Surah kausar translation in english
Surah kausar translation in english

Surah Kausar Translation In English (Inna Ataina) Transliteration and Arabic


This is post will have a look at Surah kausar translation in english, transliteration, theme and background history of the shortest Surah in the Qur’an.

Saurah Kausar in Arabic

بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيم

  • إِنَّا أَعْطَيْنَاكَ الْكَوْثَرَ(1)
  • فَصَلِّ لِرَبِّكَ وَانْحَرْ(2)
  • (3) إِنَّ شَانِئَكَ هُوَ الْأَبْتَ

Surah Al Kawthar Transliteration

  1. Inna a’a’daina kal kausar.
  2. Fa salli Lirabbika wan har.
  3. Ina sha’ani aka huwwal abtar.

Surah Kausar Translation in English

  1. Indeed, We have granted you al-Kawthar.
  2. So pray to your Lord and offer sacrifice
  3. Indeed, your enemy is the one cut off.

Inna Ataina Translation In English

The full meaning of the term kauthar, as used here, is likely impossible to convey in a single word in any language.

This is an intensified form of the noun kathrat, which literally means abundance, but the context in which it has been used does not imply mere abundance, but rather abundance of good, spiritual benefits and blessings, and of such abundance that is unbounded and limitless.

In addition, it does not imply any single good, benefit, or blessing, but abundance of countless benefits and blessings.


Read why surah Al Kausar was revealed to get a better understanding of the surah context.

Other NameAbundance
Number of verses3
Surah BeforeSurah Maun
Surah kausar translation in english

Why Was Surah Al Kauthar Revealed?

Surah Al Kauthar was revealed when the enemies of the religion at that time believed prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had been completely ruined.

He had been cut off from the community and had become utterly helpless and powerless; his trade had been ruined; his male children who could perpetuate his name had died.

And the message he presented was such that no one in Arabia, let alone Makkah, was prepared to listen to it, so failure and disappointment would be his lot.

In such circumstances, Allah said:


“We have granted you the Kauthar,” it said on its own, and it meant:

Your foes believe you are wrecked and devoid of the excellent things you had before Prophethood, but the truth is that We have rewarded you with an abundance of good and innumerable gifts.”

Surah Kawthar Pronunciation

Why Is Al Kawthar Special?

Al Kauthar is special because it included the Holy Prophet’s unrivalled moral qualities, as well as the great blessings of Prophethood and the Qur’an, as well as the knowledge and wisdom bestowed upon him.

This included the blessing of Tauhid, as well as a system of life whose simple and intelligible, rational and natural, and comprehensive principles had the potential to spread throughout the world and continue to spread for all eternity.

This contained the gift of fame exaltation, as a result of which the blessed name of the holy Prophet has been elevated across the world for 1400 years and will continue to be exalted till the Resurrection.

This included the blessing that, as a result of his preaching, a world-wide community arose, which became the world’s eternal standard-bearer of Truth, which can claim to have produced the greatest number of pious, virtuous, and noble charactered men in any one nation, and which, even when corrupted and deprived, has the highest good in it as compared to every other nation in the world.

This included the blessing that the Holy Prophet saw his invitation and message succeed to the greatest extent possible during his lifetime, as well as the formation of a society with the potential to rule the globe.

This included the blessing that, despite his enemies’ belief that he would be lost to posterity due to his lack of male offspring.

Allah not only blessed him with spiritual offspring in the form of Muslims, who will continue to exalt his name in the world until the Day of Resurrection, but also granted him natural progeny from his one daughter, Fatimah Radiyallahu Anha, who have spread throughout the world and whose only mark of distinction and pride is that they trace their lineage back to him.

These are the blessings that the people have seen and experienced as a result of Allah’s overwhelming bounties on His Holy Prophet throughout the world.

Surah Kausar Tafseer In English

Kauthar also implies to two other major rewards that Allah will bestow on him in the Hereafter.

We had no way of learning about them, therefore the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) himself informed us of them, saying that Kauthar had also implied them.

  • First, the Fountain of Kauthar, which he will be granted in the Plain of Assembly on Resurrection Day.
  • Second, the River Kauthar, which he will receive in Paradise.

There is no dispute regarding the authenticity of both because such a huge number of Ahadith have been recorded from him by such a large number of reporters.

Hadiths Related To Surah Kausar

The following is what the Holy Prophet said regarding the Kauthar Fountain:

(1). This Fountain will be given to him on the Day of the Resurrection, when the cry of al-atash, al-atash (thirst, thirst!) will be heard from all sides.

The Holy Prophet’s people (umma) will gather before him and be watered as a result of it.

He will be the first to arrive and will take up the centre position.

“This is a Fountain where my Ummah will gather on the Day of Resurrection,” he remarked. (Muslim).

(2). Varied narrations have ascribed different aspects to the Fountain.

(3). According to the Holy Prophet’s description,

  • Its water will be whiter than milk (whiter than silver in some traditions, whiter than snow in others),
  • Cooler than snow,
  • Sweeter than honey;
  • The earth of its bed will be more fragrant than musk;
  • The water jugs set at it will be as numerous as the stars in the sky;
  • Those who drink from it will never thirst;
  • And those who are deprived of it will never have their thirst quenched.

These things have been recounted in several Ahadiths, with slight variations in wording (Bukhari).

