Tahajjud Prayer Benefits
Tahajjud Prayer Benefits

What Is Tahajjud Prayer Benefits? Plus 12 Tips That Can Help You Pray


One thing that will help you stay on the right path is night prayer. But what exactly is it? Keep reading to know more about Tahajjud prayer benefits.

What is Tahajjud prayer?

Tahajjud is the voluntary nightly prayer of Muslims, performed after the Isha’ (the last) prayer at night. Muslims are recommended to make this prayer during the last part of the night, from midnight to just before dawn.

This prayer can be performed at any time during this period, but it is recommended to be performed during the last part of the night. Tahajjud prayer is not compulsory but is highly recommended.

Tahajjud In Quran

In the Qur’an, Allah praised them and sets them apart from others, saying:

Is one who is obedient to Allaah, prostrating himself or standing (in prayer) during the hours of the night, fearing the Hereafter and hoping for the Mercy of his Lord (like one who disbelieves)? Say: Are those who know equal to those who know not? It is only men of understanding who will remember.

Surah al-Zumar 39:9]

What Are The Benefits Of Tahajjud Prayer?

Prophet SAW was asked Which Salah is the best Salah?


So our Prophet responded to that question that the best Salah after the fard is the salatul layl. It is the Salah that is prayed at night, that is the Salah of Tahajjud.

In surah Isra’ verse 79 Allah says,

And during the night, pray tahajjud as a nafila for you, it is possible, it is likely that Allah SWT will resurrect you upon the praise worthing station.

So a reminder to myself and you of the beauty of the Salah, the benefits of the Salah, the blessings that Allah has mentioned, regarding Salah tahajjud.

Do you know that the very second revelation of the Quran that came down, encouraged our Prophet SAW to pray to tahajjud?


Allah said oh you who is wrapped up, stand the night in prayer, stand the night except for a little bit of it, half the night or maybe a little bit less than half the night, or maybe even increase of the half, and recite the Quran with tartil during that half.

So can you imagine from the very beginning our Prophet SAW is told to pray tahajjud Salah?

The messenger said, Allah SWT comes down to the lower heavens in the last third of the night, and Allah himself descends down.

Allah comes down in the last third of the night and He asks who is there that is praying?

  • Who is there that is wanting to be forgiven, I shall forgive him.
  • Who is there asking me? I will give him.
  • Who is there invoking? I shall respond.

So Allah comes down and he’s saying who is there? Who’s there?

So our scholars have said anyone who wants a private audience with Allah, this is his opportunity.

Anyone who wants to be engaged in a private conversation, Allah is opening his doors, Who is there? I will respond.

Another scholar said anybody who wants his dua to be answered, but he’s not praying tahajjud doesn’t really want his dua to be answered.

You really want something, but you’re not using this opportunity.

In the last third part of the night, that is the opportunity to engage in this private conversation.

Now, it is true that the best Tahajjud is the last third of the night. There is no doubt about it.

However, it is permissible to perform Tahjyad earlier than this.

And our scholars have said that the window of tahajjud is between Salah Isha, when you finish it, and the beginning of the azan Fajr.

So when you finish praying Isha, and before the Azan of Fajr, this entire window is the opportunity of tahajjud.

Not all the Sahaba were able to pray in the last third.

Abu Huraira RA, at certain points of his life, was not able to pray in the last third of the night.

So he advised his students that my master, my mentor, my Khalil, my beloved, meaning the Prophet SAW told me that whoever is not able to pray in the last part of the night, let him pray in the earlier part of the night.

And so sometimes Abu Huraira would not wake up.

He was not somebody that was wasting his time.

He was doing khidma to the religion, so he would pray tahajjud before going to sleep after Salat Isha.

In other words, those of us who are not able to wake up before fajr by an hour, by 2 hours, that is the ideal time.

If you’re not able to do that, then you may still share the blessings of Tahajjud by praying tahajjud before going to sleep.

Let’s make this habit every single night of praying salatul Layl.

