
Planets in Arabic
Planets in Arabic

All Planets In Arabic (How To SAY It)

One of the most important sections in learning Arabic is common vocabulary. Common Vocabulary contains words that we use on a daily basis. If you want to learn planets in Arabic, this page will help you learn planet names in Arabic with their English pronunciation. 


Planets are used in everyday conversations, so learning all Planet names in Arabic and English is essential. 

How To Say Planet in Arabic?

The Arabic word for planet is written as is كَوْكَب and pronounced kawkab. The plural of planets in Arabic language is written as كَواكِب and pronounced kawaakib. Planetary system is called نِظام كَوْكَبيّ and transliterated as niDHaam kawkabi.

The nine planet names in Arabic are:

  • Mercury  عُطارِد   uTaarid
  • Venus   الزُّهْرة   az-zuhra
  • Earth   الأَرْض   al-arD
  • Mars   المِرّيخ   al-mirriikh
  • Jupiter   المُشْتَري   al-mushtarii
  • Saturn   زُحَل   zuHal
  • Uranus   أُرانوس   Uraanuus
  • Neptune  نِبْتون   nibtuun
  • Pluto   بلوتو   Bloto

Read also Flower In Arabic (50 Arabic NAMES Of Flowers With Pictures).


What Are The Planets Called In Arabic

Here is the list of all planets names in Arabic and their pronunciations.

1. Mercury In Arabic

The Arabic word for mercury is written as عُطارِد and pronounced uTaarid. It is the solar system’s first, smallest, and hottest planet.

It is the closest to the sun, with an average distance of 58 kilometres and a diameter of 4,850 kilometres. During the day, the temperature can reach 800 0F (430 0C), and at night, it can drop to -280 0F (175 0C).

Mercury in Arabic
Mercury in Arabic

2. Venus In Arabic

The Arabic word for venus is written as الزُّهْرة and pronounced az-zuhra. It is the second most distant planet from the sun and the closest to the Earth.

Because Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system, it is devoid of life. It is, however, similar to Earth in terms of size, weight, and density, and thus is known as the Earth’s twin.


Venus has no satellites of its own, but it glows in the sky like a star, so most people refer to it as such.

Venus in Arabic
Venus in Arabic

3. Earth In Arabic

The Arabic word for earth is written as الأَرْض and pronounced al-arD. The Earth is the third most distant planet from the sun, but it is not as hot as Venus.

It is 150,800,000 kilometres away from the sun on average. It has a diameter of nearly 12,667 kilometres.


The earth rotates on its own axis in 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds and revolves around the sun once in 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 47 seconds. As a result, one year equals 365 days.

Earth in Arabic
Earth in Arabic

4. Mars In Arabic

The Arabic word for mars is written as المِرّيخ and pronounced al-mirriikh. It is the fourth planet from the sun in the solar system. Mars appears reddish because the rocks rust when they come into contact with oxygen.

Phobos and Deimos are the planet’s two satellites. Mars has a diameter of about 6,787 km, which is half the size of the Earth, and its average distance from the sun is 228,000,000 km and 142 million miles (229 million kilometers).

Mars in Arabic
Mars in Arabic

5. Jupiter In Arabic

The Arabic word for Jupiter is written as المُشْتَري and pronounced al-mushtarii. It is the fifth and largest planet in the solar system, and its size has earned it the title “King of the Planets.”

At the equator, Jupiter has a diameter of 142,984 km. This planet is approximately 1,300 times larger in area than Earth and has twice the mass of any other planet in the solar system.

Jupiter in Arabic
Jupiter in Arabic

6. Saturn In Arabic

The Arabic word for Saturn is written as زُحَل and pronounced zuHal. After Jupiter, this is the sixth and largest planet.

Saturn is 1,417,600,000 kilometres away from the sun. It is a massive gaseous globe with a diameter of 120,000 kilometers. 

Saturn is 760 times larger than the planet Earth. Saturn takes 29 years and 5 months to complete one orbit around the sun, but it rotates on its own axis in 10 hours and 40 minutes.

Saturn in Arabic
Saturn in Arabic

7. Uranus In Arabic

The Arabic word for Uranus is written as أُرانوس and pronounced Uraanuus. It has similar pronunciation with the English sound. Uranus is the third largest planet and the seventh in terms of distance from the sun.

It travels 2,870,972,170 kilometres from the sun. Uranus takes approximately 84 years to complete one rotation around the sun, but only 10 hours 49 minutes to rotate on its own axis. 

It has a diameter of 31,764 miles (51,119 km) and is surrounded by a blue-green cloud caused by methane gas in the atmosphere above them.

Uranus in Arabic
Uranus in Arabic

8. Neptune In Arabic

The Arabic word for Neptune is written as نِبْتون and pronounced nibtuun. This is the eighth planet in the solar system, located 4,468,800 kilometres from the sun.

The planet is cold, with a dark spot visible from afar, and is surrounded by a blue cloud. Neptune has the area of 72 Earths and the mass of 17 Earths. 

It has a diameter of 48,400km. The atmosphere is composed of a gas mixture, primarily frozen methane, ammonia, and other gases. Neptune’s temperature above the cloud is -3550F.

Neptune in Arabic
Neptune in Arabic

9. Pluto In Arabic

The Arabic word for pluto is written as بلوتو and pronounced Pluto. Pluto is regarded as the ninth planet from the sun. In other words, it is the planet that is the furthest away from the sun.

When its orbit crosses that of Neptune, Neptune becomes the planet with the greatest distance from the sun. Pluto’s surface temperature is -370 degrees Fahrenheit (-220 0C). 

It is the coldest planet in the solar system, with a thin surface of frozen methane and, possibly, nitrogen.

Pluto in Arabic
Pluto in Arabic

The name of Dwarf Planets in Arabic is written as الكواكب القزمة.

How To Say Solar System In Arabic

The Arabic word for solar system is written as المَجْموعةُ الشَّمْسِيَّة or النِّظام الشَّمْسي and the pronunciation is al-majmuu3atu ash-shamsiyya or an-niDHaam ash-shamsi.

Astronomy Vocabulary in Arabic

Astronomy / astrologyعِلْم الفَلَك[3ilmu al-falak]
Sunالشَّمْس noun![ash-shams]
Starنَجْم / نَجْمة
pl: نُجوم
[najm/ najma]
Space فَضاء[faDaa’]
pl: مَدارات
pl: مَجَرَّات
Solar eclipseكُسوفُ الشَّمْس[kusuuf ash-shams]
Lunar eclipseخسوف القمر[khusuuf al-qamar]
pl: مُذَنَّبات
Globeالكُرَةُ الأَرْضِيَّة[al-kuratul arDiyya]
Solar systemالمَجْموعةُ الشَّمْسِيَّة
النِّظام الشَّمْسي
[al-majmuu3atu ash-shamsiyya]
[an-niDHaam ash-shamsi]



  1. SM Farhad says:

    Please correct khusuuf al-qamar Arabic Text.

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