Al Malik Meaning in English
Al Malik Meaning in English

Al Malik Meaning in English (Beautiful Name of Allah)


Al Malik meaning in English is The King, The sole absolute and true sovereign king, complete and perfect in His kingship, the one whom there is no kingship above His kingship nor anywhere near it (everything being incomparable to Him and beneath Him).

The sovereign owner of everything who does whatever He wishes with regard to the creation, with nothing to prevent or hinder Him, whose commands are fully effective within His dominion, the king of all kings.

How Many Times is Al Malik Mentioned in The Quran?

The Name Al Malik (the Sovereign or the King) occurs in the Qur’an five times:

It comes also in a different form “Maleek” though with the same meaning and thus having the same equivalent in English (Sovereign) in Allah’s saying Al-Qamar verse 55.

Al-Malik (The Sovereign) here gives the meaning that all things in the worlds, the heavens and the earth, and what is on and between them belong to Him, for He has the Dominion of everything in this present life as well as in the hereafter.


When this existence expires, and everything comes to its end, nothing survives barring the Countenance of Allah Almighty.

And this portends the beginning of the hereafter with the establishment of the Day of Judgement, on which He Almighty becomes the Only King, Master and Ruler, but Whom there will be no other king.

Al Malik Meaning in English
Al Malik Meaning in English

On the other hand, “Al-Malik” (the Sovereign) is He, Who disposes of all the affairs of His servants, Who is completely free from doing even the least bit of injustice to any of His creatures, Who decides their matters in the very way, manner and at the very time He pleases.

Al Malik Meaning in English

Al Malik means He Alone is the True King, to Whom all things in the worlds belong.

He Alone has full knowledge of everything, whatever hidden or concealed it might be.


The sovereignty in general necessitates independence and freedom of all needs and wants; and this is one of the essential characteristics of Allah Almighty.

He is not only rich and independent, but also He is the One Who enriches such of His servants as He pleases, and makes them free from need of others among the creatures, since they are in need of Him Alone: a favour for which He Almighty should be praised.

In this way, He is independent of all things in the world, praiseworthy for all of His Favours and Graces.

Al-Malik (The King) always has the characteristic of being Self-Sufficient, not in need of anyone, though all are in need of Him.

He supplies them with sustenance out of His Bounty, and if He asks them to serve Him Alone, it is, to be sure, for their interest, and no benefit does He get from them in this issue, for indeed, He is not in need of their service at all.

He raises them in position, upgrades them in degree, each according to the effort he makes in His obedience and worship; and in the end, He admits the righteous among them to the Garden of Bliss, by virtue of His Mercy, to which they have no access but because of their deeds.

Allah’s Dominion implies all things in the heavens and the earths, everything in the worlds, what we see and know and what we see and know not. It also implies the whole of mankind, who are made as His vicegerents on the earth.

To Him does belong everything in man: his faculties and senses, his body and spirit, his emotions, will and understanding:

Allah’s Dominion is not restricted to anything or limit on the exclusion of the other: it includes all things whatsoever.

It goes beyond what is sensible, visible and reasonable to good and evil, benefit and harm, life and death, the world and the hereafter.

He has full power to keep them standing, constant and balanced, with no need of help from any helper.

He Almighty criticizes the infidels and pagans, for they worship things, which have no power either to harm or to benefit them.

Al-Malik (The Sovereign) is the One, Who has power to dispose of all things pertaining to His creatures, Who has power to do what He intends and likes to do, just by saying to it “Be” and it is immediately, within a period shorter than the twinkling of an eye.

In spite of His Power to do what He wants, to compel all of His servants to do what He likes them to do.

He, out of His Wisdom, gives them the freedom to choose, whether to do what they are commanded to do and refrain from what they are forbidden to do, and thus they deserve to be of the blessed and happy, or not to do any of that, in opposition to His Commands and Restrictions, and thus they will be among the wretched miserable.

To be sure, there is no dominion belonging to anyone barring Allah Almighty.

Whatsoever the kings on earth are, they are, indeed, not real kings in the valid sense of the word, for there is no King but Allah Almighty.

They are but rulers, appointed by their people to govern their affairs; and anyone thinks he is more than that is mistaking.

It is Allah Alone, in Whose Hand is the real power of giving life and death, for He is Alone Who has created life and death.

He has ordained that there will be no death in the hereafter, and there will be eternal life, whether for the inhabitants of the Garden or the denizens of the Fire.

The term “king” might be borrowed so as to describe some of Allah’s servants, who have the power of authority to govern their people, dispose of their affairs, communicate with others on their behalf, settle their matters, and judge between them in their disputes.

This power is given to them by their peoples, and not by nature nor by inheritance.

Such a king as appointed to rule the people, should have the characteristics of justice, deep-insight, wisdom, and reason, in order to be able to take his people to the path of truth, development and progress.

Allah Almighty gives this name to many of His servants who are in the office of ruling.

