Allahumma La Sahla

Allahumma La Sahla Meaning In English, Arabic Text, And Benefits


Allahumma la sahla is a simple yet powerful Dua at the times of difficulty. While we go through this life, we will face many good and bad times. Good times bring us joy, while difficult and bad times bring sorrow to most.

Our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) also faced difficulties in life and taught us beautiful duas which can be recited to seek Allah’s help.

Allahumma La Sahla Dua Meaning

Allahumma la sahla dua literally means O Allah! There is nothing easy except what You make easy, and You make the difficult easy if it be Your Will.

Allahumma La Sahla Arabic Text

Here is how we can write this Dua in Arabic,

اللهُمَّ لا سَهْلَ إلا مَا جَعَلتَهُ سَهْلا وَ أنتَ تَجْعَلُ الحزْنَ إذا شِئْتَ سَهْلا


Allahumma La Sahla Transliteration

The transliteration of allahumma la is Allahumma la sahla illa ma ja’altahu sahla, wa ‘anta taj-alul hazna idha shi’ta sahla.

Reference of the Dua

Ibn Hibban in his Sahih (no. 2427), and Ibn As- Sunni (no. 351). Al-Hafidh (Ibn Hajar) said that this Hadith is authentic. It was also declared authentic by ‘Abdul-Qadir Al-Arna’ut in his checking of An-Nawawi’s Kitabul-Athkarp. 106.

Allahumma La Sahla Illa Ma Ja’altahu Sahla Dua Meaning In English

The meaning of this Dua for difficulty is

O Allah! There is nothing easy except what You make easy, and You make the difficult easy if it be Your Will.

This dua is also called the Dua for making things easy. It is a specific form of supplication where one requests Allah to facilitate tasks, ease hardships, and grant success in their endeavors.


Dua, or supplication, is a fundamental aspect of Islamic faith and practice.

Muslims turn to Dua as a means of seeking guidance, expressing gratitude, and seeking assistance in times of difficulty.

One of the most beautiful aspects of Dua is its power to make things easy in our lives.

Allahumma La Sahla Benefits

The benefits of this supplication are many but here are some of them.

  1. Relief from Hardship: Making Dua for ease can provide relief from the burdens of life. When faced with challenges, turning to Allah in supplication can alleviate stress and difficulties.
  2. Guidance: Dua for ease is often associated with seeking guidance from Allah. It can help individuals make the right decisions and choose the best paths in life.
  3. Strengthening Faith: Engaging in Dua strengthens one’s faith and trust in Allah. It is a way to acknowledge His control over all matters and to seek His help in times of need.
  4. Increased Patience: Making Dua for ease during difficult times can increase one’s patience and resilience, as it reminds them that Allah’s help is always near.
  5. Tawwakul (the reliance on Allah) Growth: Regularly reciting Dua for ease can lead to tawwakul growth and a deeper connection with Allah.
  6. Removing Obstacles: Dua has the power to remove obstacles from one’s path, whether they are related to personal goals, health, or relationships.
  7. Success in Endeavors: It is believed that making Dua for ease can lead to success in one’s endeavors, as Allah’s blessings are invoked.

Best Times to Recite Allahumma La Sahla (Dua for Ease)

While Dua can be made at any time and in any place, there are specific moments when it is highly recommended and believed to be especially powerful:

  1. During Sujood (Prostration) in Prayer: The moments when a Muslim is in prostration during their daily prayers are considered highly sacred. It is a time when Dua is more likely to be accepted.
  2. In the Last Third of the Night: The last third of the night, before the Fajr (dawn) prayer, is a time when Allah’s mercy and blessings are abundant. Making Dua during this time is highly encouraged.
  3. Fasting: While breaking the fast, either during the month of Ramadan or not, it is sunnah to make Dua, as it is believed to be readily accepted.
  4. On Fridays: The Friday prayer (Jumu’ah) is a significant occasion for Muslims. The time during the Friday prayer or after Asr prayer on Friday is considered a time when Dua is answered.
  5. While Visiting the Kaaba: For those who are fortunate to visit the Kaaba in Mecca, the moments near the sacred House of Allah are ideal for making Dua.
  6. When It’s Raining: Rain is considered a sign of Allah’s mercy, and making Dua during rainfall is believed to be especially effective.

