
Can I Read Quran Without Hijab?
Can I Read Quran Without Hijab?

Can I Read Quran Without Hijab?

A lot of women have been asking this question can I read quran without hijab? In this piece, we will take a look at the answer to this question.


Can I Read Quran Without Hijab?

Yes you can read Quran without wearing a hijab and there is no evidence saying otherwise. Wearing a hijab is obligatory in praying, however, it is not when reading Quran.

It is not obligatory for a woman to put on hijaab in order to read Qur’aan, because there is no evidence to indicate that this is obligatory.

The hair is an awra before non Maharam. And you’re not required to cover the hair while reciting the Quran, because this is not similar to Praying.

You can recite the Quran in any clothes you are wearing (read the dua for wearing clothes here.), You can recite the Quran even lying down.


The prophet SAW used to recite the Quran lying down with his head on Aisha Radiyallahu Anha lap.

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said that reciting Qur’aan does not require covering the head.

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said in his comments on sujood al-tilaawah (prostration required when reading certain verses of the Qur’aan):

Sujood al-tilaawah is to be done when reading Qur’aan. It may be done in any state, even with the head uncovered, etc., because this prostration is not subject to the rulings on prayer.

With regard to reading Qur’aan, it is not permissible for one who is in a state of janaabah (impurity following marital activity) to read Qur’aan either from the Mus’haf or otherwise until he has done ghusl, because it was narrated that nothing prevented the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) from reading Qur’aan except janaabah.


But if a person has broken his wudoo’ (minor impurity), then it is permissible for him to recite Qur’aan from memory because of the general meaning of the evidence.”

It is better, and is mustahabb, to do wudu (read Dua after wudu) before reciting, because this Qur’aan is the Word of Allaah.

So it is better to do wudu before reading it as a sign of respect. But touching the Mus’haf is not permissible unless one has done wudu, because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):


Which (that Book with Allaah) none can touch but the purified

Surah al-Waaqi’ah 56:79

And Allah knows best.

Sheikh Assim Al Hakim

What is the proper way to read Quran?

Making wudu is the first and most important step.

Wudu is required before holding or handling the Quran. This is done out of respect and in order to achieve spirituality and mental clarity.

Sit in a courteous manner, while reading the Quran.

Place the Quran on a high shelf. You might do this by placing the Quran on a billow or a wooden bookrest.

Recite Istiaazah and Basmalah.

What Istiaazah means is to say: I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the Accursed.

While Basmalah means: In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful.

There is no need to rush when reciting the Quran.

Most people believe that it is more vital to complete as much as possible as quickly as possible.

And that is incorrect; you read the Quran to understand its words; how can you achieve so if you read quickly?

So, read slowly and carefully, paying attention to every word and verse.

Make every effort to obey Tajweed rules while reading the Quran.

You should pay attention to how to pronounce each word correctly; otherwise, you may modify the meaning of the word, so be cautious.

If you are unfamiliar with the tajweed rules, you should learn them.

Read in a quiet environment where no one will interrupt you, and avoid talking while reciting.

Fulfill Every Requirement of the Quran. This means that if you find a sajdah mark then perform it.

Don’t leave it for later because you will forget to do it. You should also pause at the appropriate places while reading the Quranic verses.


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