
How Many Hadith Narrated By Abu Huraira
How Many Hadith Narrated By Abu Huraira

How Many Hadith Narrated By Abu Huraira?

Abdurrahman ibn Sakhr Al Dawsi Al Zahrani better known by his kunya Abu Hurairah also spelt Abu Hurayrah, was one of the companions of Islamic prophet Muhammad and, according to Sunni Islam, the most prolific narrator of hadith.


How Many Hadith Narrated By Abu Huraira?

Abu Hurairah is credited with narrating at least 5,374 hadith. Abu Hurairah continued collecting hadith after the death of prophet Muhammad SAW from Abu Bakr Siddiq, Umar Bin Khattab, Aisha, Fadl ibn Abbas, Usama ibn Zayd, Ubayy ibn Ka’b, and Ka’b al-Ahbar.

Abu Hurairah acknowledged by Muslim scholars for his extraordinary photographic memory which allowed him to memorize massive numbers of over 5,000 hadiths which later produced more than 500,000 chain narrations, or Isnad which make Abu Hurairah an exemplar role model for Hadith studies scholars.

It is said by Abu Hurairah himself the only one who surpassed him regarding hadith were Abd Allah ibn Amr ibn al-As, another companion who serve as writer assistant of prophet Muhammad.

However, according to his own admission, Abu Hurairah said that AbdAllah ibn Amr ibn al-As possessed a greater number of narrations than himself, since Abd Allah diligently wrote every hadith he heard, while Abu Hurairah relied on his extraordinary memory.


There are Hadith Abu Huraira in almost all the Sunni scholars books. And there is no reliable book in the hadith field that does not contain the hadiths of Abu Huraira, Radiyallahu anhu..

Are All Hadiths Narrated By Abu Huraira Authentic?

Not all of the hadiths that were narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah were all authentic. There were weak, fabricated and rejected hadiths, which were falsely attributed to Abu Hurairah.

How did Abu Huraira narrated this number of hadiths despite his short companionship to the Prophet?

  • Abu Hurairah adherence to the Prophet SAW in all circumstances and his love for acquiring knowledge.
  • His eagerness to seek hadith and his boldness in that.
  • His activity, seriousness, diligence, and the strength of his memory.
  • The supplication of the Prophet SAW for him.
  • His stay in Madinah in the mosque of the Messenger of Allah SAW, and he had been there for a long time.
  • The presence of many hadiths repeated in meaning or in wording.
  • There are many chains of transmission for one hadith, so the hadith from five paths with the same text, for example, is considered to be five hadiths.
  • Some hadiths were taken from the companions of the Messenger of Allah SAW.

Related How Many Hadith Narrated By Hazrat Ayesha?



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