Surah Fajr Complete Transliteration, Arabic And Translation In English
Surah Fajr is the 89th chapter of the Quran, and contains 30 ayat or…
Transliterations, translations, meanings, and simple explanation of some surahs of Quran
Surah Fajr is the 89th chapter of the Quran, and contains 30 ayat or…
Surah al jinn is the 72nd chapter of the Quran and has 28 verses….
Surah Muzammil is the 73rd chapter of the Holy Qur’an and contains 20 verses…
Surah An Nas which starts with qul auzu bi Rabbin nas is the 114th…
Surah Al-Falaq which starts with qul auzu bi Rabbil falaq or is the 113th…
The 109th chapter of the Holy Quran is known as Surah kafirun or Qul…
Qul Huwallahu Ahad Surah which name is surah Al Ikhlaa (Sincerity), also known as…
Surah Al Humazah which starts with surah wailul likulli humazah is the 104th chapter…
Surah Al Asr which starts with Wal Asr Surah In English means The Declining…
Here is Alhakumut Takasur Surah In English translation and transliteration. At-Takathur means Rivalry or…