Our Prophet SAW said: I advise you, I encourage you to pray at night.

Why? He gave us four or five reasons.

  1. It is the manner and the custom of the righteous people in all times and places.

The good people before would pray tahajjud. When you pray tahajjud, you will be amongst them.

2. It brings you close to Allah.

3. It prevents you from committing sins.

When you pray tahajjud at night, your day will also become more blessed.

You cannot pray tahajjud at night and then go about backbiting and stabbing in ghiba in the daytime. Your tahajjud will make you a better person.

4. Your sins fall off.

Your sins become nothing, Allah will forgive them.

5. It removes the diseases from your body.

In other words, he is saying, even from a medical and a health perspective, praying tahajjud will make you more healthy.

So Allah SWT is telling us, and during the night, pray tahajjud any part of the night, the beginning of the night, the middle of the night, or the best is the last third of the night.

And SubhanAllah the ending of this verse, perhaps because you pray tahajjud, perhaps Allah will give you the Makkamal Mahmud.

What is the Makamaal Mahmud?

It is the highest station given to any man. It is the highest Makam. It is the Makam that will be praised by all of mankind, the first of them and the last of them.

Let us pray tahajjud as much as we can.

Whoever cannot pray every night, once a week, once a month, there should be something in our daily routine, weekly routine, monthly routine.

What Is Tahajjud Prayer Benefits?

There are several benefits that come with the Tahajjud prayer.

  • The night prayer is defined as spending the night in the Tahajjud prayer or other acts of worship.
  • The Prophet, may peace be upon him, prayed the qiyaam al-layl prayer until his feet swollen.
  • The Tahajjud prayer is one of the greatest means of entering Paradise.
  • The night prayer is one of the reasons for raising the ranks in Paradise.
  • Those who maintain praying the night prayers are doers of good, deserving of Allah’s mercy and paradise.
  • Allah has praised the people of the night prayer among His righteous servants.
  • The night prayer is the best prayer after the obligatory prayer.
  • The qiyaam al-layl prayer is an expiation for bad deeds and an abolishment of sins.
  • The honor of the believer is the prayer of the night prayer. It is a reason for being closer to Allah.
  • A reason for Allah’s love for His devout servant.
  • The people who observed night prayer are the people of remembrance, and they are not the people of heedlessness.
  • Allah SWT said In Surah Ahzab, verse 35 that those who remember Him often, He has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward.
  • The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, prayed for mercy to everyone who got up at night, and woke his family to prayer.
  • A reason for abandoning sins and disobedience, and turning to Allah.
  • One of the best ways to attain closeness to Allah.

“Be vigilant in standing up [in prayer] at night, for it was the practice of the pious before you. It is a means of gaining proximity to Allah Ta’ala, expiation for transgressions and a barrier from sins.”

  • Tahajjud prayer gives inner strength and mental peace.
  • It also has the capability to avert acts of sin and wickedness.

Also, according to the Islamic tradition, the third part of the night is the best time to make wishes/duas.

Prophet (PBUH) said: “During the night there is a time when the Muslim does not ask for the good of this world and the Hereafter but it will be given to him, and that happens every night.”

Also known to be the best among the voluntary prayers, one major benefit of performing Tahajjud is that it helps with everyday problems.

While performing this prayer, one completely places their trust in Allah and leaves all worldly worries.

When a believer leaves everything to the Almighty, the supreme power then assists different sources.

The Holy Quran also mentions that those devoting time to praying Tahajjud reap great benefits.

Things That Can Help You Pray Tahajjud Prayer

There are many things that you can do to help yourself pray qiyaam al-layl, among which are the following:

  1. Being sincere towards Allah

Allah has commanded us to be in our deeds sincere with Allah and no one else.

The more sincere you are towards Allah, the more you will be guided and helped to obey Allah and draw closer to Him.

People gain help from Allah in proportion to their motivation, intention, hopes, and anxieties, and they also experience failure in the same way.

It is important for the person who desires to pray tahajjud prayer to understand that Allah is calling him to do so.

