Al Basit Name of Allah Meaning In English
Al Basit name of Allah means The The Extender, The Grantor Of Ample Provision, the one who grants ample and extensive provision to His servants, and the who one diffuses the souls of the living in their bodies.
It is up to Allah Almighty to enlarge sustenance for such of His servants as He pleases, by virtue of His Mercy, Grace and Bounty, and restricts sustenance for such of His servants as He pleases, by way of putting them to trial, in order to distinguish those of them who stick to their faith in Him, from those of them who reject Him.
This is shown clearly in many locations in the Holy Qur’an.
Take, for instance, Allah’s saying:
Verily thy Lord doth provide sustenance in abundance for whom He pleaseth, and He provideth in a just measure: for He doth know and regard all His servants.
(Surah Al-lsra 30)
If Allah were to enlarge the provision for His Servants, they would indeed transgress beyond all bounds through the earth; but He sends (it) down in due measure as He pleases. For He is with His Servants Well-acquainted, Watchful.” (Surah Ash-Shura 27).
As well as Allah Almighty afflicts with grief such of His servants as He likes, in order to give rise in them to the fear of His Majesty and Glory, He also cheers up whomever He pleases, in order to stimulate in them the hope for His Good Pleasure and contentment.
As well as He Almighty takes hold of people’s souls at death, He Also spreads spirits into their bodies at their creation and resurrection.
Al Basit Name of Allah Meaning In English
Al Basit, according to some learnt men, is He, Who gives you security (from the punishment of the fire of Hell) by virtue of His Forgiveness and Pardon.
Al-Ghazali tells that Allah Almighty cheers up His servants with the portents of hope and expectation for the rewards they will receive in the hereafter.
On the other hand, the process of enlargement applies not only to sustenance, but also to knowledge, power, health, etc. to enlarge one’s knowledge, for instance, is to grant him the good understanding and faculty therewith to get knowledge in abundance.

How does one get the etiquette of that Name?
If one intends to have a good portion from that Name, let him then adorn himself with its good manners: he should stretch his hand with kindness to all of the people surrounding him in general, and those among them in need and want in particular; and he should not withhold his hand from doing good as much as is within his capacity.
The one who has such a characteristic, as Al-Ghazali puts it powerfully, is He, who is inspired by Allah the best items of wisdom, and the best statements therewith to express the widest meanings: sometimes, he cheers up the people, by reminding them of Allah’s Favours and Graces He bestowed upon them.
And sometimes, He afflicts them with grief, by warning them of His Majesty and Glory; and, to be sure, both are characteristics of all the Messengers and Prophets whom Allah Almighty sent as warners of Allah’s Punishment (for the disobedient) and givers of glad tidings (for the obedient).
As well as one might be aggrieved or even happy, whether there are certain reasons for that or there are not, one should give thanks to Allah in the state of happiness, and keep patient in the state of grief.
As to the celebration of Allah by that Name, the learnt men are of the opinion that one should combine both the Names of “Al-Qabid” and
“Al-Basit” in his supplication; and whoever sticks to calling to remembrance the Name of “Al-Basit”, Allah Almighty enlarges sustenance for him in abundance, removes all distresses and anxieties from him, and makes him lovable to all of those who see him.
The following supplication is significant in this respect:
O my God! You are the One Who cheers up souls (of such of Your servants as You please) by making them witness (the portents and signs indicative of) Your Existence, as well as You are the One Who grants, with abundance, prowess to bodies, out of Your Generosity and Bounty.
Manifest Your Glory upon us, with the Light of Your Name “Al-Basit” (the One Who enlarges), so that its shining lights would rise on our organs; and thus, whoever sees us will be cheerful, with his breast expanded (with joy).”
- Read also Al Aleem Name of Allah Meaning (The All-Knowing)
- Al Aziz Name of Allah and
- As Salam Meaning in English.