Al Quddus Meaning in English (Beautiful Name of Allah)
Al Quddus meaning in English is The Most Holy and The Most Sacred. It is one of Allah’s Most Beautiful Names, which suggests the highest degree of Exaltation, Glorification, Sanctity, Adoration, Sacredness, Inviolability and Purity.
And this is the significance of perfection and completeness in the broad sense of the word, a characteristic, which none barring Allah Almighty deserves to have.
Al Quddus Meaning In English
The Pure And Perfect, the Pure and exalted one high above every impurity, the one whom the noble angels venerate, the one free of any opposites, rivals, consorts and children.
The one having perfection as His attribute, the one declared free of all deficiencies and imperfections and free of having anyone with the like of His Perfection or anyone close to it.
Al Quddus in Arabic
Here is how to write the beautiful name of Allah, Al Quddus in Arabic text.

What Is The Meaning Of Allah’s Name Al Quddus?
This Name gives the meaning of Sanctity, Holiness, and Sacredness, that belong to Allah, Who is Glorified, Exalted, Hallowed and Deemed far above any kind of defect, or imperfection.
With that meaning the angels used it in their reply to Allah Almighty, when He told them He would make a vicegerent on the earth:
“Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: “I will create a vicegerent on earth.” They said: “Wilt Thou place therein one who will make mischief therein and shed blood? Whilst we do celebrate Thy praise and glorify Thy holy (name)?
How Many Times is Al Quddus Mentioned in Quran?
The Name Quddus occurs two times in the Qur’an:
The first time is in surah Al Hashr verse number 23. Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala says;
“Allah is He, than Whom there is no other god; the Sovereign, the Holy One, the Source of Peace (and Perfection), the Guardian of Faith, the Preserver of Safety, the Exalted in Might, the Compeller, the Supreme: Glory to Allah! (High is He) above the partners they attribute to Him.”
(Al-Hashr 23)
And this second place is in surah juma’a,
“Whatever is in the heavens and on earth, doth declare the Praises and Glory of Allah: the Sovereign, the Holy One, the Exalted in Might, the Wise.”
(Al-Jumu’ah 1)

It is to deem Allah Almighty far above all that one might think of, or imagine: to be sure, Allah is beyond any idea one might have of Him.
But, it is not sufficient in our interpretation of the Name “Quddus”, as Al-Ghazali tells, to say that it is to Exalt, Sanctify and Deem Allah far above any kind of defect or imperfection.
For indeed, His Perfection, Magnificence, Greatness and Completeness could, by no means, be limited by the words we use to define those characteristics from our point of view.
The people have considered themselves, and known such characteristics and faculties they might have, as their knowledge, seeing, hearing, understanding, etc, in which they could never attain perfection.
Then, they chose words which they used to describe those characteristics of completeness as they perceived them.
When they came to praise Allah Almighty, they described Him with words that signify the utmost level of perfection in the very way they imagined it; and He Almighty is, by all measures, beyond all of their limited descriptions and definitions.
To be sure, Allah Almighty is beyond every characteristic the people imagine and then attribute to Him, as well as He is higher than any thing, act or deed that is similar to it.
How does man acquire the good manners related to that Name?
If a Muslim intends to acquire the characteristic to which this Name refers, he then should set himself free from all bad manners and vile and wicked customs, and keep himself away from what is suspicious and doubtful.
According to Al-Ghazali, one could purify his knowledge, by releasing himself from what is related to illusions, fancies and senses, in which the animals share him, in order to confine it only to what is related to Allah; and in this way, he will rise up to attain a supreme position of science and knowledge.
He also could sanctify his will if he transcends beyond the material benefits resulting from the pleasures, desires and lusts of this world; and thus, his hopes, expectations and longing will be for the Good Pleasure and meeting of Allah Almighty on the exclusion of anything else.
When a man is described by the people as a Holy Person, this is because they see in him his loftiness and supremacy, which cause him to refrain from committing any kind of mistakes, desist from falling into any evil act or deed, and keep himself far from doing what is wicked and suspicious.
In short, they see in him a good ideal of the virtuous merits and manners; and it is for this that he lives among the people as if he is not one of them.
He never behaves in the way they behave, nor does he go down to their level of conduct.
For this reason, he seems to be like angels in their merits, though he is no more than a human being; and if his people are to be asked about him, they will say the same as the women of Joseph said when he came out before them, and they saw his loftiness and excellence:
“Allah preserve us! no mortal is this! this is none other than a noble angel!”
Some learnt men say about the meaning of both “Al-Malik” (the Sovereign) and “Al-Quddus” (the Holy One):
The Sovereign is the One Who has the power to bring things to existence from nonbeing.
And the Holy One is Him, Who is Exalted and Hallowed from all defects and imperfection, Who is so much inviolable that none could ever have an access to reach Him.
And all of what the learnt men does in this respect is just to try to have knowledge of Him with the help of His Characteristics and Merits.
Although we are forbidden to think of, and reflect the Divine Holy Self, we are commanded to consider the various aspects and signs of Allah’s Power and Might, and the greatness of creation.
It is narrated that you should consider Allah’s creation, and not the Divine Holy Self.
As to the supplication by that Name, a mention might be made here of the following:
“Glory be to Allah, the Sovereign, the Holy One, the Creator: if it is His Plan, He could remove you, and bring a new creation; and this is not difficult upon Allah Almighty.”
This supplication is significant for him, who suffers from doubts and suspicions.
But if there is one about whom people speak badly, he might avert them by the following supplication:
“O the Holy One, Who is pure from evil, like unto Whom there is nothing amongst His creatures!”
It is mentioned that once he supplicates Allah with this supplication, Allah will impede the tongue of anyone speaking badly about him.
According to one of the righteous people, this supplication has a positive effect on the parts of the body: the moment one is supplicating with that, the different parts of his body come to have no desire for any kind of material pleasures; and it is for this that one should supplicate with it, if he seeks to refrain from any lust or desire relating to body.
Check out other post for more explaination of Allah beautiful Names.
Allah knows best.
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