Black In Arabic
Black In Arabic

Black In Arabic Language And How To Say It


Black is one of the basic colors. It is associated with elegance, control, and strength. This post will be looking at the word for black in Arabic, the pronounciation and some related phrases such as black beans and black seed in Arabic language.

You will also learn new vocabulary related to black color as well as learn various ways of constructing the Arabic sentence correctly.

Black In Arabic Language

Black in Arabic is pronounced or transliterated as  ‘aswad and written ﺃَﺳﻮَﺩ. The feminine word for black in Arabic language is pronounced as sawdaa’ and written as ﺳَﻮﺩَﺍﺀ. 

Masculine singularﺃَﺳﻮَﺩ‘aswad
Masculine pluralﺳُﻮﺩsuud
Feminine singularﺳَﻮﺩَﺍﺀSawdaa
Feminine pluralﺳَﻮﺩَﺍﻭَﺍﺕsawdaawaat
to become blackﺍِﺳﻮَﺩَّiswadda
black, blacknessﺳَﻮَﺍﺩsawaad
to blackenﺳَﻮَّﺩَsawwada
Black Stoneالحَجَرُ الأسْوَدHajarul aswad

How To You Say Black In Arabic

The audio below has the correct pronunciation of Arabic word for black. You can listen to it and learn how to say black perfectly.

Black Seed In Arabic

The Arabic word for black seed  is حبة البركة. It is pronounced as habatul Baraka.


Black Seed Oil In Arabic

The Arabic word for black seed oil زيت حبة البركة.

Black Beans In Arabic

The Arabic word for black beans is الفاصولياء السوداء or الفول الاسود or فول مدمس. While Black- Eyed Beans in Arabic is لوبية جافه بعين سوداء.

Let’s see how to write some pharses and sentences in Arabic using the word black with their meanings.

Arabic Word For Black (Phrases And Sentences)

  • ﺍَﻟﺄَﺳﻮَﺩُ ﻫُﻮَ ﻣَﻠِﻜَﺔُ ﺍَﻟﺄَﻟﻮَﺍﻥِ

Black is the queen of colours.

  • ﺻُﻨﺪُﻭﻕٌ ﺃَﺳﻮَﺩٌ

black box


  • لونه المفضل هو الأسود

His favorite color is black

  • الهويّة السّوداء

The black identity.

  • نسوة سوداوات

Balck women

  • لديَّ معطف أسود أحب أن أرتديه في الشتاء

I have a black coat that I like to wear in the winter.

  • الفلفل الأسود واحد من أفضل التوابل

Black pepper is one of the best spices

  • اللون الأسود يدل على الأناقة

Black color indicates elegance

  • هل تحب اللون الأسود؟

Do you like black color?

  • تطل تركيا على بحر يُدعى البحر الأسود

Turkey overlooks a sea called the Black Sea.

  • اللون الأسود هو المفضل لدى الكثير من الناس

Black color is preferred by many people

  • رأيت قطة سوداء

I saw a black cat

  • لا أحب اللون الأسود

I do not like black color

  • رأيت فساتين سوداء رائعة

I saw wonderful black dresses.

  • لدي حقيبة سوداء صغيرة

I have a small black bag.

  • أفضل الماركات التجارية لديها العديد من العروض يوم الجمعة السوداء

The best brands have many offers on Black Friday.

  • رأيت حصاناً أسوداً في حديقة الحيوان

I saw a black horse in the zoo.

  • ستارة الكعبة سوداء اللون

The curtain of the Kaaba is black.

  • أعطيت صديقي قلمي الأسود

I gave my friend my black pen.

  • اشتريت حذاء أسوداً

I bought black shoes.

  • الورود السوداء غريبة جداً

The black roses are very strange.

  • العسل الأسود مفيد جداً لجسم الإنسان

Black honey is very useful to the human body.

  • يتحول الموز الأصفر إلى اللون الأسود عند التخمير

The yellow banana turns black when fermented

  • أخي لديه شعر وعيون سوداء

My brother has black hair and eyes

  • أضعت قلمي الأسود، هل رأيته؟

I lost my black pen, did you see it?

  • أحب كتابة واجباتي باللون الأسود

I like writing my assignments in black.

  • رأيت سحابة سوداء

I saw a black cloud.

  • هاتفي أسود

My phone is black.

Read also 46 Colors In Arabic With English Translations.


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