200+ Most Common Words In Arabic Plus TYPES
Arabic is a rich and complex language with a long history and a wide variety of dialects spoken across the Middle East and North Africa. Arabic is a rich and complex language, with a vast array of different word types that contribute to its unique structure and vocabulary.
In this lesson, we will learn types of words as well as more than two hundred most common words in Arabic plus their English translations.
How To Say Word In Arabic?
In Arabic, word is written as كَلمة and pronounced kalimah and the plural form of word in Arabic is كلمات and the pronunciation is kalimaat.
Types Of Words In Arabic
Words are divided into three categories which are mutually exclusive and cover all words in the language. The 3 types of Arabic words are:
- Noun اسم
- Verb فعل
- Particles حرف
Understanding the various types of words in Arabic can help learners to better comprehend the language and improve their ability to communicate effectively in it.
The first type is called ‘noun’ (اسم) /ism/ and it includes what we know in English as nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and adverbs.
In Arabic grammar, nouns are classified according to their form, gender, number, and case.
Gender: Arabic nouns are either masculine or feminine. The gender of a noun is usually determined by its form, although there are some exceptions to this rule.
For example, the word for “bag” (حقيبة) is feminine, while the word for “moon” (قمر) is masculine.
Number: Arabic nouns can be singular, dual or plural.
Case: Arabic nouns can be in the nominative, accusative, or genitive case. The case of a noun is determined by its function in a sentence.
It’s important to note that nouns in Arabic are inflected for gender, number, and case, and it is essential to use the correct form in order to convey the intended meaning.
Mastering the use of nouns is an important step in learning Arabic and understanding the grammar of the language.
The second category is that of verbs (فعل) /fe’l/. Another important type of word in Arabic is the verb, which is used to express action or state of being.
Verbs are typically divided into three categories: past tense, present tense, and future tense.
Past tense verbs are used to describe actions that have already taken place, such as كتبت “I wrote” or ذهب “he went.”
Present tense verbs are used to describe actions that are happening now, such as يكتب “he is writing” or يذهب “he is going.”
Future tense verbs are used to describe actions that will take place in the future, such as “I will write” or “he will go.”
Verbs in Arabic are the most important part of any sentence, as they convey the action or state of being.
They are conjugated to match the subject of the sentence, and they can be either transitive or intransitive.
Verbs in Arabic are also divided into two main categories: strong and weak.
Strong verbs are those that follow a regular conjugation pattern, while weak verbs are those that follow an irregular pattern.
One of the most important aspects of Arabic verb conjugation is the person, gender, and number of the subject. Arabic verbs are conjugated to match the subject in all three of these categories.
For example, the verb “to write” is conjugated differently depending on whether the subject is first person singular, second person singular, or third person singular.
Overall, verbs are a crucial part of the Arabic language and are used to convey the action or state of being in any sentence.
Whether you are a beginner learner or an advanced speaker, it is important to understand the different tenses, conjugation patterns, and forms of verbs in Arabic in order to effectively communicate in the language.
And finally, the third category is that of particles (حرف) /harf/ which include English prepositions, articles, conjunctions, and particles.
Note that particle is a catch-all term that includes things like interjections and other words that are not well-categorized.
Most Common Words In Arabic
One of the most interesting things about the Arabic language is its vocabulary, which has been influenced by many other languages over the centuries.
This has resulted in a diverse and expansive lexicon, with many words that are commonly used in everyday conversation.
Here are some of the most common words in Arabic, along with their meanings and translations:
Peace be upon you السلام عليكم
As-salāmu ʿalaykum- “Peace be upon you” – This is a common greeting in Arabic, and is used as a way to say “hello” or “goodbye” in a formal or polite setting.
Hello مرحبا
Marḥaban- “Hello” – This is another common greeting in Arabic, and is used in a more casual setting.
How are you كيف حالك؟
Kayfa ḥāluk? – “How are you?” – This is a common way to ask someone how they are doing, and is often used as a way to initiate conversation.
I’m good أنا بخير
Ana bi-khayr – “I am well” – This is a common response to the question “how are you?” and means that the person is doing well.
Thanks شكرا
Shukran) – “Thank you” – This is a common way to express gratitude in Arabic, and is used in both formal and informal settings.
No لا
Laa- “No” – This is a common word in Arabic that is used to negate a statement or question.
Yes نعم
Naʿam – “Yes” – This is a common word in Arabic that is used to affirm a statement or question.
Where أين؟
Ayn?) – “Where” – This is a common question word in Arabic that is used to ask about location.
When متى؟
Matā – “When” – This is a common question word in Arabic that is used to ask about time.