Note that you can recite this beautiful Dua everyday and everytime.

  • If you want to travel or journey, recite this Dua and ask Allah to make your journey easy.
  • If you enter test or exam hall and want Allah to make it simple, read this prayer.
  • If you are facing difficulties.
  • When you are sick or a woman is in labor room.

1. Recognizing Allah as the Source of Ease

The first part of this dua, “O Allah! Nothing is easy except what You have made easy,” is a humble acknowledgment that every ease we experience is a gift from Allah. Often, we take the simple, easy things in life for granted—like our ability to complete daily tasks or the peaceful moments in our day. This dua reminds us that even these everyday comforts come from Allah’s mercy.

When we approach life with this understanding, we recognize that true ease isn’t something we can achieve on our own. Rather, it’s Allah who opens the doors to ease and removes obstacles from our path, giving us the strength to handle life’s challenges.

2. Asking Allah’s Help in Times of Difficulty

The second part of the dua, “If You wish, You can make the difficult easy,” is a gentle call to Allah, expressing our hope and trust in His power.

It teaches us that no matter how overwhelming something might seem, Allah is fully capable of transforming it into something manageable. It’s a request that Allah turns the heaviness of a burden into something light and endurable.

When we face trials that seem too difficult to bear, this dua serves as a reminder that there is no difficulty that Allah cannot change. By sincerely reciting it, we’re acknowledging that even if something seems impossible to us, it’s within Allah’s power to make it possible.

3. A Dua for Every Situation

One of the reasons this dua is so beloved is its versatility—it applies to any situation, big or small. Whether it’s a personal challenge, like trying to improve ourselves, a physical task that seems daunting, or an emotional struggle, this dua is fitting. It’s a reminder to seek Allah’s help in all aspects of life, reinforcing our trust in Him.

For example:

  • Facing a work or school challenge? This dua is perfect to ask Allah to make understanding and success easier for you.
  • Going through a tough personal time? It reminds you that Allah can transform hardship into relief.
  • Trying to improve spiritually? It’s a call for ease in strengthening your relationship with Allah, even when personal growth feels challenging.

4. Building Patience and Perseverance

Reciting this dua regularly helps us develop patience and perseverance. Sometimes Allah may not remove the challenge immediately, but by consistently turning to Him with this supplication, we learn to be patient and hopeful, trusting that Allah’s timing and wisdom are best.

This reliance on Allah helps us to bear difficulties gracefully, knowing that our dua itself is an act of faith and submission.

5. Understanding That Life’s Challenges Have a Purpose

This dua can also deepen our understanding that difficulties often have a purpose. Challenges, trials, and even inconveniences are often a means of purification, personal growth, or strengthening our connection with Allah.

By reciting this dua, we ask Allah not only for ease but also for a renewed perspective, hoping to see the wisdom and benefit in whatever we’re facing.

Allah, in His infinite wisdom, sometimes places tests in our lives to teach us valuable lessons, build resilience, or elevate our ranks in this world and the hereafter. With this dua, we’re asking Allah for ease without forgetting that each trial is an opportunity for spiritual growth.

Practical Tips for Making This Dua Part of Our Routine

Here are a few ways to integrate this dua into our daily lives:

  • Before beginning any task, especially if it seems difficult or challenging. Whether it’s studying, working, or taking on a new responsibility, start by asking Allah to make it easy.
  • In moments of stress or anxiety, reciting this dua can provide instant comfort, grounding us in the belief that Allah is in control.
  • In personal prayers or sujood (prostration) during salah, as sujood is a powerful time to call upon Allah with sincerity.
  • Teaching it to children and loved ones, as it’s a wonderful reminder for everyone to seek Allah’s help regularly.

In Summary

The dua, “O Allah! Nothing is easy except what You have made easy. If You wish, You can make the difficult easy,” is a beautiful reminder that no matter what we face, Allah is the one who brings ease into our lives. It teaches us humility, patience, and faith, reminding us that with Allah’s help, we can overcome any challenge.

By reciting this dua, we draw closer to Allah, express our trust in His wisdom, and remember that He alone has the power to make even the hardest trials bearable. May Allah ease our challenges, fill our hearts with patience, and grant us the strength to rely on Him fully. Ameen.


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