What Juz Is Surah Yaseen In
What Juz Is Surah Yaseen In

What Juz Is Surah Yaseen In?


Surah Yaseen is the 36th chapter of the Quran. It has 83 verses (ayat). It is regarded an earlier “Meccan surah” which means it was revealed in Makkah. Continue reading to find out what juz is surah Yaseen in.

What Juz Is Surah Yaseen In?

Surah Yaseen begins in Juz 22 and most of the surah is in juz 23. Verse 1-27 is in 22 part (juz) of the Quran and from verse 28 to the end of the chapter i.e verse 83 is in juz 23. The surah starts from page 440 to page 445.

Juz 23 begins with Surah Yasin, it’s an early Makkan Surah. The Prophet SAW called it “The Heart of the Quran”.

Its central themes are proofs for the doctrines of Tawhid, Risalah and Akhirah. It opens by reassuring the Messenger SAW of the importance of his role in guiding humanity and laments the history of human disobedience.

The chief reason identified for disbelief is arrogance reflected in human stubbornness.


The story of three messengers, who were rejected by the people of their town, is told to warn the disbelievers.

The brave supporter in the story, who stands up for the messengers, symbolises the small band of Muslims in Makkah, thereby reassuring them of Divine Help.

Read What Is Surah? Everything You Need To Know

The second section of Surah Yaseen describes Allah’s amazing creative power and invites the reader to reflect on creation: a marvel of incredible complexity and beauty.

Attention is drawn to the lifeless earth and how it comes to life after rain, concluding that this is how Allah will bring the dead to life.


The Trumpet will herald the day of Judgement when justice will be done. Evidence of one’s good and bad deeds will not come, just from the records but, human limbs will speak out too. Indisputable evidence.

A vivid account of the delights of Paradise shows how its residents will see Allah in His Glory and Majesty.

The Surah opened with two claims, the Messenger is divinely appointed to guide humanity and the resurrection is real. Historical, rational and moral evidence is presented to prove this.

The conceptual boundaries of the readers’ mind are prompted to ponder the paradoxical: sparks of fire that come from rubbing together two fresh twigs. Indeed,

“When He wants to do something all He says is ‘Be,’ and it is! Glory to Him Who controls everything, and you shall be returned to Him” (verses 82–83).


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