Tasbih Meaning
Tasbih Meaning

Tasbih Meaning In English, Arabic Text and Benefits


Tasbih is a form of dhikr that involves the glorification of Allah by saying SubhanAllah. In this article, we will look at tasbih meaning, how to write it in Arabic, Quran verses and Hadith about this beautiful zikr and many more.

Tasbih Meaning In English

Tasbih is saying SubhanAllah which means Allah is Perfect or Glory be Allah. Tasbih means to glorify Allah above any deficiency or imperfection i.e. Allah is free from all defects. Allah is the Most Glorified Who has no rival or partner, Who possesses every aspect of perfection, and Whose actions are pure and free from evil.

How To Write Tasbih In Arabic

Here is how to write SubhanAllah in Arabic text;

سُـبْحانَ الله



This short video will help you to correct the pronunciation of Subhanallah.

When To Recite Tasbeeh?

Tasbeeh is a powerful zikr with lots of benefits and Muslims are encouraged to say it throughout the day. However, there are some special places the Prophet SAW used to recite and encouraged his followers to say it at these appointed times.

  • It said to express shock or amazement.
  • It is also said during the prayer (in sujud and Ruku).
  • Before going to bed.
  • After fard Salah.

Muslims are also encouraged to say tasbih 33 times after fard prayer.

From the forms of Tasbih after the Salat is to say:

  • Subhaanallaah (Allah is free from imperfection),
  • Alhamdulillaah (Praise be to Allah),
  • La ilaaha illallaah (There is no true God except Allah) and
  • Allahu Akbar (Allah is Greatest) twenty-five times, so it aggregates to a hundred.

Another form is reciting:


  • Subhanallaah (Allah is free from imperfection) thirty-three times,
  • Alhamdulillaah (Praise be to Allah) thirty-three times, and
  • Allahu Akbar (Allah is Greatest) thirty-four times, which makes a total of one hundred.

Another form is to recite:

  • Subhanallaah (Allah is free from imperfection) ten times,
  • Alhamdulillaah (Praise be to Allah) ten times, and
  • Allahu Akbar (Allah is Greatest) ten times.

You should alternate among the various forms because they are all authentically reported from the Prophet SAW.

Tasbih Meaning

Related Tasbih Fatima Benefits And FULL Hadith

Benefits Of Tasbih

Prophet Muhammad SAW taught Muslims that it is one of the four praises that Allah likes Muslims to say continuously.

One of the hadeeths showing the excellence of the remembrance of Allah which is specific and restricted to a deed. This hadeeth is one of such.

Aboo Hurayrah – may Allah be pleased with him – reported that the poor Emigrants came to the Prophet SAW to complain. They said, “The wealthy have surpassed us.

They offer Salat as we offer it, they observe fast as we do, and they have excess wealth,” that is, with which they spend in charity, perform pilgrimage and the Umrah, and strive in the way (of Allah).

So the Prophet SAW directed them to an issue. He said, “Shall I instruct you in something whereby you will overtake those who are ahead of you and will keep ahead of those who are behind you”.

They said, “Surely, O Messenger of Allah”.

He said, “You should recite: Tasbeeh (the saying, ‘Subhanallah’ (Allah is free from imperfection), Tahmeed (the saying, Alhamdulillah’ (Praise be to Allah) and Takbeer (the saying, Allahu Akbar’ (Allah is Greatest) thirty-three times after each Salat”.

That is, they should recite: Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah and Allahu Akbar thirty-three times each, culminating in an aggregate of ninety-nine.

So they started doing it. However, the wealthy heard about it and they also began doing it, placing them at par in this remembrance of Allah.

Then the poor returned to the Messenger of Allah SAW and said, “O Messenger of Allah, our wealthy brothers have heard what we did, so they did the like of it”.

It seems they wanted another thing that would be specific to them, but he SAW said,

“That is the Grace of Allah, which He bestows on who He wills.” Surah Al-Jumu’ah verse 4

Similarly, the remembrance of Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, is among the best of deeds and the dearest to Allah, the Mighty and Sublime. In fact, it is among the means of steadfastness at times of meeting the enemy.

Subhaanallaah wabihamdihi (meaning: Allah is free from imperfection and I begin with praising Him) a hundred times in the morning and evening has numerous virtues.

If a person recites it one hundred times in the morning and one hundred times in the evening, he will not be surpassed on the Day of Resurrection by anyone with better deeds than one who utters the same words or utters more of those words.

This invocation, ‘Subhaanallaah wa bihamdihi, implies that you absolve Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, of everything that does not befit His Majesty, Blessed be He and the most High, while also praising Him; indeed, you are describing Him with perfect attributes.

So it is good for one to recite Subhaanallaah wa bihamdihi one hundred times in the morning and one hundred times in the evening so as to attain this virtue stated by the Prophet it.

Read I Seek Refuge In Allah in Arabic, Transliteration And Benefits

Tasbih Meaning
Tasbih Meaning

Azkar Which Start with Tasbih (Subhanallah)

  • Subhanallahi Wa Bihamdihi
  • Subhanaka Allahumma Wa Bihamdika
  • Subhan Allah Alhamdulillah Allahu Akbar
  • Subhanallahi Wa Bihamdihi Adada Khalqihi

Tasbih In Quran

There are several places where Allah SWT mentioned Tasbeeh, among them are:

1. Surah Tur verse 43

أَمۡ لَهُمۡ إِلَٰهٌ غَيۡرُ ٱللَّهِۚ سُبۡحَٰنَ ٱللَّهِ عَمَّا يُشۡرِكُونَ

Meaning; Or have they a deity other than Allah? Exalted is Allah above whatever they associate with Him.

2. Surah Isra’ verse 43

سُبۡحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ عَمَّا يَقُولُونَ عُلُوًّا كَبِيرًا

Meaning: Exalted is He and high above what they say by great sublimity.

3. Surah Muminoon verse 91

مَا ٱتَّخَذَ ٱللَّهُ مِن وَلَدٍ وَمَا كَانَ مَعَهُۥ مِنۡ إِلَٰهٍۚ إِذًا لَّذَهَبَ كُلُّ إِلَٰهٍۢ بِمَا خَلَقَ وَلَعَلَا بَعۡضُهُمۡ عَلَىٰ بَعۡضٍۚ سُبۡحَٰنَ ٱللَّهِ عَمَّا يَصِفُونَ

Allah has not taken any son, nor has there ever been with Him any deity. [If there had been], then each deity would have taken what it created, and some of them would have [sought to] overcome others. Exalted is Allah above what they describe [concerning Him].

Hadith: Sahih al-Bukhari 3705

Narrated Ali: Fatima complained of the suffering caused to her by the hand mill. Some Captives were brought to the Prophet, she came to him but did not find him at homeAisha was present there to whom she told (of her desire for a servant).

When the Prophet (ﷺ) came, Aisha informed him about Fatima’s visit. `Ali added “So the Prophet (ﷺ) came to us, while we had gone to our bed I wanted to get up but the Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Remain at your place”. Then he sat down between us till I found the coolness of his feet on my chest.

Then he said, “Shall I teach you a thing which is better than what you have asked me? When you go to bed, say, ‘Allahu-Akbar’ thirty-four times, and ‘Subhan Allah thirty-three times, and ‘Al hamdu-li l-lah thirty-three times for that is better for you both than a servant.”


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