4 Directions in Arabic and English (Complete Guide)
If you’re planning a trip to Arab countries or are already there, you’ll definitely find yourself in a position where you’re asking locals for directions.
Whether you’re asking for directions to a specific place, or giving directions to a cab driver, knowing how to say and understand directions in Arabic is important.
In this blog, we will explore the Arabic names of directions and how they are used in everyday life.
So, let’s dive in and discover the unique Arabic names of directions!
How To Say Direction In Arabic?
The Arabic word for direction is written as اتّجاه and pronounced as ittijah. The plural form is written اتّجاهات and the transliteration is ittijaahaat.
4 Directions in Arabic and English
The four directions in Arabic along their English translation and pronounciation are:
Directions in Arabic | English | Pronounciation |
شَمَال | North | Shamaal |
جَنُوب | South | Januub |
شَرْق | East | Sharq |
غَرْب | West | Gharb |

North in Arabic
The word for “north” in Arabic is “شَمَال” (shamal). In Arabic, the word “شَمَال” (shamal) refers to the direction that is opposite to south.
It’s commonly used in everyday language to give directions or to indicate the location of something in relation to the cardinal points.
The word “shamal” is derived from the Arabic root “ش-م-ل” which means “left” (as opposed to “right” which is “يَمِين” (yameen) in Arabic).
This is because when facing the rising sun in the east, the direction of north is to the left. Examples:
- أنا سأذهب إلى الشمال … I will go to the north
- تقع تركيا في جهة الشمال بالنسبة لسوريا … Turkey is located to the north of Syria
- إن جهة الشمال هي واحدة من الجهات الأربعة بالانجليزي … North is one of the four directions in english

South in Arabic
The word for “south” in Arabic is “جَنُوب” (janoub). In Arabic, “جَنُوب” (janoub) is used to refer to the direction that is opposite to north.
Like “شَمَال” (shamal), it’s also a commonly used term in everyday language to give directions or to indicate the location of something in relation to the cardinal points. Examples:
- نحن سوف نذهب باتجاه الجنوب … We will go to the south
- تقع الأردن في جهة الجنوب بالنسبة لسوريا … Jordan is located in the south of Syria
- يقع منزل صديقي في جنوب … My friend’s house is located in the south of the city.

East in Arabic
The word for “east” in Arabic is “شَرْق” (sharq). In Arabic, “شَرْق” (sharq) is used to refer to the direction of the rising sun, which is opposite to the direction of the setting sun.
Like “شَمَال” (shamal), “جَنُوب” (janoub), and “غَرْب” (gharb), it’s also a commonly used term in everyday language to give directions or to indicate the location of something in relation to the cardinal points. Examples:
- أنا ذاهب إلى الشرق … I am going to the east
- تقع العراق في جهة الشرق بالنسبة إلى سوريا … Iraq is located to the east of syria
- إن جهة الشرق هي واحدة من الاتجاهات الأربعة بالانجليزي … East is one of the four directions in English.

West in Arabic
The word for “west” in Arabic is “غَرْب” (gharb). In Arabic, “غَرْب” (gharb) is used to refer to the direction that is opposite to east.
Like “شَمَال” (shamal) and “جَنُوب” (janoub), it’s also a commonly used term in everyday language to give directions or to indicate the location of something in relation to the cardinal points. Examples:
- أنا ذاهب إلى الغرب … I am going to the west
- يقع البحر المتوسط بجهة الغرب بالنسبة لسوريا … The Mediterranean is located to the west of Syria
- الثلج قادم من جهة الغرب … The snow is coming from the west

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Right Directions in Arabic
“Yameen” يَمين is more commonly used to mean “right” in the sense of direction. For example, you could say “اتجه يميناً عند الإشارة” (itjah yameenan ‘ind al-isharah), which means “turn right at the signal”.

Left in Arabic
Left” in Arabic can be translated as “يَسَار” (yasar), which is used to indicate the direction to the left. It is similar in meaning to “shimal” but is less commonly used in modern Arabic.

Ordinal Directions in Arabic
Arabic | English | Transliteration |
شَمال غربي | Northwest | Shamaal gharbi |
جنوب غربي | Southwest | Januub gharbi |
شمال شرقي | Northeast | Shamaal sharqi |
جنوب شرقي | Southeast | Januub sharqi |
Arabic Verbs for Directions
Here’s a list of specific verbs necessary for both describing and understanding directions.
Arabic | English |
انعطف يمينا | Turn right |
انعطف يسارا | Turn left |
توجه للأمام مباشرة | Go straight ahead |
أعبر أو اجتاز الطريق | Cross the line |
اتخد هذا الطريق | Take this road |
اذهب مباشرة | Go along |
تجاوز | Go fast |
انزل | Go down |
اصعد | Go up |
انها بيمينك | It’s on your right |
انها بالقرب من | It’s next to |
انها بيسارك | It’s on your left |
في زاوية من | At the corner of |
المقابل أو المعاكس | Opposite |
Whether you are a language enthusiast, a traveler, or just curious about the world, exploring the Arabic names of directions is a fascinating journey that will enrich your understanding of the Arabic language and culture.
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