Work In Arabic (50+ Arabic Words & Phrases to Talk About Work)
Looking for jobs or works in Arabic? Well, learning the vocabulary about work in Arabic will help you in that department. Learn to say work in Arabic words related to work and some expressions in Arabic.
How To Say Work In Arabic?
The Arabic word for work is pronounced amal and written as ﻋَﻤَﻞ. The plural of work in Arabic as ‘a’maal and written as ﺃَﻋﻤَﺎﻝ.
In Arabic, as in many languages, there are tons of different words you can use to say “work”, “job” or “career”. Here are just a few of the most common you might refer to your career in Arabic:
- Adaa …. أدَاء
- Khidmah …. خِدْمَة
- Shughul …. شُغْل
- San’ah …. صَنْعَة
- Mansib …. مَنْصِب
- Mihnah …. مِهْنَة
- Waziifa …. وَظِيفَة
What is your work in Arabic?
We say ما عملكَ؟ (maa amaluka) for male and ما عملكِ؟ (maa amaluki) to ask what is your job in Arabic. ماذا تعمل (maazaa ta’amal) is what do you do in Arabic.
To Work In Arabic
In Arabic, different ways are used to say you work or you are working. Below is how to say you work for different gender and numbers.
- I worked in Arabic عَمَلْتُ
- I work in Arabic أَعْمُلُ
- We work in the Arabic language نَعْمُلُ
- We worked in Arabic عَمَلْنَا
- You work in Arabic تَعْمُلُ
- You worked in Arabic عَمَلْتَ
- You work (feminine) in Arabic. تَعْمُلِينَ
- You worked (feminine) in Arabic عَمَلْتِ
- You work (dual) in Arabic تَعْمُلَانِ
- You worked in Arabic عَمَلْتُمَا
- You work (plural masculine) in Arabic. تَعْمُلُونَ
- You worked (plural masculine) in Arabic عَمَلْتُم
- You work (plural feminine) in Arabic تَعْمُلْنَ
- You worked (plural feminine) in Arabic عَمَلْتُنَّ
- He works in Arabic يَعْمُلُ
- He worked in Arabic عَمَلَ
- She works in Arabic تَعْمُلُ
- She worked in Arabic عَمَلَتْ
- They work (dual masculine) in Arabic يَعْمُلَانِ
- They worked (dual masculine) in Arabic عَمَلَا
- They work (dual feminine) in Arabic تَعْمُلَانِ
- They worked (dual feminine) in Arabic عَمَلَتَا
- They work (plural masculine) in Arabic. يَعْمُلْنَ
- They worked (plural masculine) in Arabic عَمَلُوا
- They work (plural feminine) in Arabic يَعْمُلْنَ
- They worked (plural feminine) in Arabic عَمَلْنَ
See also 195 Names Of Countries In Arabic Plus Nationalities In Arabic.

Words Related To Work In Arabic
Here are some Arabic words that are associated with wrok.
Employment In Arabic
Employment in Arabic is written توظي and pronounced as tawziif.
Unemployment in Arabic
Unemployment in Arabic is written as بطالة and the pronunciation is baTaala.
Resume in Arabic
The Arabic word for resume is سيرة (ج) سير ذاتية and the pronunciation is siira daatiyya (pl.) siyar daatiyya.
Qualifications in Arabic
Qualifications in Arabic is written as مؤهلات and pronounced mu’ahhilaat.
Experience in Arabic
Experience in Arabic is written as خبرة and transliterated as khibra.
Job Vacancy in Arabic
Job vacancy in Arabic is written وظيفة شاغرة/خالية and to pronounce is waziifa shaaaġira/khaaliya.
Interview in Arabic
The Arabic word for interview is مقابلة شخصية the pronounciation is muqaabala sakhsiyya.
Promotion in Arabic is written ترقية and pronounced as tarqiyya.
Raise in Arabic such as to raise is علاوة (ج) علاوات and pronounced as elaawa (pl.) elaawaat.
To hire in Arabic is توظف and the pronunciation is tawazzafa.
To work in Arabic is written عمل – يعمل (عمل) and the pronunciation is amala – ya’milu (aamal).
To fire in Arabic is written طرد – يطرد (طرد) ه من العمل and the pronunciation is Tarada – yaTrudu (Tard) min al-‘amal.
