Rabbi Inni Lima Anzalta Ilayya Dua In Arabic, Meaning, And Benefits
One of the most powerful supplications a Muslim can recite is the prayer known as Rabbi inni lima anzalta. This prayer, which is believed to have been recited by Prophet Musa (Moses) in the Quran, is a plea to Allah for good and provisions such as job, wealth, marriage, kids, food, or just asking for good before a journey.
It is a deeply meaningful supplication that resonates with many Muslims around the world, and its words hold great significance and value for those seeking provisions and mercy.
In this blog, we will explore the meaning and significance of “Rabbi inni limaa anzalta dua,” and delve into the lessons and insights that can be gleaned from this powerful prayer.
Rabbi Inni Lima Anzalta Dua Meaning in English
The general Meaning of Rabbi inni lima anzalta is My Lord, I am ever needful of any favor that You may send my way or Lord! Surely I have need (Literally: I am poor) of whatever charity You will have sent down to me.
Rabbi Inni Lima Anzalta Ilayya In Arabic
Here is the Arabic text of this powerful Dua:
رَبِّ إِنِّى لِمَآ أَنزَلۡتَ إِلَىَّ مِنۡ خَيۡرٍ فَقِيرٌ
Transliteration: Rabbi inni lima anzalta ilayya min kharyin faqeer.
This means I am in need of whatever good You may send to me and make easy for me. Making this implicit request is more eloquent than asking explicitly.
The word khair in the dua rabbi innee limaa anzalta ilayya min khairin faqeer is sometimes used for wealth as in the case of Surah Baqarah ayat 180, sometimes it is used for strength like as in Surah Ad Dukhan ayat 37 and other times referencing food as in this specific verse.

This is the supplication that the Prophet Moses (Allah bless him and give him peace) made after helping the two young ladies draw water from the well.
Many of the righteous have recommended this supplication for the one seeking a spouse, kids, job, and whatever good.
This Dua changed Prophet Musa’s life, so hold onto it when you face impossible circumstances.
When prophet Musa (AS) arrived at Madyan, he had nothing; no food, no shelter, nowhere to go.
But when he recited this dua, he was given a wife, a life, a purpose, a message, and a companion. So, emulate prophet Musa and recite it, perhaps your wishes would be granted.
It is a humble and heartfelt plea to Allah for His divine assistance in acquiring any provision, mercy and good.

In the Quran, Surah Qasas verse 24, the prayer is recited by Prophet Musa (Moses).
During the period when Musa (AS) was taken in by the corrupt Pharaoh, he lived among the nobility.
On a particular day, he ventured into the city and witnessed a fight between two individuals, one of whom was from his own group while the other was an adversary.
Without intending to do so, Musa (AS) became embroiled in the conflict and unintentionally caused the death of one of the combatants.
The news of the incident quickly spread, and people began to fear Musa (AS), believing him to be a tyrant. A man who came from the farthest part of the city later approached him to give a warning,
“O Moses, indeed the eminent ones are conferring over you [intending] to kill you, so leave [the city]; indeed, I am to you of the sincere advisors.”
Surah Qasas: 20
So he did, he ran away toward the city of Madyan where he came across a crowded well of people watering their flocks.
Here he came across two women that he observed struggling with their flock, they kept pulling them back stopping them from reaching the well. Musa (AS) found this strange and went to ask what their situation was.
The women told him that their father is a very old man and can’t take care of the flock and they do not want to go into the crowd of other shepherds for whatever reason, likely because they are female, so they wait until the other shepherds leave the watering hole.
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Prophet Musa (AS) who was likely very tired from his travel took the sheep from the women and watered the flock. This took some time and after returning the flock back he sought comfort in the shade.
This is the background building up to the moment he recited the full rabbi innee lima anzalta dua.

