Allahumma Rabbanasi Adzhibil
Allahumma Rabbanasi Adzhibil

Allahumma Rabbanasi Adzhibil Meaning And In Arabic Text


Allahumma rabbanasi adzhibil is an authentic dua for healing and good health. The Dua was narrated by Imam Bukhari and Muslim.

Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) reported that when the Prophet (SAW) visited any ailing member of his family, he would touch the sick person with his right hand and would supplicate this Dua.

Allahumma Rabban Naas In English

Allahumma Rabban naas means O Allaah, Lord of mankind, do away with my suffering. Heal (me) as You are the only Healer and there is no cure except that of Yours, it is that which leaves no ailment behind.

Allahumma Rabbanasi Adzhibil In Arabic

اللَّهُمَّ ربَّ النَّاسِ، أَذْهِب الْبَأسَ، واشْفِ، أَنْتَ الشَّافي لا شِفَاءَ إِلاَّ شِفَاؤُكَ، شِفاءً لا يُغَادِرُ سقَماً


Allaahumma Rabban-naas, adhhibil-ba’s, washfi antash-Shaafi laa shifaa’a illaa shifaa’uka shifaa’an laa yughaadiru saqaman.


Allahumma Rabbanasi Adzhibil

Allahumma Rabban Naas Hadith

Narrated `Aisha: The Prophet (ﷺ) used to treat some of his wives by passing his right hand over the place of ailment and used to say, “O Allah, the Lord of the people! Remove the trouble and heal the patient, for You are the Healer. No healing is of any avail but Yours; healing that will leave behind no ailment.”

Sahih al-Bukhari 5743


O Allah, Lord of Mankind,’ he entreats Allah, Honored and Glorious with His All-encompassing Lordship. 

He is the Lord, The Mighty and Sublime, the Creator, the King, the One Who directs all affairs. So, you (the sick) say: Allah Honored and Glorious, created me hale and hearty, then He decreed that I fall sick. 

The One Who decreed illness upon me after I had been hale and hearty is (surely) able to heal me.’ This is because He is the Lord of mankind and He does what He wills, Honored and Glorious is He.

Remove this disease,’ that is, the illness that has befallen this person.

and cure him’ which means a removal of illness and recovery of the sick person. So, he said: ‘ishfi’ and not ‘ashfi’ because the latter means ‘ahlik – destroy (him)’ while the former means to recover from illness. 


This is why it is commonly said: ‘Allahumma ishfi fulanan wa la tashfihi – O Allah, heal so and so and do not destroy him.’ 

These two words are taken by the generality of peolpe to be the same but there is great difference between them. ‘Ishfihi’ means free him from ailment while ‘ashfihi’ means destroy him.

As-Shaafi, The Great Curer is Allah, Honored and Glorious, because He is the One Who heals the sick. 

Any prepared medication or recited invocation is only but a means, which may be beneficial or not. Allah, Honored and Glorious, is the One Who makes the means effective.

Therefore, two persons may be struck by the same ailment and undergo same treatment, but one dies and the other recovers. This is because all matters are in the Hands of Allah, Honored and Glorious and He. 

He is the Great Curer, and whatever is prepared of medicine or recited of incantation is only but a means. 

And we are commanded to use these means as the Prophet SAW said: ‘Seek cure but do not seek cure in what is unlawful.

He also said: ‘Allah has not sent down a disease without sending down its cure. There is no cure but through You.’ 

The Messenger of Allah SAW has spoken the truth; there is no cure except through Allah. The cure of creatures is only but a means, the Curer is Allah. It is not the doctor nor is it the medicine which cures, the doctor and the medicine are both means, the Curer is Allah.

(Bestow) a cure which leaves behind no illness,’ that is, a perfect healing which would not leave any form of ailment. 

A person visiting the sick should touch his body with his right hand and utter this supplication.

Allahumma Rabbanasi

Dua Benefits

  1. Invocation to Allah:
    This dua begins with a heartfelt address to Allah, acknowledging Him as the Lord of all mankind.
  2. Request for Relief from Suffering:
    The core message of this dua is a plea to Allah to alleviate the suffering of the person making the supplication. It’s a cry for relief from any physical or emotional pain, discomfort, or distress they may be experiencing.
  3. Acknowledgment of Allah as the Healer:
    The supplicant acknowledges Allah as the sole Healer. This part of the dua underscores the belief that ultimate healing and recovery come from Allah, highlighting His power and authority over all aspects of life.
  4. No Cure Except That of Allah:
    The dua affirms that there is no cure or remedy for any ailment or suffering except what Allah provides. This underscores the notion that human efforts, while important, ultimately depend on divine intervention for true healing.
  5. Complete and Perfect Healing:
    The final part of the dua emphasizes the unique quality of Allah’s healing. It is described as a cure that leaves no ailment behind. This is a powerful expression of faith in Allah’s ability to heal completely and thoroughly, ensuring that there are no residual effects of the suffering.


This beautiful dua is a profound expression of faith and hope, seeking relief and healing from Allah, the ultimate Healer, with a belief in His power to provide complete and perfect healing.

It’s a reminder of the importance of turning to Allah in times of distress and relying on His divine mercy and compassion for relief from suffering.

Allah alone grants success.


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