The slave will respond when he understands that his Master, Who does not require people’s worship, is calling him to accomplish this.

  1. Knowing the virtues of Tahajjud prayer

If you know the benefits of Tahajjud prayer, you will be keen to talk to Allah SWT and to stand before him at that moment.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is reported to have said in a hadeeth (narration) of Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him):

The best of prayers after the prescribed prayers is prayer in the depths of the night, and the best of fasting after the month of Ramadaan is fasting the month of Allaah, Muharram. (reported by Muslim).

Amr ibn Absah reported that the Prophet SAW said:

The closest that the Lord is to His slave is in the later part of the night, so if you can be one of those who remember Allaah at that time, then do so. (Reported by al-Tirmidhi and al-Nisaa’i).

  1. Studying the manner in which the salaf and the righteous adhered to and practiced qiyaam al-layl.

The salaf used to take tremendous pleasure in performing qiyaam al-layl.

According to Yazeed al-Riqaashi, excessive tahajjud makes worshippers happy, and excessive thirst (i.e., fasting) makes people happy when they meet Allah.

  1. Sleeping on your right side

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) instilled the habit of sleeping on one’s right side in his ummah (followers).

  1. Sleeping in a state of tahaarah (purity).

Al-Baraa ibn Aazib’s hadeeth, in which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is reported to have stated, When you go to bed, do wudoo as if for prayer.

  1. Going to sleep early

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) advised, and it is a good and healthy habit, to go straight to bed after Isha.

Choosing a good bed is another issue related to sleep; avoid beds that are very soft or luxurious as this encourages excessive sleep, which leads to negligence, lethargy, and carelessness.

Additionally, avoid sleep too much or too deeply.

  1. Reciting the adhkaar (Dua for sleeping at night ) before going to bed as instructed by shareeah (Islamic law), since these adhkaar are like a fortress that shields a person from the Shaytaan, with Allaah’s permission, and aids him in rising for qiyaam.

The Muslim should also get into the habit of reciting the Dua for waking up that shareeah commands as he or she wakes up.

  1. Being eager to take a nap or siesta during the day, whether before or after zuhr.

Anas RA narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Take a nap, for the shayaateen do not take naps.

  1. Limiting how much you eat and drink.

Two of the greatest barriers that impede people from praying qiyaam al-layl are overeating and drinking.

  1. Striving against yourself to pray tahajjud

Given that human nature is predisposed to wrongdoing and that a person who follows their own inclinations would be led to disaster and doom, this is one of the finest ways to assist oneself in performing the prayer of qiyaam. Allah has commanded us to strive against our own selves.

  1. Avoiding sin.

If you want to be one of those who earn the honour of speaking to Allah in the depths of the night, you should beware of sin.

A person who is stained by sin will be helped to pray qiyaam al-layl.

  1. Checking oneself and rebuking oneself for not praying qiyaam al-layl.

One of the characteristics of the righteous and truthful is checking oneself.

Why Do We Pray Tahajjud?

Tahajjud prayer is an act of worship that connects the heart to Allah, and enables it to strive against ones own self and overcome the temptations of life, at the time when voices are stilled, eyes are closed in sleep, and sleepers are tossing and turning in their beds.

Qiyaam al-layl is thus one of the indicators of real commitment and one of the characteristics of those with lofty goals.

Benefits Of Praying Tahajjud

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) urged us to pray tahajjud prayer, saying,

“You should pray qiyaam al-layl, for it is the habit of the righteous people before you, and it will bring you closer to your Lord, expiate for bad deeds, prevent sin, and expel disease from the body.”

Tirmidhi and Ahmad

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is reported to have said that the best prayer after the prescribed prayers is tahajjud prayer.

Whether he was at home or on the road, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) maintained his habit of praying tahajjud.

He prayed qiyaam al-layl until his feet grew swollen, despite the fact that he would be the son of Adam to have all of his past and present sins forgiven.

When asked about this, he responded, “Should I not be a grateful slave?”

May Allah Grant Us Success.


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