Why Was Surah Al Falaq Revealed

Why Was Surah Al Falaq Revealed? (All You Need To Know)


Know the reasons why was surah Al Falaq Revealed in this comprehensive post. You will also know the place of revelation as well as the theme of the Surah.

Why Was Surah Al Falaq Revealed?

Surah Al Falaq was revealed at Makkah during the time when persecution of the Prophet Muhammada SAW and his followers was intense. And subsequently in Madinah, he was instructed to recite it and surah Nas once again, as is mentioned in narrations by many of the Sahabah (companions).

The following were the circumstances under which these two Surahs were sent down in Makkah:

As soon as the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) began preaching the message of Islam, it appeared as though he had enraged people of all classes. As word of his message spread, the Quraish’s scepticism grew stronger.

Their animosity did not become particularly active as long as they had any prospect of preventing him from delivering his message by putting some temptation in his way or negotiating a bargain with him.


But when the Holy Prophet thoroughly disappointed them by refusing to make any form of religious compromise with them, they were simply told in Surah Al-Kafirun:

“I do not worship those who you worship nor are you worshipers of Him Whom I worship. For you is your religion and for me is mine”,

The hostility touched its extreme limits.

Families whose members (men or women, boys or girls) had adopted Islam, in particular, were filled with hate against the Holy Prophet.

They were cursing him, holding secret consultations to kill him quietly in the dead of night so that the Bani Hashim would not discover the murderer and take revenge; magic and charms were being worked on him to cause his death, make him fall ill, or make him go insane.


Satans from among the men and the jinn spread on all sides to whisper one or another evil into the hearts of the people against him and the Qur’an brought by him so that they became suspicious of him and the Qur’an.

Many people were envious of him because they couldn’t stand it if a man from a different family or clan flourished and rose to prominence.

“We and the Bani Abdi Manaf (to which the Holy Prophet belonged) were rivals of each other: they fed others, we fed others; they provided conveyances to the people, we did the same; they gave donations, we gave donations, so much so that when they and we have become equal in honour and nobility, they now proclaim that they have a Prophet who is equal to us.”

We shall never acknowledge him or express our confidence in him, by God.” (Ibn Hisham).

What Is The Message Of Surah Al Falaq?

The message of Surah Al Falaq is seeking refuge from evil, magicians and darknesses of the night.

Such were the circumstances when the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) was commanded to tell the people,

“I seek refuge with the Lord of the dawn, from the evil of everything that He has created, and from the evil of the darkness of night, and from the evil of magicians, men and women, and from the evil of the envious,”

And in surah nas, Allah says,

“I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind, the King of mankind, and the Deity of mankind, from the evil of the whisperer, who returns over and over again, who whispers (evil) into the hearts of men, whether he be from among the jinn or men.”

When Pharaoh announced his intention to kill him in front of his entire court, Prophet Musa (Moses) was commanded to declare,

“I have sought shelter with my Lord and your Lord against every arrogant person who does not believe in the Day of Reckoning.”

Surah Al Muminun verse 27

He also say that,

“I have sought refuge with my Lord and your Lord lest you attack me”

Surah Ad Dukhan, verse 20

These great Prophets of Allah were pitted against well-equipped, resourceful, and powerful foes on both occasions.

They stood firm on their message of Truth against powerful opponents on both occasions, despite the fact that they lacked the material power to fight them, and on both occasions they utterly disregarded the enemy’s threats, dangerous plans, and hostile devices, declaring

Why Was Surah Al Falaq Revealed

“We have taken refuge with the Lord of the universe against you.”

Obviously, such firmness and constancy can only be demonstrated by someone who believes that His Lord’s strength is supreme, that all the world’s powers are minor in comparison to Him, and that no one can hurt the one who has sought refuge in Him.

“I will not give up proclaiming the Word of Truth,” only such a person may say. I don’t give a damn what you say or do since I’ve sought refuge with my Lord, your Lord, and the Lord of the Universe.”

Is Surah Falaq Makki Or Madani?

