Sadaqah Jariyah
Sadaqah Jariyah

What Is Sadaqah Jariyah? (MEANING, Types, Hadith, And Examples)


Sadaqah Jariyah is a powerful concept in Islam that encourages Muslims to engage in acts of charity that continue to benefit others long after the initial donation has been made.

In this blog, we will explore the concept of Sadaqa Jariyah in greater detail, discussing its benefits, the types of projects that qualify as Sadaqah Jariya, and how we can incorporate this practice into our daily lives.

Sadaqah Jariyah Meaning In English

Sadaqa jariyah literally means flowing, running, or ongoing charity. Ongoing charity (sadaqa jariyah) is a charity the reward of which continues after a person dies. As for the charity of which the reward does not continue, such as charity in the form of food given to a poor person, that is not ongoing charity.

Hadith On Sadaqa Jariyah

Aboo Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that the Prophet SAW said, “When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except from three things: ceaseless charity, a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous child who prays for him (for the deceased) (Muslim 1631)

This hadeeth encourages one to amass righteous actions because one does not know when death will overtake one.


So he should accumulate righteous actions to increase him in rank and reward before Allah, Blessed be He and most High, before the actions will come to an end.

It is well known that none of us know when he will die: “No person knows what he will earns tomorrow, and no person knows in what land he will die.” (Surah Luqman: 34).

So if the issue is like this, a sane person will seize the opportunity of his living to obey Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, before death approaches him.

Then, he would not benefit from admonition or repentance.

His saying: “His deeds come to an end” encompasses all deeds. Once he dies, nothing will be recorded for him or against him because he is transiting to the abode of recompense from the abode of action, which is the present life.


Thereafter comes reward for all deeds except these three:

Sadaqah Jariyah, a ceaseless charity: That is, a person gives out charity with something that persists, and the best of such is mosques.

Building a mosque is a ceaseless charity because the rewards of its builders continue as long as the mosque remains, day and night, and the Muslims perform their Salat, recite the Qur’an, learn and teach knowledge in the mosque.

Another example of a ceaseless charity is a person establishing an endowment for a housing project or similar projects to cater for the needs of the poor, needy, the students of knowledge and those striving in the way of Allah.

Another form of ceaseless charity is publishing a beneficial book for the Muslims to read and benefit from, be it contemporary works or classical works.

The important point is that it should be a valuable book that will benefit the Muslims after him.

Likewise, repairing roads is a form of ceaseless charity. If a person repairs a road, frees it of harm and people continuously benefit from this, it is also a ceaseless charity.

The basic principle for ceaseless charity is, “Every righteous action that persists after the death of its initiator.

As for the second, “a knowledge which is beneficial.” This is the most comprehensive and beneficial of them.

That a person should bequeath a body of knowledge which benefits the Muslims irrespective of its mode of transmission, oral or written.

Authoring of books, teaching people and people conferring on this knowledge, as long as it lasts, the reward of the teacher will continue because people are benefiting from this knowledge which he bequeathed.

The third is, “a virtuous child who prays for him.” A child encompasses both male and female. It comprises of your biological sons or daughters, your grandchildren, male and female, until the end of the line of descent.

A person will be rewarded for the supplication of a righteous child after his death.

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Consider the statement of the Prophet SAW stated: “A virtuous child who prays for him.”

He did not say, A righteous child who observes Salat, recites the Qur’an, give in charity or fast for him.

No, He didn’t say this even though all of them are righteous deeds; rather, he SAW said, A righteous child who prays for him”.

This is evidence that supplicating for ones father, mother, paternal and maternal grandparents is better than giving charity, performing the Salat and fasting on their behalf.

This is because it is not possible for the Prophet SAW to direct his Ummah except to that which he knows is best for them.

The Benefits of Sadaqah Jariyah

The rewards of Sadaqah Jariyah are immense, and they extend beyond the donor’s lifetime. When we give Sadaqah Jariyah, we are not only helping those in need, but we are also investing in our Hereafter.

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “When a person dies, his deeds come to an end, except for three: ongoing charity (Sadaqah Jariya), beneficial knowledge, or a righteous child who prays for him” (Muslim).

Therefore, Sadaqa Jariyah is a way to earn rewards that continue to accumulate even after our death.

Types of Sadaqah Jariyah

There are many ways to give Sadaqah Jariyah, and the possibilities are endless. Here are some examples:

Building a Mosque: Building a mosque is one of the most common forms of Sadaqah Jariyah. A mosque provides a place for Muslims to gather and pray, and it serves as a community center for religious events.

Providing Clean Water: Access to clean water is a basic human right, yet many people around the world do not have access to it. Providing clean water through building a well or a water filtration system is a form of Sadaqah Jariya that can have a significant impact on people’s lives.

Supporting Education: Education is key to breaking the cycle of poverty. Sponsoring a child’s education or building a school is a form of Sadaqah Jariyah that can have a lasting impact on a community.

How to Incorporate Sadaqah Jariyah into Our Daily Lives

Incorporating Sadaqah Jariyah into our daily lives is easy, and it does not require a large amount of money.

Small acts of kindness can go a long way, and they can have a ripple effect that extends far beyond our immediate surroundings. Here are some ways to give Sadaqah Jariyah:

Donate to a Sadaqah Jariyah Project: There are many organizations that specialize in Sadaqah Jariya projects. Donating to these organizations is a simple way to give ongoing charity.

Plant a Tree: Planting a tree is a simple yet effective way to give Sadaqa Jariyah. Trees provide shade, clean air, and they can even help prevent erosion.

Share Knowledge: Sharing knowledge is a form of Sadaqah Jariyah. If you have a particular skill or expertise, consider teaching it to others. This can have a lasting impact on people’s lives.

The Muslim should give his charity to several causes, so that he will have a share of the reward from different sources.

So you could allocate some of your wealth to sponsoring orphans, another part to contribute to the building of a mosque, a third part to distributing books and Mus-hafs, and so on.


In conclusion, Sadaqah Jariyah is a powerful concept in Islam that offers numerous benefits for both the giver and the recipient. Giving ongoing charity is a way to invest in our Hereafter and leave a positive legacy that can last beyond our lifetimes.

There are many ways to give Sadaqah Jariyah, and even small acts of kindness can have a significant impact.

By incorporating this practice into our daily lives, we can make a positive difference in the world and earn the blessings of Allah (SWT).

May Allah (SWT) accept our Sadaqah Jariyah and make it a means of attaining His pleasure and nearness. Ameen.


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