Rabbi Inni Limaa Anzalta Ilayya Benefits
This is a beautiful dua, it asks Allah for good provision which is a broad term encompassing many things. It can refer to getting a job, wealth, marriage, food, drink, or just asking for good before a journey.
We learn that despite being broken, isolated, travelling for days in the heat with no food prophet Musa Alaihissalam did not grow in anger towards Allah.
In fact, in complete desperation he turns to Allah and says “I am in need” or “I am desperate” and to please send down whatever good. He understands provision only comes from Allah.

Allah SWT heard this dua and sent help for Musa (AS), the story continues with the two women disappearing and returned back to their home.
Their father curious as to how they finished so quickly today and was told about the man who helped them water the flock.
The father then sent one of his daughters back to find him and hire him for a job, “Indeed, my father invites you that he may reward you for having watered for us.” (Qasas: 25)
He was offered help and he took the opportunity. Despite being from royalty back in Egypt he had enough humility and was not embarrassed to accept help.
Allah’s blessings can come in a variety of ways we are not aware of, we must learn to become receptive.
This is a very beautiful dua and the story behind it offers many life lessons we can all learn and take from.

It is a prayer that holds great significance and value for Muslims, particularly those who are seeking to increase their goods whether it is getting job, wealth, marriage, food, drink, or just asking for good before a journey.
Most people think that this Du’a is only for marriage but is for everything. You’re asking Allah to send any help whatever it may be.
The dua “Rabbi inni lima anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqir” is just the most beautiful and powerful dua’a there is.
You are basically asking Allah to send any type of good your way that you are in need of and trust Him you will get some news in some form very shortly after. It is one of most beautiful dua.
Recite this every day, at every opportunity you can get. Recite it with the belief that Allah can make the impossible possible because HE CAN and then watch your faith strengthen every time.
Let’s break down this beautiful dua (supplication) into a listicle format, highlighting its essence and significance:
1. Opening Address:
- Begin the dua by addressing the Almighty with humility and reverence.
- “My Lord” expresses a personal connection, acknowledging Allah as a caring and compassionate entity.
2. Acknowledgment of Need:
- “I am ever needful” conveys a perpetual sense of dependence on Allah.
- This phrase reflects self-awareness, recognizing our continuous reliance on Allah for guidance and support.
3. Expression of Dependency:
- “Of any favor that You may send my way” emphasizes an open acceptance of any form of blessing or favor from Allah.
- This part of the dua underscores a willingness to receive Allah kindness in various aspects of life.
4. Profound Humility:
- “Surely I have need of whatever charity You will have sent down to me” adds depth to the plea.
- Describing the Allah blessings as “charity” highlights the concept of Allah’s generosity and benevolence.
5. Symbolism of Poverty:
- The phrase “I am poor” is a literal translation, symbolizing spiritual and emotional poverty before the Creator.
- This poverty signifies an acknowledgment of our limitations and imperfections, reinforcing the idea of absolute dependence on Allah.
6. Submission and Surrender:
- The repetition of the word “Lord” throughout the dua emphasizes the surrender of one’s needs and desires to the ultimate authority.
- This repetition acts as a reminder of the divine sovereignty and our role as humble servants.
7. Appreciation for Allah Providence:
- By expressing a need for whatever Allah sends down, the supplicant demonstrates trust in God’s wisdom and gratitude for His provision.
- This part of the dua encourages an attitude of contentment with whatever divine decree unfolds.
8. Versatility of Requests:
- The dua’s openness allows for a wide range of requests, catering to individual needs, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual.
- It serves as a versatile and comprehensive prayer that can be applied to various life situations.
9. Closeness to Allah:
- Overall, the dua creates a sense of intimacy with the divine, acknowledging the constant need for Allah’s guidance and blessings.
- The supplicant humbly seeks sustenance not just for survival but for spiritual growth and closeness to the Creator.
- This dua encapsulates the essence of Islamic spirituality, emphasizing humility, gratitude, and the recognition of human dependency on the mercy and generosity of Allah. It serves as a powerful reminder of the believer’s constant need for divine guidance and support in all aspects of life.