Who من؟
Man – “Who” – This is a common question word in Arabic that is used to ask about identity.
Arabic العربية
Al-ʿarabiyyah – “Arabic” – This is the word for the Arabic language, and is commonly used to refer to both the language itself and the cultural and linguistic heritage of the Arab world.
The Word العالم
Al-ʿālam – “The world” – This is a common word that is used to refer to the global community or the entire planet.
Work عمل
Amal – “Work” – This is a common word that is used to refer to work or a job.
Life حياة
Hayāh – “Life” – This is a common word that is used to refer to the state or quality of being alive.
Love حب
Hubb – “Love” – This is a common word that is used to refer to strong feelings of affection or attachment towards someone or something.
Family أسرة
Usrah – “Family” – This is a common word that is used to refer to a group of people who are related by blood or marriage.
Lunch غداء
Ġadāʾ – “Lunch” – This is a common word that is used to refer to the meal that is traditionally eaten around midday.
Month شهر
Shahr – “Month” – This is a common word that is used to refer to a period of time that is approximately 30 days long.
Year عام
Aam – “Year” – This is a common word that is used to refer to a period of time that is approximately 365 days long.
Verbs أفعال
Afʿāl – “Verbs” – This is a common word that is used to refer to words that express action or state of being in a sentence.
Here are more common words in Arabic that are frequently used in everyday conversation:
English | Arabic words |
beneath | تحت |
Great | رائع |
to | إلى |
Long | طويل |
and | و |
First | الأول |
in | في |
that | ذلك |
Other | اخر |
I | انا |
Little | قليل |
for | ل |
Different | مختلف |
on | على |
with | مع |
he | هو |
High | مرتفع |
you | انت |
Right | صحيح |
Big | كبير |
this | هذا |
but | لكن |
Old | قديم |
Public | عام |
from | من |
they | هم |
we | نحن |
Important | مهم |
Young | شاب |
she | هي |
or | ام |
Small | صغير |
Call | يدعو/يكلم/يتصل |
Next | التالي |
one | واحد |
Bad | سيئ |
Able | قادر |
To ask | يسأل |
To work | يعمل |
To try | يحاول |
To feel | يشعر |
To leave | يغادر |
Want | يريد |
Give | يمنح/يعطي |
about | عن |
who | مَن |
Find | يجد |
Use | يستعمل |
Tell | يخبر |
Take | يأخذ |
when | متى |
See | يشاهد |
Think | يعتقد/يظن |
Come | يأتي |
time | وقت |
no | لا |
Search | يبحث |
Say | يقول |
Get | يحصل على |
Go | يذهب |
Put | يجعل |
Know | يعرف |
year | سنة |
Be | يكون |
good | جيد |
Have to | يجب |
Do | يفعل |
There | هناك |
Here | هنا |
Before | قبل |
Now | الآن |
Week | أسبوع |
Some | بعض |
All | كل |
Everywhere | في كل مكان |
Any | أي |
Without | بدون |
Stay | ابقى |
More | المزيد |
Less | أقل |
Most | معظم |
after | بعد |
Age | عمر |
Address | عنوان |
Activity | نشاط |
Add | أضاف |
Account | حساب |
Answer | جواب |
always | دائماُ |
Allow | يسمح |
almost | تقريباً |
new | جديد |
Air | هواء |
because | لأن |
Cancer | سرطان |
Best | أفضل |
Believe | يؤمن |
day | يوم |
benefit | يستفيد |
Ball | كرة |
career | مهنة |
care | عنابة |
car | سيارة |
card | بطاقة |
Capital | عاصمة |
character | شخصية |
change | تغيير |
chair | كرسي |
chance | فرصة |
center | وسط – مركز |
dinner | عشاء |
Difficult | صعب |
deep | عميق |
degree | درجة – شهادة |
death | موت |
Face | وجه |
evening | مساء |
enter | ادخل |
environment | البيئة |
energy | طاقة |
game | لعبة |
fish | سمك |
fast | سريع |
fear | خوف |
far | بعيد |
hair | شعر |
group | مجموعة |
glass | زجاج |
government | حكومة |
goal | هدف |

These are just a few of the many common words in the Arabic language.
As you can see, the Arabic language has a wide variety of words that are commonly used in everyday conversation.
- For more Arabic words (vocabulary), see
- 120 Animals In Arabic
- Bird in Arabic
- 30+ Arabic Plant Names
- Flower In Arabic
- Profession In Arabic
Whether you are learning Arabic as a second language or simply want to expand your vocabulary, there are many resources and tools available to help you on your language learning journey.
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