Ya musarrifal qulub
Ya musarrifal qulub

Ya Musarrifal Qulub Dua Meaning In English, Arabic Text, and Hadith


Ya musarrifal qulub is a prophetic Supplications for the Heart. It is a Dua that you ask Allah to keep your heart away from turning towards that which is displeasing to Him.

Let’s look at the Arabic text, transliteration and translation of this beautiful dua.

Ya Musarrifal Qulub in Arabic Text

Here is how to write this supplication in Arabic text,

اللَّهُمَّ مُصَرِّفَ القُلُوبِ صَرِّفْ قُلُوبَنَا عَلَى طَاعَتِكَ


The dua is transliterated as Allahumma musarrifal qulubi, sarrif qulubana ‘ala taatika.


Ya Musarrifal Qulub Dua Meaning in English

The meaning of ya Musarrifal Qulub is O Allah! Controller of the hearts, direct our hearts to Your obedience.

Hadith On Ya Musarrifal Qulub Sarrif Qalbi

Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-As Radiyallahu Anhu reported: The Messenger of Allah, may peace be upon him supplicated: Allahumma musarrifal qulubi, sarrif qulubana ‘ala taatika (O Allah! Controller of the hearts, direct our hearts to Your obedience).”

Ya musarrifal qulub


Simple Explanation

Hearts are in the hands of Allah, the Mighty and Sublime. Every heart of the children of Adam is between two of the fingers of the Most Merciful, and He turns them as He wills and whenever He wills.

Hence, a person is required to always ask Allah – the most High – to make him firm and to direct his heart on His obedience.

The heart has been singled out because if it is sound, the whole body will be sound and if it is corrupted, the whole body will be corrupted.


This has been authentically reported from the Prophet SAW when he said:

“Verily, there is a flesh in the body, if it is sound the whole body will be sound and if it is corrupted the whole body is corrupted”.

And it may come to mind that his saying “Direct our hearts on Your obedience” should have been “to Your obedience,” however his saying: “…on Your obedience” is more eloquent.

That is, turn the heart on obedience and let it not fluctuate on the disobedience of Allah.

This is because when the heart fluctuates on obedience, itwould be shifting from one form of obedience to another such as from the Salat to remembrance of Allah to giving charity to fasting to seeking of knowledge and to other acts of obedience.

Ya Musarrifal Quloob

Hence, we should employ this supplication: “Allahumma musarrifal quloob sarrif quloobanaa ‘alaa taa’atik” (O Allah! Controller of the hearts direct our hearts on Your obedience).

And Allah alone grants success.

Musarrif comes from the triliteral root sarafa which means: to divert, to explain, to avert, to diversify, to distribute, to turn away, to direct.

As mentioned above, The Prophet (SAW) said:

“Unquestionably, in the body there is a lump of flesh; if it is sound, the whole body is sound, and if it is corrupt, the whole body is corrupt, and behold, it is the heart.”

Bukhari and Muslim

Guidance belongs to Allah alone because He knows the real state of the heart. He has the power to flip the heart of anyone any time, and no one can change a heart that He has covered.

Allah says in surah Al an’am verse 110

We will overturn their hearts and sight, just as when they did not believe in it at first, and We will abandon them to wander blindly in their excessive insolence.

He also says

Who could do greater wrong than someone who is reminded of the Signs of his Lord and then turns away from them, forgetting all that he has done before? We have placed covers on their hearts, preventing them from understanding it, and heaviness in their ears. Though you call them to guidance, they will nonetheless never be guided.

Al-Kahf 18:57

“Our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after You have guided us and grant us from Yourself mercy. Indeed, You are the Bestower.” [Ali Imran 3:8]

The Prophet (SAW) said: “Verily, the hearts of all the sons of Adam are between the Two Fingers out of the fingers of the Compassionate Lord as one heart. He turns that to any (direction) He likes.”

Then he said: O Allah, Director of the hearts, direct our hearts to Your obedience. [Muslim]

In this Dua, you ask Allah to direct your heart to good deeds and turn your heart towards that which is pleasing to Him.

May Allah keep our hearts firm and consistent upon that which is pleasing to Allah fill our hearts with longing for Him so that we meet Him in that state.

Taken from explanation of Riyadus saliheen by Ibn Uthaymeen

Ya Musarrifal Qulub

Let’s break down this beautiful dua (supplication) into a listicle format, highlighting its significance and various aspects:

1. Invocation to Allah:

  • The dua begins with the address to Allah, acknowledging Him as the ultimate authority and controller of all things, particularly the hearts.

2. Attribute: “Controller of the Hearts”:

  • This phrase emphasizes Allah’s dominion over the innermost feelings, thoughts, and intentions of individuals. It recognizes that Allah has control over the most intricate and vital part of our being.

3. Humble Request for Guidance:

  • The supplicant humbly asks Allah to direct their heart towards obedience. This is an admission of human vulnerability and a recognition of the need for Allah guidance in navigating life’s complexities.
Ya Musarrifal Quloob

4. Acknowledgment of Dependency:

  • By asking Allah to direct our hearts, we acknowledge our dependence on Him for moral and spiritual guidance.

5. Depth of the Request:

  • The depth of this dua goes beyond mere external actions; it delves into the realm of intentions and the sincerity of one’s heart. It’s a plea for Allah to purify and orient the innermost aspects of our being.

6. Universal Appeal:

  • This dua is universal, applicable to people from all walks of life and in various circumstances. Regardless of individual struggles or successes, everyone can benefit from seeking Allah’s guidance in directing their hearts toward obedience.

7. Consistency in Obedience:

  • The term “direct” implies an ongoing process, suggesting that the supplicant seeks continuous guidance. It’s a request for steadfastness and consistency in obedience throughout life’s journey.

8. Importance of Obedience:

  • By specifically asking for guidance toward obedience, the dua emphasizes the significance of living in accordance with Allah’s commands. Obedience is seen as the path to righteousness and closeness to Allah.


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