What Is Iqlab In Tajweed
What Is Iqlab In Tajweed

What Is Iqlab In Tajweed, Letters And Examples From Quran


What is iqlab in Tajweed? In Tajweed, there are four rules on what happens when a letter accompanied by Noon Sakinah (نْ) or Tanween is followed by another letter. In both of the rules, iqlaab occurs.

In this lesson, we will learn the meaning of iqlab in Arabic and English, iqlab letters, rules, and examples from the Quran.

What Is Iqlab In Tajweed?

Iqlab written in Arabic as الإِقْلاَب literally means to change something into something else. In Tajweed, Iqbal occurs if after Noon As-Sakinah or Tanween appears the letter of Iqlaab then the reader will substitute the Nûn Saakinah or Tanween into a Meem (م) and it will be recited with the sound between Idghaam and Ikhfaa’.

Learn also Idgham Letters, Types, Rules, And Examples From Quran

Iqlab Meaning In Arabic

الإقلاب في التجويد هو أحد أحكام النون الساكنة ويعرّف لغةً بأنه: التحويل، أما في الاصطلاح فهو: جعل حرف مكان آخر مع مراعاة الغنة والإخفاء في الحرف المقلوب.


والمراد بالحرف المقلوب هنا النون الساكنة أو التنوين المنقلبين ميمًا، وللإقلاب حرف واحد وهو الباء، فإذا وقعت الباء بعد النون الساكنة سواءٌ في كلمة أم في كلمتين وجب قلب النون إلى ميم مخفاة.

Iqlab Letters

There is only one letter of iqlab. The iqlab letter is Baa (ب).

What Is The Iqlab Rules?

Iqlab rule is the ن sakinah and tanwin changes (or flips) to a م sakinah. This occurs whenever the ن sakinah and tanwin is preceded by the letter ب.

The reason the ن sound is flipped to a م sound when preceded by a ب is because the ب is pronounced at the lips with the mouth closed. When the mouth is closed, the م sound is emitted instead of the ن sound.

The nasalization (ghunnah) comes out with a “mmmm” sound instead of a “nnnnn” sound.


How Is Noon Saakin Iqlab To Be Pronounced?

Noon saakin iqlab is pronouncing the hidden meem by closing the lips and holding the meem for the length of the ghunnah, then opening them with the baa.

You may note that most copies of the Qur’an have very small meem َ م written over letter noon ن or the second dammah or fathah or kasrah of the tanween is replaced by a small meem as a reminder of its pronunciation.

Condition Of Iqlab Rule

Iqlab is applied on Noon sakinah (Static Noon) or tanween (Nunation) only if it is followed by “Baa” letter, either they come in the same word or the Noon letter or the Tanween comes in the end of a word and the Baa letter comes at the beginning of the next word.

So, here, the Noon or Tanween is pronounced as a Meem Sakinah with Ghunna.

Iqlab Examples From Quran

Following are some of the examples of Iqlab in the Quran, where it can be seen that every time a small Meem occurs, the Iqlab rules apply, and it is because the Tanween or Noon Sakinah is followed by the letter Baa.

Examples Of Iqlab in Two Words
كَأَن لَّمْ تَكُن بَيْنَكُمْ وَبَيْنَهُ مَوَدَّةٌ
يَخْرُجُ مِن بَيْنِ الصُّلْبِ وَالتَّرَائِبِ
وَاللَّهُ عَلِيمٌ بِذَاتِ الصُّدُورِ
وَمِن بَيْنِنَا وَبَيْنِكَ حِجَابٌ
مِن بَعْدِ وَصِيَّةٍ يُوصَىٰ بِهَا

Iqlab Noon Sakinah Examples

Iqlab Noon Saakin Examples
وَأَمَّا مَنۢ بَخِلَ وَٱسۡتَغۡنَىٰ
فَلَمَّا جَآءَهَا نُودِىَ أَنۢ بُورِكَ مَن فِى ٱلنَّارِ
فَكَانَتۡ هَبَآءً مُّنۢبَثًّا
وَاِنْ یَّخْذُلْكُمْ فَمَنْ ذَا الَّذِیْ یَنْصُرُكُمْ مِّنْۢ بَعْدِهٖؕ
وَاللّٰهُ اَعْلَمُ بِاِیْمَانِكُمْؕ بَعْضُكُمْ مِّنْۢ بَعْضٍۚ

Iqlab Tanween Examples

Iqlab Tanween Examples
كَلَّا لَئِن لَّمۡ يَنتَهِ لَنَسۡفَعًۢا بِٱلنَّاصِيَةِ
اِنَّ اللّٰهَ سَمِیْعٌۢ بَصِیْرٌ
اِنَّهٗ عَلِیْمٌۢ بِذَاتِ الصُّدُوْرِ
كَفٰى بِهٖ شَهِیْدًۢا بَیْنِیْ وَ بَیْنَكُمْؕ
وَاَنْتَ حِلٌّۢ بِهٰذَا الْبَلَدِۙ


We have learned that iqlab is to change Noon Sakinah or Tanween into (م) when followed by (ب), the only iqlab letter.

Iqlab pronunciation should be with ghunnah and the hiding of meem. Iqlab is correctly pronounced by slightly opened lips.


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