Ar-Rahman is an eloquent passage which elaborates on Allah’s mercy, and repeatedly asks the rhetorical question:
- “Then which of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?”
- Allah provides us with guidance on His path, an entire universe established in balance, with all of our needs met.
- All Allah asks of us is faith in Him Alone, and we will all face judgment in the end.
- Those who put their trust in Allah will receive the rewards and blessings promised by Allah.
6. Surah al-Waqiah
- It warns the Quraysh of the dire consequences of denial.
- The cataclysmic events of the Final Hour and the coming to pass of Judgement Day are described.
- That day people will be divided into three groups.
- Firstly, those blessed with an exquisite Paradise, who strived for the nearness of Allah.
- Next the group of the right hand who will live in a delightful Paradise, a rank below and the third group, the people of the left hand, living in Hell.
6. Surah al-Hadeed
- It encourages the giving of charity to achieve the nearness of Allah.
- Charity demonstrates a person’s faith in Allah and is an acknowledgment of His kindness.
- Charity is like giving a loan to Allah.
- In the Hereafter, it will be the light of the believers leading them to Paradise.
- The next section discusses the hypocrites, an uncharitable bunch, always in two minds, neither with the Muslims nor separate.