Allahumma Hasibni Hisaban Yasira: Seeking Ease on the Day of Judgment
The dua Allahumma Hasibni Hisaban Yasira is a profound and heartfelt invocation. It is a plea to Allah for an easy and merciful reckoning on the Day of Judgment—a day when we will be questioned for every action we performed in this life. In this blog, we will explore the meaning, significance, and benefits of this beautiful dua and discuss how it can impact our lives.
Allahumma Hasibni Hisaban Yasira Meaning in English
The phrase Allahumma Hasibni Hisaban Yasira translates to “O Allah, grant me an easy reckoning.” It is a simple yet powerful supplication that seeks Allah’s mercy, asking for ease and forgiveness when our deeds are presented on the Day of Judgment.
Allahumma Hasibni in Arabic
Here is the Arabic text of the Dua:
اللهُمَّ حَاسِبْنِي حِسَابًا يَسِيرًا
The Dua is transliterated as Allaahumma hasibni hisaban yaseeran.

Hadith Reference and the Prophet’s Teaching
Aisha reported: I heard the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, say in some of his prayers, “O Allah, bring me to account with an easy reckoning.”
Source: Musnad Aḥmad 24215 According to Ibn Kathir, this hadith is authentic (sahih).
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was aware of the weight of accountability, and he encouraged believers to seek Allah’s mercy for an “easy reckoning.” This dua reminds us that while our actions matter, Allah’s mercy is paramount.
Related Dua and Further Learning
If you’re interested in expanding your knowledge of similar duas and supplications, here are a few more powerful duas to consider:
- Allahumma Bi Ilmika Al Ghaib: A supplication for knowledge of the unseen.
- Allahumma La Mani’a Lima Ataita: A dua affirming that none can withhold what Allah has granted.
- Allahumma Malikul Mulk: A powerful supplication acknowledging Allah as the Owner of all sovereignty.
Reflecting on the Dua: Types of Reckoning on the Day of Judgment
The reckoning will differ for each individual, and Islamic teachings describe two main types of reckoning:
The Presentation of Deeds (Easy Reckoning)
- This form of reckoning is reserved for believers. Here, deeds will be displayed, and the believer will be asked about the blessings Allah bestowed upon them. The believer will acknowledge their sins, but Allah, in His mercy, will conceal and forgive them.
- Key Hadith Insight: The Prophet (peace be upon him) stated, “Whoever is examined thoroughly at the Reckoning will be punished.” When asked about this, he clarified that an “easy reckoning” simply means the presentation of deeds (Al-Bukhari 6536, Muslim 2876).
Reflection Point: Imagine the relief of a believer who, after seeing their sins displayed, is granted mercy and forgiveness by Allah. This type of reckoning is a beautiful reminder of Allah’s compassion and the power of sincere repentance.
Thorough Examination (Difficult Reckoning)
- For disbelievers and certain sinners, reckoning will involve a deeper examination, questioning each deed in detail. This reckoning will be difficult, and some may face punishment for their actions.
- Prophetic Warning: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Whoever is examined thoroughly at the reckoning is doomed” (Ahmad 24988). This type of reckoning emphasizes the importance of sincere faith and good deeds.
Benefits of Allahumma Hasibni Hisaban Yasira
Reciting this dua brings several benefits and can transform a person’s outlook on life:
- Remembrance of Accountability: This dua instills mindfulness in believers, reminding us that every action matters.
- Encourages Repentance and Good Deeds: By asking Allah for an easy reckoning, we are motivated to seek forgiveness and perform righteous deeds in preparation for the Hereafter.
- Invokes Allah’s Mercy: The dua highlights that while accountability is essential, Allah’s mercy can outweigh His judgment, especially when we turn to Him sincerely.
How to Incorporate This Dua in Daily Life
1. Recite Regularly in Prayers: Try to incorporate this dua during your daily prayers, especially in the quiet moments after completing salah, as the Prophet often did.
2. Reflect on Your Actions: Use this dua as a reminder to assess your actions daily. Ask yourself, “What have I done today to earn Allah’s mercy?” and make repentance and forgiveness a regular part of your daily routine.
3. Seek to Improve Your Character: An easy reckoning is likely for those who live righteously and refrain from harming others. Strive to improve your character by treating others kindly, fulfilling promises, and being honest.