(4). The Holy Prophet often warned the people of his time about it, saying:

“Those among you who would change my Way after me will be banished from the Fountain and will not be permitted to approach it.

They are my companions, he will reply, but it will also be said:

“Do you have any idea what they did after you?

Then I will discard them out and order them to stay away.”

This topic has also been addressed in a variety of hadiths. (Bukhari).

(5). Similarly, the Holy Prophet warned the Muslims who would follow him until the Resurrection, saying:

“Anyone who deviates from my Way and causes it to change will be expelled from the Fountain.

I will say, “O Lord, they are my people, the people of my Ummah.”

“Don’t you realise what changes they accomplished after you and then turned back on their heels?” will be the remark.

Then I, too, will turn them away and refuse to let them near the Fountain.” The Hadith contains many traditions on this subject (Bukhari).

Tafseer Surah Al Kauthar verse 2

Various scholars have offered different interpretations of the second verse of this great Surah.

Some interpret the Prayer to signify the five-times required Prayer (salat); others interpret it to mean the ‘Id al-Adha Prayer; and still others interpret it to mean the Prayer itself.

According to some illustrious scholars, the meaning of wanhar and sacrifice in the Prayer is

  • To fold the right hand over the left hand and place them on the chest;
  • Some say it means raising both hands with Allahu Akbar at the start of the Prayer;
  • Some say it means raising both hands at the start of the Prayer, at bowing for Ruku, And after rising from Ruku,
  • And some say it means performing the ‘Id al-Adha Prayer and then obliterating.

However, when the context of this command is analysed, it appears that its meaning is clear:

“O Prophet, when your Lord has bestowed such numerous and magnificent blessings upon you, you should conduct the Prayer and offer sacrifice solely for His sake.”

This Command was issued in a time when not only the pagans of Quraish, but also the pagans of Arabia and the rest of the world, worshipped their own gods and gave sacrifices at their shrines.

As a result, the Command’s goal is to “

O Prophet, my salat and my sacrifice and my life and my death are all for Allah, Lord of the universe, Who has no partner with Him. This is what I have been enjoined, and I am the first to surrender to Him.

(Surah Al-An am:162-163)

The word shani’ in the third verse as used in the original is derived from sha ‘n, which refers to a person’s hatred and spite, which can lead to them mistreating others.

In another verse of the Qur’an, it is written:

(And O Muslims,) the enmity of any people should not so provoke you as to turn you away from justice.”

(Surah AI-Ma’idah, verse 8).

As a result, shani aka means that anyone who is blinded by his hatred for the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) should make false allegations against him, slander and defame him, and release his personal rage against him by taunting and scoffing at him in every manner imaginable.

Huwal abtar:

“He himself is abtar,” that is, despite the fact that he calls you abtar, he is abtar himself.

Some explanations of abtar were already offered in the Surah’s Introduction.

It is derived from batar, which means to cut off, but it is used idiomatically in a broad sense.

The rak ah of the Prayer that is not accompanied by another rak’ah is known as butaira’, or the lonely rak ah, according to the Hadith.

Every item of work, which is in any way vital, is abtar if it is started without the adoration and praise of Allah.

According to another Hadith, suggesting that it is severed from its source, has no stability, and is doomed to failure.

  • A man who fails to fulfil his goal, as well as one who lacks all means and resources, is abtar.
  • Abtar is a person who has lost all hope of good fortune and achievement in life.
  • Abtar is a person who has been separated from his family, brotherhood, associates, and helpers.
  • The word abtar is also used to describe a man who has no male offspring or whose male kid or children have died, so no one will remember him after he is gone.

The doubting Quraish referred to the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) as abtar in practically all of these contexts.

O Prophet, not you, but your adversaries are abtar, Allah said.

This was not just a “retaliation,” but a prophecy based on the Qur’an’s most fundamental prophesies, which truly came true.

When it was made, the people regarded the Holy Prophet as abtar, and no one could have imagined how the Quraish’s big chiefs,

Who were famous not only in Makkah but throughout Arabia, who were successful in life, rich in worldly wealth and children, ho had associates and helpers all over the country, who had intimate relations with all the Arabian tribes, and who were monopolists in trade and managers of Hajj, would become abtar.

But, not long later, the situation completely shifted. The Quraish invaded Madinah with the support of several Arabian and Jewish tribes during the Battle of the Trench (A.H. 5).

And the Holy Prophet, who was besieged, had to fight the invaders by digging a trench around the city. When he attacked Makkah in A.H. 8.

The Quraish had no helper and were forced to surrender helplessly after only three years.

After that, within a year or so, he had taken control of all of Arabia, and deputations of tribes from all over the region began to visit him to take pledges of allegiance, leaving his foes completely powerless and resourceless.

Even if their children survived, none of them today knows that he is a descendant of the opponents of Islam Abu Jahl, Abu Lahab, As bin Wail, or ‘Uqbah bin Abi Mu’ait, and even if he does, he is not willing to say that his forebears were such people.

On the contrary, blessings are being invoked on the children of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) all over the world.

Millions upon millions of Muslims take pride in their kinship with him; hundreds of thousands of people regard descended not only from him but also from his family and even the families of his Companions as a mark of honour and prestige.

History has shown that it was his opponents, not the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), who were and are abtar.

Lean Powerful Duas For Forgiveness From The Quran And Sunnah


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