Takbir Meaning
Takbir Meaning

Takbir Meaning In English, Benefits And When To Say It


Takbir is the name for the Arabic phrase Allahu Akbar which is a Muslim saying. It is a common phrase used by Muslims in various situations. Continue reading to learn takbir meaning and many more.

Takbir Meaning In English

Takbir means magnification of Allah or to proclaim the greatness of Allah Subhanahu wata’ala. The takbir phrase, Allahu Akbar means Allah is the Greatest. Takbeer is one of the most beautiful phrases a person can ever say. Takbir is an affirmation of Allah’s majesty and a declaration of our submission to Him.

Through Takbir (Allahu Akbar), we remind ourselves that Allah is the Greatest in every way: in essence, power, honour, and majesty. Allah is the King of kings, to whom everything subservient.

The Arabic word كَبِير (kabir) means great. The Arabic word أَكْبَر (ʾakbar) is the elative form (greatest) of the adjective kabir. When used in the Takbir it is usually translated as greatest, but some authors translate it as greater.

The term Takbir means “great”, from which akbar “greater” is derived.


What Does Takbir Mean?

Allahu akbar Takbir means ‘Allah is Greater than…’ By not specifying what He is Greater than, one is saying that He is Greater than everything.

Allah is Greater than anything we can imagine and His Greatness encompasses all things: He is Great in His Essence, His Names, His Attributes and His Actions.

Allah is Supreme and Transcendent above every limitation and deficiency that is inherent in created beings.

Our limited minds are unable to comprehend the Greatness of Allah. However one can attempt to appreciate His Greatness by pondering over His creation.

When a person ponders on the greatness of Allah’s creation such as the heavens, the earth, His Kursi and His Majestic Throne, and then realises his own inability to comprehend them due to their greatness, he arrives at the most important realisation: how Great must their Creator be!


The seven heavens in comparison to the Kursi is nothing but like a ring thrown in a desert, and the excellence of the Throne of Allah over the Kursi is like the excellence of that desert over that ring.(Bayhaqi)

Learn the Takbir of Eid.

Contrary to popular belief, the words “Allahu Akbar” simply mean “Allah is greater.” It is a powerful declaration that Muslims use on numerous occasions and in numerous prayers.

Takbir are the first words fathers whisper in the ears of their newborns are a celebration of life.

They are used to express gratitude when Allah bestows something on you that you would not have been able to obtain without Allah’s help.

It is a prayerful phrase that reminds us that no matter how big our problems are, ALLAH is bigger than them.

Every time we say takbeer, let us remind ourselves of Allah’s greatness and say: Allah is Greater… He is bigger than us, bigger than our desires, bigger than our loved ones, bigger than our hobbies, bigger than the most powerful armies and empires, bigger than everything.

Let us renew our faith in Him and strengthen our bond with Him every time we say the takbir.

As our understanding of takbir grows, so should our awe and fear of Allah. As a result, we should revere Allah, love Him, obey Him, worship Him in the best way possible, devote ourselves completely to Him, and trust in Him alone.

A firm belief in Allah’s Greatness should prompt us to constantly remember, thank, and praise Him with our lips.

It should cause the body to humble itself, to recognise its own insignificance, and to rush to worship Him.

Saying takbir with conviction should make us appreciate our Creator’s Greatness. When we remind ourselves of His Greatness, we should lose our sense of self-importance as we remember how weak and insignificant we are.

Saying Allahu Akbar should protect us from pride because we will no longer regard ourselves or our possessions as great.

Related Astaghfirullahal Lazi La Ilaha Illa Huwal Hayyul-Qayyum

Benefits Of Takbeer

Takbeer is one of the most beautiful ways to remember our Creator. It is a magnificent act of worship. One of Allah’s first commands to His beloved Prophet SAW was:

وَرَبَّكَ فَكَبِّرْ

Meaning: Proclaim the greatness of your Lord! (Surah Muddathir verse 3).

In another place, Allah (azza wa jall) says,

وَكَبِّرْهُ تَكْبِىْرًا

Meaning: Proclaim His limitless greatness! (Surah Al Isra verse 111).

Umar b. al-Khattab (RA) said, “The slave’s utterance of Allahu Akbar is better than the world and all that it contains.”

Takbir (Allahu Akbar) is a phrase that has worked wonders throughout Islamic history. Takbir is the battlefield’s echo. By repeating it, the warriors on Allah’s path feel Allah’s honour, power, and closeness to them.

They derive their strength, steadfastness, and sincerity from Allahu Akbar. Takbir enabled them to defeat their adversaries, eradicate corruption, and bring arrogant tyrants to their knees.

Takbir is a fantastic phrase and a potent source of protection. When Shaytan hears it, he feels small and insignificant and retreats quickly.

Allahu Akbar solves problems, relieves stress, and calms fears. Allahu Akbar heals illnesses and soothes our fears.

When we are overwhelmed or completely lost and confused, takbir reminds us: there is someone far greater and more powerful than what we are experiencing. If we cling on to takbir, Allah will never abandon us.

When To Say Takbir

Takbir is a common phrase used by Muslims in various situations, including the Salah (obligatory five prayers a day).

It’s used in the Adhan (Islamic call to prayer), in Hajj, as an informal expression of faith, in times of distress or joy, or to express resolute determination or defiance.

This phrase has been repeated to us throughout our lives. Two of our deen’s five pillars revolve around this statement: salah and hajj.

The adhan, which begins with takbir, summons us to the masjid. Takbir is the first line of the Iqamah.

The salah is started with takbeer. We move from one pillar to the next throughout salah by saying Allahu Akbar. There is no phrase we are obligated to say more than Allahu Akbar in a day.

According to Al-Izz b. Abd al-Salm (raimahullah), salah begins with the takbir, indicating the grandeur of Allah, so that the slave knows who He is standing, sitting, bowing, and prostrating in front of. It reminds him to humble himself before Allah’s greatness.

Once the slave is aware of Allah’s magnificence, he will adhere to the internal and external etiquettes of salah and purification, and he will become preoccupied with Allah alone.

He writes, “Whoever worships Allah in such a way has exited from the realms of the universe.”

Subsequently, repeating takbir at each stage of salah helps us to renew our awareness of His greatness. It reminds us to embody the humility and lowliness that each posture requires.

Similarly, takbir is constantly repeated throughout the various rites of hajj and umrah.

Similarly, we have been instructed to say takbeer when we see the new moon, as part of the Eid takbeerat, when we begin a journey, when ascending (e.g. going up a hill, stairs, lifts), when slaughtering an animal, when receiving good news, and even when we see something burning.

About the takbir, Ibn Hajar (rahimahullah) writes, “It is a form of remembrance which has been transmitted to us to say in every difficult and happy situation. It is said to thank Allah and disassociate oneself from all that His enemies attribute to Him.”

Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullah) explained, “Takbīr has been legislated to be uttered on major occasions – either due to the large crowds; or situations which consist of actions that are great in and of themselves; or are situations that require strength etc.

This is to highlight the fact that Allah is the Greatest. And no matter how big and grand these occasions may be, the greatness of Allah overpowers the hearts of the believers. The outcome of this is that the entire deen is dedicated to Allah, and the slaves are constantly glorifying Allah.”


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