Rabbi Zidni Ilma Meaning in English, Arabic And Benefits (Full Dua)
Rabbi zidni ilma is a short and powerful Dua (Supplication) from the Holy Qur’an. Learn Rabbi zidni ilma meaning in English, simple explanation and benefits of this Dua.
Rabbi Zidni Ilma In Arabic Text
Here is how to write this short supplication in Arabic text.
رَّبِّ زِدۡنِى عِلۡمًا
Rabbi Zidni Ilma Meaning In English
Rabbi Zidni Ilma means O my Lord, Increase me in Knowledge. It is a request for Allah to grant the supplicant more knowledge and wisdom.
There are different translation and meaning of this verse (Dua) in English. Below are some of them;
- O My Lord! Advance me in knowledge
- My Lord, improve me in Knowledge
All these meanings are correct. However, here are word by word meaning
- Rabbi means My Lord
- Zidni means Increase in me and
- Ilma means knowledge.

Knowledge is the foundation of everything. Thus, the Prophet Muhammad SAW said,
He who Allah wishes good for, he gives him understanding of the religion.
There is no difference between a combatant who is sharpening the tip of his arrow and a student of knowledge who is extracting knowledge based issues from the books.
Each of them is striving in the cause of Allah, and to explain the Sharee’ah of Allah to His slaves.
Likewise, knowledge will benefit everyone, his contemporaries and the unborn generations will benefit from him.
Its possessor will benefit from it in his lifetime and after his death as stated by the Prophet Muhammad SAW in authentic Hadith:
If a person dies, his action stops except from three (sources): continuous charity, knowledge that is benefit from and a righteous child who supplicates for him.”
The entire mankind is in need of knowledge; prophets and others are all in need of knowledge.
- Rabbi Inni Lima Anzalta Ilayya Dua
- Rabbi Jalni Muqimas Salati Dua
- Rabbighfirli Waliwalidayya Full Dua
What Surah Is Rabbi Zidni Ilma?
Rabbi Zidnee Ilma is a phrase that can be found in Surah Taha (Surah 20), verse 114 of the Quran. The surah was revealed in Mecca and contain one hundred and thirty eight (138) verses or Aya.
Rabbi Zidni Ilma Ayat Number
The Ayat Number of rabbi zidni ilma happened to be one hundred and fourteen (114). It is the last part of the Aya.

Rabbi Zidni Ilma How Many Times
The phrase “Rabbi Zidnee Ilma” (رَبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا) appears once in the Quran, specifically in Surah Taha (Surah 20), verse 114.
You can recite this short supplication as much as you can in order to increase all sources of good knowledge.
It is proper that you should always ask to increase your knowledge. But, remember you should always have yaqeen (faith) in your Rabb.
Seeking religious and worldly knowledge with a measure of being able to worship and carry out the command of Allah is obligatory for all believers who have reached puberty.
In Islam, knowledge is an important and vital aspect of your life.
There is no age limit for gaining knowledge about your religion and worldly knowledge, you can learn all your life and take knowledge of Islamic (deen) and the world (Dunya) which is highly recommended to share with others.
Allah SWT, through His Prophet, has encouraged us to seek and learn beneficial knowledge.
With this, there are many ayahs (verse) and hadith that are encouraging us to seek knowledge. One of them is this powerful Dua.
It is obvious that ilm (knowledge) is one of the biggest factors of a sound Muslim.
Allah ordered His Prophet to say,
“And say, “My Lord! Increase me in knowledge.”
“And be not in haste (O Muhammad) with the Qur’an before its revelation is completed to you, and say: ‘my Lord: increase me in knowledge.”
(Surah Taha 114)

