How Many Hadith Narrated By Hazrat Ayesha
How Many Hadith Narrated By Hazrat Ayesha

How Many Hadith Narrated By Hazrat Ayesha?


Aisha bint Abi Bakr was prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) third and favorite wife, and the daughter of Abu Bakr Siddiq, prophet Muhammad’s SAW best friend.

After the death of prophet Muhammad SAW, Aisha was discovered to be a renowned source of hadiths, due to her qualities of intelligence and memory. This post will be looking at how many hadith narrated by hazrat Ayesha Radiyallahu anha.

How Many Hadith Narrated By Hazrat Ayesha?

Ayesha is known for narrating 2,210 hadiths, not just on matters related to prophet Muhammad’s private life, but also on topics such as inheritance, pilgrimage, and eschatology. She is among the 7 companions who narrated the most hadiths.

Al-Bukhari and Muslim agreed on her one hundred and seventy four hadiths. There are fifty four Hadith in Sahih Al-Bukhari and sixty nine Hadith in Sahih Muslim. Therefore, the total number of her hadiths in the two Sahihs is two hundred and ninety nine hadiths.

Aisha is one of the great hadith narrators who kept the speech of the prophet, peace to him, alive by memorizing his words during his lifetime and teaching them to others after his death.


Aisha conveyed ideas expressing prophet Muhammad’s practice (sunnah). She expressed herself as a role model to women, which can also be seen within some traditions attributed to her. The traditions regarding Aisha habitually opposed ideas unfavorable to women in efforts to elicit social change.

Not only was Aisha supportive of prophet Muhammad SAW, but she contributed scholarly intellect to the development of Islam. She was given the title al-Siddiqah, meaning ‘the one who affirms the truth’.

Aisha was known for her “…expertise in the Quran, shares of inheritance, lawful and unlawful matters, poetry, Arabic literature, Arab history, genealogy, and general medicine.”

Her intellectual contributions regarding the verbal texts of Islam were in time transcribed into written form, becoming the official history of Islam.

After the death of prophet Muhammad SAW, Aisha was regarded as the most reliable source in the teachings of hadith. Aisha’s authentication of Muhammad’s ways of prayer and his recitation of the Qur’an allowed for the development of knowledge of his sunnah of praying and reading verses of the Quran.


In Sunni tradition, Aisha is portrayed as scholarly and inquisitive. She contributed to the spread of Muhammad’s message and served the Muslim community for 44 years after his death.

Her intellect and knowledge in various subjects, including poetry and medicine, were highly praised by early luminaries such as al-Zuhri and her student Urwa ibn al-Zubayr.


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