
Is Satin Haram
Is Satin Haram

Is Satin Haram Or Halal? What You Need To Know

Silk and satin – often get confused for each other, they look similar but there are differences between the two. In Islam, natural or pure silk is haram for men to wear and sleep on it. But is satin Haram like the silk? Can men wear satin? These are some of questions we will be looking at in this post.


Is Satin Haram?

It is forbidden for a male to wear “pure” silk that has not been mixed with any other material. However, if it is satin or a mixture of materials, it will consider halal. According to some scholars, there will be no shar’i issue. There is nothing wrong with wearing artificial silk such as Satin.

So you should look at the satin. If it is made with natural silk, it is haraam to wear it, but if it is artificial, then it is permissible to wear it.

According to WBL Fabric, despite the similar appearance of silk and satin, there is biggest difference between them. Satin is a weave and not a natural fibre, whereas silk is a natural fibre fabric.

Satin can be made from natural or synthetic fibres. Satin can be made from Silk, Cotton, Nylon, Polyester, Rayon, Acetate and Viscose.


According to Fatwa answered by Sheikh Salih Al Munajjid, silk that is forbidden to men is natural silk that is taken from the silkworm. Artificial silk such as Satin is not included in the prohibition, because there is no statement that it is haraam in either the Qur’aan or Sunnah.

If it is not narrated in the Qur’aan and Sunnah that a thing is haram, then it is hala’, because the basic principle concerning things is that they are halal and permitted.

However, some artificial silk fabrics may be very soft and similar to the fabric worn by women. Men should avoid these because what is required of men is toughness and hardness; softness is not appropriate for men.

That being said, Islamic clothing etiquette dictates that a man wear clothing that is appropriate for a man and promotes masculinity. Clothes do not have to be coarse or harsh, but they should also not be soft or feminine in appearance.

Can Men Wear Satin?

Yes, men can wear satin if it is made from artificial silk and if is not very soft and similar to the clothing worn by women. Otherwise, it is not permissible for men to wear satin.


The general rule is ‘Everything is halal unless forbidden’. Satin is not forbidden and men can wear it.


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