Allah Almighty, as the Sovereign and the King, is fully Just in His Commandments and Judgements concerning His servants, completely knowledgeable of their affairs and matters, Kind towards them.

Compassionate to the weak and wronged ones among them, violent in exacting retribution from the wrongdoers and criminals among them. He always hears their supplications, responds to their invocations, fulfills their needs, and overlooks their mistakes.

As such the king should be in relation to his subjects: he should open his gates to receive them, with no custodians to keep them away from him.

He should guide them to the way of truth and justice.

His people should make just estimate of him: he should be regarded, in their sight, no more than being one of themselves, appointed by them, with the help and virtue of Allah, to be in charge of their affairs, for the more they appreciate him to the extent of raising him to the position in which he feels he is over them, the more he transgresses beyond the due limits in dealing with them, and behaves insolently towards them.

Al Malik Meaning in English
Al Malik Meaning in English

How Does One Get The Good Manners Related To This Name?

Although everyone of the people is responsible for himself, and those under his guardianship, the king is responsible for everyone of his people, because they all are his wards; and on the Day of Judgement, he will be questioned about them.

The king should further have no desire for anything in the possession of his subjects: on the contrary, he should have desire only for the Good Pleasure of Allah; and once he does so, Allah will supply him with His Help and Aid, so that he will become free from all wants.

The king should be adorned with humbleness and abstinence, in spite of his ability to be supreme, pleasure-seeking, and extravagant in all the delights of life.

But, never did he eat his fill, and he used to keep himself in a state of hunger.

There is an essential difference between the Real and True King and Sovereign, and the apparent king:

Benefits Of Allah Name Al Malik

The Real King is Allah Almighty, to Whom does belong the dominion of all things in the heavens and on earth, and in Whose Hand is the possession of all things; and whenever he intends to do anything, it is sufficient for Him to say to it “Be” and it is immediately. Thus, He is not in need of the help of anyone in the worlds.

Furthermore, the characteristic of Sovereign necessitates all the merits of perfection and completeness, for one could not imagine a real king having no power to do what He pleases, no Will to enjoin upon whomever He likes, no hearing nor seeing therewith He could be able to have a full watching and control over all of the deeds and acts of His servants.

How should one be described as a sovereign since He neither commands nor forbids, neither raises (some to the highest positions) nor lowers (others to the lowest bottoms), neither gives power (to such as he pleases), nor puts to humiliation (such as he pleases), neither rewards nor punishes, neither gives nor withholds?

As for the apparent king from among mankind, although he has the power of authority to govern his people, he could, by no means, do this job alone independently: he is in need of the aid of his helpers and assistants to be able to practice his ruling:

he is in need of a physician to treat him in case he is ill, of guards to protect him from the evil of those who intend to do harm to him, ministers to manage the different matters of the kingdom, of employees to deal with the daily affairs of people, of soldiers to constitute the army, therewith to defend the kingdom and protect its borders, of commanders to lead this army.

The Real King, i.e. Allah, has full knowledge of all of His creatures, who are in His Possession; and the knowledge of the apparent king from amongst mankind about his subjects and those under his guardianship is incomplete and lacking:

he does not know everyone among the individuals of his kingdom, for his knowledge is restricted to a very few, who form his own retinue and attendants, with whose help he practice his ruling over his people.

It is not that all the people have access to their king, so that they would offer their cases, complaints and needs to him, while all of Allah’s servants are able to communicate with Him whenever and wherever they want: they could supplicate Him, and invoke Him submissively and devoutly as He instructs them:

Prophets and Messengers sent by Allah Almighty: they were able to be independent from all barring Allah Almighty, with the help of the right guidance He granted to them; and moreover, all of their peoples were in need of them.

This is the highest degree one from amongst mankind could ever attain, followed by that of the scholars endued with knowledge, who are the heirs of the Prophets: their dominions vary according to their ability to guide their peoples, and instruct them in knowledge, and be independent from the guidance of others.

With these characteristics, a servant approaches the angels in their good merits, and becomes much closer to the Presence of Allah Almighty.

In general, all the people should have the characteristic of being grateful and thankful to Allah’s Favours and Graces He has bestowed upon them, humble to His Majesty and Power of Authority, and responsible for the trust He Almighty has confided to them to carry, on the basis that everyone of the people is a guardian, and responsible for his dependents.

Allah’s Great Overwhelming Power and Might, His ever-Watching over all of His servants, and how magnificent, eternal, everlasting, and comprehensive His Dominion is in the world and the hereafter.

He is the Only Sovereign Who never perishes, unlike the strongest and the most arrogant amongst the kings of the earth, who, in the end, should inevitably perish.

All the people in general, and the rulers and kings in particular, should call to remembrance the Name “Al-Malik” (the Sovereign), so that they should know that they acquire such names and descriptions only by way of borrowing, since the Real Sovereign and King is Allah Almighty, with Whom there is no other king.

Al Quddus is another beautiful name of Allah.


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