Types of Reckoning
The reckoning on the Day of Resurrection will be of two types:
1. The presentation of deeds
This will be only for the believer. He will be questioned about his deeds, his knowledge and the blessings that Allah bestowed upon him.
He will respond in a way that will put him at ease and explain his point in a convincing manner and in a way that will cause the blessings of Allah to continue to be bestowed upon him.
And when his sins are shown to him, he will admit them, then Allah will conceal them for him and will pardon him for them.
This will not be a thorough examination and he will not be interrogated. Then he will take his book (record of deeds) in his right hand, and he will turn to his family in Paradise happily, because he has been saved from the punishment and has attained reward.
Al-Bukhaari (6536) and Muslim (2876) narrated from ‘Aa’ishah that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said:
“Whoever is examined thoroughly at the Reckoning will be punished.” I said: Didn’t Allah, may He be exalted, say: “He surely, will receive an easy reckoning” [al-Inshiqaaq 84:8] He said: “That is the presentation of deeds.”
Al-Haafiz (may Allah have mercy on him) said: al-Qurtubi said: What is meant by “That is the presentation of deeds” is that the reckoning mentioned in the verse refers only to the presentation of the believer’s deeds to him so that he will acknowledge Allah’s favour to him by concealing them in this world and by pardoning him for them in the Hereafter.
Ahmad (24988) narrated that ‘Aa’ishah said: I asked the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) about the easy reckoning. I said: O Messenger of Allah, what is the easy reckoning? He said: “A man’s sins will be shown to him, then he will be pardoned for them; whoever is examined thoroughly at the reckoning is doomed.”
Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Zilaal al-Jannah (2/128)
Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
The believer will be brought to account but it will not be a reckoning in the sense of a thorough examination, because the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said:
“Whoever is examined thoroughly at the reckoning is doomed – or will be punished.” Rather his reckoning will be the presentation of deeds.
End quote from al-Liqa’ ash-Shahri (1/378)
Al-Bukhaari (2441) and Muslim (2768) narrated that Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said:
I heard the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) say: “Allah will draw the believer close and screen him and will say,
‘Do you admit such and such sin, do you admit such and such sin?’ and he will say, ‘Yes, O Lord.’ Then when he has admitted his sins and thinks that he is doomed, [Allah] will say, ‘I concealed them for you in the world and I forgive you for them this Day.’
Then he will be given the book of his good deeds. But as for the kaafir and the hypocrite, ‘the witnesses will say,
“These are the ones who lied against their Lord!” No doubt! the Curse of Allah is on the Zaalimoon (polytheists, wrongdoers, oppressors)’ [Hood 11:18 – interpretation of the meaning].”

2. The reckoning in which they will be thoroughly examined.
This is the reckoning of Allah for the disbelievers and whomever He will of the sinners among those who affirmed His Oneness.
Their reckoning may be a lengthy and difficult, according to the quantity of their sins.
With regard to these sinners among those who affirmed His Oneness, Allah may admit whomever He will of them to Hell for some time, then He will bring them forth and admit them to Paradise for ever.
Muslim (2968) narrated that Abu Hurayrah said: They said: O Messenger of Allah, will we see our Lord on the Day of Resurrection?
He said: “Do you have any problem in seeing the sun at noon when there are no clouds?” They said: No. He said: “Do you have any problem in seeing the moon on the night when it is full, when there are no clouds?” They said: No.
He said: “By the One in Whose hand is my soul, you will not have any greater problem in seeing your Lord than you do in seeing either of them. Allah will meet His slave and will say: O So and so, did I not honour you, make you a chief, give you a spouse and subjugate horses and camels to you, and give you the opportunity to be a leader?
He will say: Yes. He will say: Did you think that you would meet Me? He will say: No. He will say: Then I will forget you as you forgot Me.
Then He will meet a second person and will say: O So and so, did I not honour you, make you a chief, give you a spouse and subjugate horses and camels to you, and give you the opportunity to be a leader?
He will say: Yes, O Lord. He will say: Did you think that you would meet Me? He will say: No. He will say: Then I will forget you as you forgot Me.
Then He will meet a third person and will say something similar to him, and he will say: O Lord, I believed in You and in Your Book and Your Messengers, and I prayed and fasted and gave charity, and he will mention as many good things as he can.
He will say: Stop here. Then it will be said to him: Now We will send Our witnesses against you, and he will think to himself: Who can bear witness against me?
Then a seal will be placed on his mouth and it will be said to his thigh, his flesh and his bones: Speak. His thigh and his flesh and his bones will speak of his deeds, so as to establish proof from himself. That is the hypocrite, that is the one with whom Allah will be angry.”

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
The scholars (may Allah have mercy on them) differed concerning the words “Then, on that Day, you shall be asked about the delight (you indulged in, in this world)” [at-Takaathur 102:8]: does this refer to the disbeliever or to both the believer and the disbeliever?
The correct view is that it refers to both the believer and the disbeliever. Each of them will be questioned about the delights and blessings they indulged in, but the disbeliever will be asked by way of rebuke, whereas the believer will be asked by way of reminding.
The questioning of the believer will be by way of reminding him of the blessings that Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, bestowed upon him, so that he will rejoice and will realise that the One Who blessed him in this world will honour them with His blessing in the Hereafter. As for the disbeliever, it will be a questioning by way of rebuke.
End quote from Liqa’ al-Baab al-Maftooh (98/9)
Taken from Islamqa site.
Final Reflections
As we move through life, let us carry this dua as a reminder to live mindfully, always aware of our actions and the consequences they carry. By asking Allah for an easy reckoning, we express our hope in His mercy, knowing that our efforts toward righteousness will be rewarded, and our sins may be forgiven.
Remember: Allah’s mercy is vast and encompasses all things, and this dua is a beautiful way to ask for that mercy to embrace us when we need it most. May Allah grant us all an easy reckoning on the Day of Judgment. Ameen.
And Allah knows best.
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