Rabbi Zidni Ilma Benefits
The Messengers are in need of knowledge and increment in it as well as asking Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, for it.
And those inferior to the Prophets are more in need (of asking Allah for increased knowledge). Therefore, it is proper for the servant to always ask Allah to increase him in knowledge.
However, while beseeching Allah for increased knowledge, you must seek after the means by which knowledge would be attained.
It is neither wise nor correct for him to implore Allah for increase in knowledge without taking to the means.
This is similar to the one who supplicates to Allah for a child without getting married. How will this child come to him?
Whenever you ask Allah for something, you must strive for the required means because Allah is the Wise, so He has linked the outcomes with their causes.
In this verse, “Say: My Lord! Increase me in knowledge” is a proof of the excellence of knowledge.
Allah did not instruct His Prophet to ask him for increase in wealth; rather, He said to him, “And say: My Lord! Increase me in knowledge”.
There are many hadeeths that talked are about the virtues of knowledge and its praiseworthy effects.
Abu Hurayrah, may Allah shower blessings on him, reported that the Prophet SAW said,
“Whoever treads a path seeking for knowledge, Allah will ease the path of paradise for him.”
Following a path encompasses physical path that the feet walk.
For instance, when a person leaves his house to a place of learning, be it a mosque, school, college or similar facilities.
And from this also is traveling in search of knowledge; when a person travels from his town to another town seeking for knowledge, such a person treads a path in search of knowledge.
Jabir bin Abdullah, a companion of the Messenger of Allah, traveled for a whole month on a camel for the sake of one hadeeth.
He traveled for a period of one month from his town to another town for the sake of one hadeeth reported by Abdullah bin Unays (may Allah be pleased with him) from the Prophet.
As for the second, it is the intangible path.
It is to seek knowledge from the tongues of scholars and books.
The one who reviews a book in order to deduce the Sharee’ah ruling on a particular issue, even if he sits on his chair, has followed a path seeking for knowledge.
And he who sits before a Shaykh learning form him has followed a path seeking for knowledge even though he was seated.
So treading the path is divided into two: the first is the path which feet are used to walk while the second is the path that leads to the attainment of knowledge even if he remained seated.
Allah will make the path of Paradise easy for whoever treads this path.
This is because the Islamic knowledge enhance the understanding of what Allah has reveled, the Sharee’ah of Allah, His commandments and prohibitions.
So seek guidance with it on the path that pleases Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, and it will lead you to Paradise.
Whenever you increase your tenacity to follow the paths of knowledge, you are enhancing the path that will lead you to Paradise, we ask Allah for His Great Favour.
This hadeeth clearly encourages seeking for knowledge; this is not hidden to anyone.
Therefore, a person is required to seize the opportunity, especially a youth, to memorize fast as whatever he memorizes will be ingrained in his mind.
It is important for him to start early before digressions set in.

Meaning Of The Full Rabbi Zidni Ilma Aya
Allah says in surah Taha verse 114,
So exalted be Allah, The sovereign Do not hasten to repeat [the newly-revealed verses of] the Qur’an before its revelation to you is completed, and say: O my Lord, increase me in knowledge.
Having mentioned His decree concerning requital of His slaves and His decree concerning religious instructions that He revealed in His Book, which is a sign of His dominion, Allah now says:
So exalted be Allah that is, He is most high and sublime, above having any defects or shortcomings.
The True Sovereign Whose attribute is dominion and all creatures are His subjects, for the decree of the Sovereign with regard to universal or religious decrees is inevitable and binding.
His existence, dominion and perfection are true; attributes of perfection cannot rightfully be attributed to any but the Owner of Majesty, which includes the attribute of sovereignty.
Even if created beings may possess some sort of sovereignty at some times, over some things, this is sovereignty that is limited, imperfect and temporary.
As for the Lord, He never ceases to be the Sovereign, Ever-Living, Self-Sustaining and All- Sustaining, and Majestic.
Do not hasten to repeat [the newly-revealed verses of] the Qur’an before its revelation to you is completed.
That is, do not hasten (O Muhammad) to repeat the verses of the Qur’an whilst Jibreel is still reciting them to you.
Be patient until he has finished, and when he has finished, then recite it, for Allah has guaranteed that you will be able to memorise it and recite it.
As Allah says:
Do not move your tongue [O Prophet] in haste to repeat and memorize this revelation. Verily, it is incumbent upon Us to enable you to memorize it and enable you to recite it. So when We recite it [through Jibreel], follow its recitation attentively. Then it is incumbent upon Us to make its meanings clear.
(Surah al-Qiyamah: verses 16-19)
Because the Prophet’s hastening to repeat the Revelation was indicative of his perfect love for knowledge and his eagerness to acquire it.
Allah instructed him to ask Him for more knowledge, for knowledge is good and to have a great deal of goodness is something that is required.
It is from Allah, and the way to attain it is by striving, longing for knowledge, asking Allah for it, seeking His help and acknowledging one’s need for Him at all times.

From this verse we learn the etiquette of receiving knowledge, and that the one who listens to knowledge must be patient and wait until the teacher has finished speaking, because what he wants to say is interconnected.
Then when he has finished, the one who has questions may ask him.
He should not hasten to ask questions and interrupt the teacher when he is speaking, because that is a cause of being deprived of knowledge.
At the same time, the one who is asked a question should try to understand what the questioner is asking and find out what he really wants to know before answering, because that will help him to give the right answer.
Allah Knows Best