To resign in Arabic is استقال – يستقيل (استقالة) and pronounced as istaqaala – yastaqiilu (istiqaala).
To retire in Arabic is تقاعد – يتقاعد (تقاعد) and pronounced as taqaa’ada – yataqaa’adu (taqaa’ud).
Salary in Arabic
The Arabic word for salary is مرتب (ج) مرتبات and pronounced as murattab (pl.) murattabaat or راتب (ج) رواتب pronounced as raatib (pl.) rawaatib.
Pension In Arabic
The Arabic word for pension is معاش and pronounced as ma’aash.
Boss in Arabic
Boss in Arabic is written as مدير and pronouncedmudiir.
Colleague, coworker in Arabic is written زميل (ج) زملاء and the pronunciation is zamiil (pl.) zumalaa.
Office; desk in Arabic is مكتب (ج) مكاتب and the pronunciation is maktab (pl.) makaatib.
File in Arabic is written as ملف (ج) ملفات and pronounced milaff (pl.) milaffaat.
Money in Arabic
The Arabic word for money is written as مال (ج) أموال and the pronunciation is maal (pl.) amwaal.
Currency in Arabic
The Arabic word for currency is written as عملة and pronounced ‘umla.
More Arabic related words and phrases for work in Arabic. Here is a word list of works in Arabic that you can add to your Arabic vocabulary.
Arabic Words For Work | English |
مُيَاوَمَةً | day work |
تَعَهّدات ; مُقَاوَلات | contracting work |
عَمَلٌ مَكْتَبِيّ ; عَمَلٌ كِتَابِيّ | clerical work |
تَقْشِيش | cane work |
مَشْغُول ; مُنْهَمِك | at work |
اِجْتِهَاد ; تَعَب ; جُهْد ; جِدّ ; كَدْح | hard work |
إسْتَخْدَم ; أعْطاه عَمَلا | give work to |
فَرَضَ إرَادَتَهُ على | force work |
إنْشَغَل ب ; اِنْصَرَف إلى | get to work |
عَمَلٌ مَكْتَبِيّ | desk work |
شَغّلَ | make work |
تَتِمّة ; تَكْمِلَة | literary work |
بَطّل ; تَرَكَه أو جَعَلَه بِلا عَمَل | leave without work |
تَلْبِيس | inlay work |
تَرْصِيع ; تَطْعِيم ; تَلْبِيس ; تَنْزِيل | inlaid work |
تَعْرِيشَة ; شَعْرِيّة | trellis-work |
عَمَلٌ اجْتِمَاعِيّ | social work |
بَحْث ; تَقْمِيش ; دِرَاسَة ; مَبْحَث | research work |
عَمَلٌ مَكْتَبِيّ ; عَمَلٌ كِتَابِيّ | office work |
إسْتِخْدام ; تَشْغِيل | making work |
عَمِلَ في | work on |
إجْتِمَاعُ عَمَل | work meeting |
أقْحَمَ في ; أدْخَلَ ; أوْلَج ; دَخّل | work in |
تَعِبَ ; اِجْتَهَد ; تَعَنّى ; ثابَرَ على ; جَدّ ; جَدّ في | work hard |
قُوّةٌ عامِلَة | work force |
أثَارَ ; اِسْتَفَزّ ; أيْقَظ ; حَثّ ; حَرّك | work up |
إجْتَهَد ; تَعِب ; جَدّ | work too hard |
أثْمَرَ ; اِحْتالَ لِلأمْر ; أحْدَث ; أعَدّ تَدَبّر ; حَلّ المُشْكِلَةَ أو المَسْألَةَ ,صَنَع | work out |
أعْمالٌ مُخْتارَة | selected works |
أشْغَالٌ عَامّة ; أشْغالٌ عُمُومِيّة ; نافِعَة | public works |
تَسَانَدَ ; تآزَرَ ; تَسَاعَد ; تَعَاوَنَ | work together |
دِيوَان | poetical works |
مَصْبَغَة | dye works |
أعْمالٌ كامِلَة | complete works |
مَشْغَل ; مَصْنَع ; مَعْمَل | works: (noun) |
مَصْبَنَة | soap works |
بارِع | workmanly: (noun) |