Rabbi Habli Min Ladunka Dua Meaning, Arabic, And Benefits
Rabbi habli min ladunka zurriyatan is a Dua from Surah Al Imran. Let’s look at the meaning and benefits of this short yet powerful supplication.
Rabbi Habli Min Ladunka Dua Meaning
The meaning of the rabbi habli min ladunka dua is My Lord, grant me from Yourself a good offspring. Indeed, You are the Hearer of supplication.
Rabbi Habli Min Ladunka Dua In Arabic
رَبِّ هَبْ لِى مِن لَّدُنكَ ذُرِّيَّةً طَيِّبَةً ۖ إِنَّكَ سَمِيعُ ٱلدُّعَآءِ
Rabbi habli min ladunka zurriyatan tayyibatan innaka sameeud du’aaa.

The Supplication of Zakariyya, and the Good News of Yahya’s Birth
Allah tells;
At that time Zakariyya invoked his Lord, saying:
When Zakariyya saw that Allah provided sustenance for Maryam by giving her the fruits of winter in summer and the fruits of summer in winter, he was eager to have a child of his own.
By then, Zakariyya had become an old man, his bones feeble and his head full of gray hair. His wife was an old women who was barren. Yet, he still supplicated to Allah and called Him in secret, O my Lord! Grant me from Ladunka, (from You),
- A good offspring, meaning, a righteous offspring,
Zakariya called upon his Lord, asking Him to bless him with righteous offspring, that is offspring who would be good in behaviour and attitude and well mannered, so that the blessings, both worldly and spiritual, would be completed by them.
While looking at the first sentence of this verse, (Thereupon, Zakariyya prayed to his Lord), we should bear in mind that Sayyidna Zakariyya had no offspring up to that time.

- Read also Rabbana Ma Khalaqta Hadza Bathila Dua
- Rabbana La Tuakhizna Inna Sina Meaning
- Rabbana Zalamna Anfusana Full Dua Meaning
He had grown old and one usually does not have children at that age, although he firmly believed that Allah, in His ultimate power, could change the usual phenomenon and bless him with offspring even at his advanced age.
But he had not personally witnessed the unusual divine acts, such as he did when he saw unusual and out-of-season eatables provided for Sayyidah Maryam, and that was why he did not have the courage to extend his hand of prayer for an offspring.
Now when he saw the miracle with his own eyes, he was persuaded for such prayer under the belief that Allah, who can provide a servant with out-of-season fruits, would also bless him with an offspring, even in this late age, and so he prayed.
The second sentence of the verse: ‘He said: “0 my Lord, grant me from Your own (power) a goodly progeny, tells us that making prayers to have children is a blessed practice of the prophets and the righteous.
In another verse Allah Almighty has said:
And We sent messengers before you and provided them with wives and children.
Surah Ra’ad 38
It means that children are among the blessings of Allah which were bestowed on the Holy Prophet & as well as on other prophets.
Now, should someone try to stop the birth of children, by any means, he will not only rebel against nature but will also deprive himself of having acted in harmony with the common and agreed practice of prophets.
The Holy Prophet of Islam SAW has given great importance to the question of marriage and children, so much so that he did not allow anyone to avoid married life and children in spite of his capability, and refused to take such a person as a member of his community of followers.
He said:
- Marriage is my sunnah (way).
- So, whoever turns away from my sunnah, he is not from me.
- Therefore, marry a woman who is loving and fertile, for I shall compete with other communities on the basis of your numbers.
In another verse, Allah Almighty praises those who pray before Him to have a wife in marriage, have children and have them grow good and righteous.
He says: And those who say:
0 our Lord, bless us with such among our wives and our children as be the delight of our eyes.
Surah Furqan
Hasan al-Basri says that the Qur’anic expression – ‘qurrata a’yun‘ (literally: coolness or lustre of the eyes; meaning someone dearly loved and cherished).
Here means that the maker of prayer sees his children and wife devoted in obedience to Allah.
It appears in a hadith that Umm Sulaym requested the Holy Prophet to pray for his attendant, Sayyidna Anas.
He made the following prayer for him:
0 Allah, increase his wealth and his children and make him prosper in what You have bestowed on him.
It was the outcome of this very prayer that Sayyidna Anas, had about a hundred children and was also blessed with an ample measure of wealth.
Rabbi Habli Min Ladunka Dua Benefits
This blessed dua have a lot benefits and wisdom, including:
- Indeed, all creatures are in need of Allah, even the prophets, they do not dispense with the supplication of Allah in all their circumstances.
- One of the greatest supplications is to ask Allah by His beautiful Names.
- Asking Allah for righteous offsprings is the best option. Because the offspring may be affliction and sedition.
- If you see something you wishe for, you should ask Allah at the moment and do not delay it because you don’t know whether your Dua will be accepted at the moment.
- The importance of tawassul with the Names of Allah (You are the one who hears supplications), and it is one of the greatest means of answering supplications.
- You should not despair at the mercy of Allah.
- It is mustahabb (recommended) to make Dua in a secret manner. Complaining to Allah does not contradict patience, but rather it is from the perfection of servitude to God Almighty.
- The act of good deeds and rushing to it is one of the greatest reasons for the answer.
- The supplication of God, Blessed and Exalted be He, in the states of desire and fear, is one of the reasons for the supplication to be answered.
- Humility is one of the reasons why supplications are answered.
The dua (supplication) is a beautiful and heartfelt prayer that reflects a person’s desire for a righteous and virtuous offspring.

Let’s break down this dua using a listicle format, highlighting its significance and the profound meaning behind each element:
- Invocation to the Lord:
- The supplication begins with addressing the Almighty, using the respectful term “My Lord.” This sets the tone for a humble and sincere conversation with the Creator.
- Request for a Good Offspring:
- The core of the dua revolves around the request for a righteous and virtuous offspring. The term “offspring” encompasses not only biological children but also includes future generations. This reflects a deep concern for the quality of descendants who will continue the legacy of faith and goodness.
- Source of the Blessing:
- The phrase “from Yourself” emphasizes the belief that the bestowal of a virtuous offspring comes directly from Allah. It acknowledges that true goodness and righteousness are sourced from the divine, and the person is seeking this blessing directly from the Creator.
- Acknowledgment of Allah’s Attributes:
- The dua affirms Allah’s attribute as the “Hearer of supplication.”
- Submission to the Divine Will:
- While making the request, the individual implicitly accepts the ultimate wisdom of Allah. The acknowledgment that Allah is the Hearer of supplication implies a surrender to the divine will, recognizing that Allah, in His infinite wisdom, knows what is best.
In summary, this dua is a comprehensive and deeply meaningful prayer that encapsulates the desire for righteous descendants, acknowledging Allah’s role as the ultimate source of blessings and the Hearer of supplications.
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