Ya Mukallibel Kulub Dua in Arabic and Meaning (Ya Muqallib Al Qulub)
Ya Mukallibel kulub Dua is most frequent supplication of the Prophet (SAW) that he would always asked Allah to make his heart firm on His path.
Ya Mukallibel Kulub Dua In Arabic
يَا مُقَلِّبَ الْقُلُوبِ ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِي عَلَى دِينِكَ
The dua is transliterated as Allahumma yaa Muqqaliba al-quloob thabbit qalbee alaa diinika.
Ya Muqallib Al Qulub Sabbit Qalbi Meaning in English
The meaning of ya Muqallib al Qulub in English is O Controller of the hearts make my heart steadfast in Your religion.
The verb qallaba points to constant moving upside down, turning around and about. The noun qulub is the plural of qalb meaning the heart, which is constantly changing.

Muqallib Meaning
Muqallibal Qulub is the One who turns sincere people from unbelief to belief by placing faith in their hearts and who turns the hearts of insincere people in a way that they can never understand the truth.
The Prophet used to frequently say: “Allahumma yaa Muqqaliba al-quloob thabbit qalbee alaa diinika (O Controller of the hearts make my heart steadfast in Your religion).
It has been mentioned in another post that he SAW used to supplicate with a similar supplication. It is: Allahumma yaa Musariffa al-quloob thabbit qalbi alaa taa’atika.
Meaning O Allah, the Changer of the hearts direct our hearts to Your obedience.
So it becomes better when you combine the two and say:
Allahumma yaa Muqqaliba al-quloob thabbit qalbee alaa diinika, Allahumma yaa Musariffa al-quloob thabbit qalbee alaa taa’atika
Meaning O Controller of the hearts make my heart steadfast in Your religion, O Allah, the Changer of the hearts direct our hearts to Your obedience.

Ya Muqallib al Quloob Dua Benefits
Ummu Salamah, may Allah be pleased with her, the mother of the believers, the wife of the Messenger of Allah (SAW), when she was asked:
What was the common Dua (supplication) the Prophet (SAW) has ever said? She said: the most common Dua I have ever heard the Prophet made was:
Ya muqallibal qulub, thabbit qalbi ‘ala dinik” Meaning O Turner of the hearts, make my heart steadfast upon Your Religion.” [Tirmidhi 2140]
The heart is always in movements. It cannot be still all the time and so a person has to try to settle it.
So you can imagine the movement of the heart. The more Iman a person has in the heart, the more he is able to settle it.
But the heart is always moving, and if you stop filling it with Iman or faith to keep it still, then it is evitable that it is going to turn.
And you will not be able to control the degree to which it turns and how far it will go or where it turns to. So settling the heart is extremely important.
The scholars mention that if you read about the companions, they took time to internalize the faith.
They understood the inconsistency of the heart, so they took time to internalize the faith.
Ibn Mas’ud, for example, says: “We used to read ten verses of the Quran, understand them, memorize them, apply them. And then we would move on to the next ten.”
Think about the Khawarij, the extremists that the Prophet (SAW) mentioned that they recite a lot of the Quran but it does not go beyond their throats.
You know there is a saying that the extremists are blinded by the light. They are not guided by the light. What happens if water keeps on boiling? It will evaporate, so there will be no Iman whatsoever.
So a person should slowly stabilize the heart rather than try to take it in too much because the Iman does not come in that fashion.

Iman grows gradually. You do not suddenly jump in and take it all in. A person has to make his heart consistent.
So there are two supplications from the Prophet (SAW) that are very similar and a person might think that they mean the exact same thing but there is a subtle lesson that we can take in the difference.
The first one is the most frequent supplication of the Prophet (SAW) that he would always say: O Turner of Hearts, make my heart firm on your path).
If the Prophet (SAW) made that Dua more frequently than any other Dua, what then for us?
Does the Prophet (SAW) fear hypocrisy? Does he fear that his heart will be turned in any other direction?
Subhanallah! What about us then if that was the most frequent Dua of the Prophet (SAW)? It should also be our most frequent supplication and we should increase it well beyond what the Prophet (SAW) used to say for our hearts are not like his heart.
This Dua is really to maintain your heart upon the path, longing for Allah and away from sins, so away from turning to that which displeasing to Him.