Despite the fact that it is categorized as Makki surah, many commentators of the Qur’an mention that it came down in Madinah. This Surah is Makki, according to scholars such as Hasan Basri, Ikrimah, Ata, and Jabir bin Zaid. The same perspective is supported by Abdullah bin Abbas tradition.

According to another tradition from him, it is Madani, and Abdullah bin Zubair and Qatadah hold the same opinion.

Yet it occurred at times that a surah or ayah which had been previously revealed came down again later in response to a particular occurrence. Most likely this was the case with surah falaq and nas.

The Hadith that Muslim, Tirmidhi, Nasa’i, and Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal narrated on the authority of Uqbah bin Amir is one of the traditions that supports this second viewpoint.

“Do you know what kind verse have been revealed to me tonight?” he claims the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) asked him one day. A’udhu bi Rabbil falaq and A’udhu bi Rabbin nas are two matchless verses.

Because Uqbah bin Amir became a Muslim in Madinah after the hijrah, as narrated by Abu Da’ud and Nasa’i on the basis of his own declaration, this Hadith is used to argue that these Surahs are Madani.

Other traditions supporting this viewpoint include those related by Ibn Sa’d, and others to the effect that these Surahs were revealed after the Jews worked magic on the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace) in Madinah and he On the authority of Waqidi, Ibn Sa’d claims that this occurred in the year After Hijra.

Sufyan bin Uyainah has also labelled these Surah as Madani on this grounds.

However, when a Surah or verse is reported to have been revealed on this or that event, it does not necessarily mean that it was revealed for the first time on that occasion.

Rather, it was sometimes the case that Allah would attract the Holy Prophet’s attention to a Surah or a verse that had previously been revealed, then on the occurrence or appearance of a certain incident or scenario, Allah would draw his attention to it for the second time, or even again and again.

The Mu’awwidhatayn was in the similar boat.

The subject matter of this Surah makes it clear that it was sent down in Makkah in the first instance, when there was a lot of opposition to the Holy Prophet there.

Later, when the hypocrites, Jews, and polytheists raised storms of rebellion in Madinah, the Holy Prophet was directed to recite these identical Surahs, as recorded in Uqbah bin Amir’s tradition.

After that, when sorcery was used on him and his illness became severe, angel Jibril (Gabriel) appeared and commanded him to recite these Surahs by Allah’s command.

As a result, we believe that the commentators’ interpretation of both Surahs as Makki is more credible.

It’s impossible to see them as being completely linked to the magical episode, because just one verse (verse four) is dedicated to it, while the rest of Surah al Falaq and Surah An-Nas have nothing to do with it.

A’ishah reported that when the Prophet Muhammad SAW went to bed at night he used to blow into his hands after reciting Surah al ikhlas, Surah al Falaq and Surah an Nas, and then wipe his hands over his head, his face and the front of his body.

He would do it three times.

She also said,

“Whenever the Messenger of Allah SAW became ill, he would recite al-Muʽawwidhatan and blow over his body. Then when his pain became severe, I recited them over him and passed his hand over his body in hope of its blessing.

And Abu Saʽeed al-Khudri reported that the Messenger of Allah SAW used to seek protection from the evil eyes of the jinn and mankind.

But after al-Muʽawwidhatan (surah Falaq and Nas) were revealed, he took to them [for protection] and left everything else besides them.

With these two surahs one seeks refuge in Allah from every kind of evil (sharr), and they may be recited for any circumstance in which one fears harm. They serve to remind the believer to put his trust in Allah and depend upon Him alone.

Surah al Falaq mentions external evils which threaten mankind, such as what occurs in the darkness of night, the plots of magicians and the harms caused by those who envy and harbor jealousy.

Despite the fact that Surah Falaq and Surah Nas of the Qur’an are independent entities and are written in the Mushaf under separate names, they are so closely related and their contents so similar that they have been given a common name Mu’awwidhatayn (the two Surahs in which refuge with Allah has been sought).

Surah nas and falaq were revealed jointly, according to Imam Baihaqi in his book, which is why their combined name is Mu’awwidhatayn.

Ask Allah for forgiveness, May Allah forgive us.


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