
Colors In Arabic
Colors In Arabic

46 Colors In Arabic With English Translations

Arabic is a complex and beautiful language, with many different colors that can be used in written and spoken words. This article will introduce you to some of the basic colors in Arabic, and show you how they are used in both written and spoken Arabic. 


By learning about these colors, you will be better equipped to understand the meanings of Arabic words, as well as appreciate the beauty of the language more fully.  

In this post, we will help you master one of the most important topics used in Arabic, which is the topic of colors in Arabic.

We will also learn many topics related to color in Arabic. A list of well known colors with Arabic sentences and English translation.

What Is The Arabic Word For Colors?

The Arabic word for colors is لَوْنٌ (lawnun). Lawnun is singular, the plural of أَلْوَانٌ (alwaanun).


Colorful In Arabic

Colorful in Arabic is حَيّ ; مُلَوَّن (hayy, or mulawwan). Example: ارتديت فستان ملون meaning I wore a colorful dress.

Colors in Arabic and English

Here is the basic list of colors in Arabic:

  • White  أبيض   abyad
  • Black  أسود   aswad
  • Grey  رمادي   ramaadee
  • Brown  بني   bunnee
  • Yellow  أصفر   asfar
  • Red   أحمر   ahmar
  • Blue  أزرق  azraq
  • Purple    ارجواني    urjuwaani
  • maroon    زبيبي    zibiibi
  • orange      برتقالي      burtuqaali   
  • green    أخضر      akhDar
  • Pink   وردي    wardee

Colors in Arabic Feminine

In Arabic, there are two forms of colors. They are the masculine and feminine forms. Below is colors in Arabic in female form:

  • White   بَيْضَاءُ   bayḍaa-u
  • Black   سَوْدَاءُ   sawdaa-u
  • Green   خَضْرَاءُ   khaḍraa-u
  • Red   حَمْرَاءُ   ḥamraa-u
  • Yellow   صَفْرَاءُ   ṣafraa-u
  • Blue   زَرْقَاءُ   zarqaa-u
  • Brown   سَمْرَاءُ   samraa-u

A Few Extra Colors and Shades In Arabic

  • light    فاتح     faatih
  • dark    غامق    ġaamiq     
  • bright    براق    barraaq
  • shiny    لامع    laami3
  • navy blue    كحلي    kuHli
  • royal blue    زهري    zahri
  • sky blue    سمائي    samaa’i
  • baby blue    لبني    labani
  • turquoise    فيروزي    feiruuzi    -faruuzi
  • bluish green    جنزاري    ginzaari
  • dark green     زيتي      zeiti
  • mustard (brownish) green     كموني kammuuni
  • olive green    زيتوني    zeituuni
  • pastel green     كرمبي    kurumbi
  • scarlet    قرمزي    qrimzi-    qurmuzi
  • shocking pink    بمبي مسخسخ    bambi msakhsakh
  • rose-colored     وردي    wardi
  • canary yellow    كناري    kanaari
  • lemon yellow    لموني    lamuuni
  • light brown    بصلي    baSali
  • light brown (particularly of eyes)    عسلي  asali
  • brown-skinned (or euphemistic for black)    أسمر      asmar
  • wheat-colored (complexion)    قمحي    ‘amHi
  • fair-skinned    أبيضاني      abyaDaani 
  • pale, washed out    باهت    baahit
  • blond (complexion)    أشقر      ašhqar 
  • chestnut     كستنائي    kastanaa’i
  • cream    أصفر شاحب aSfar šaaHib
  • grey    رمادي    ramaadi
  • gold    ذهبي    dahabi – dahabi
  • silver    فضي    fiDDi -faDDi
  • beige     بيج    beiž   
  • ivory    لون العاج   
  • off-white     سمني    samni
  • burgundy     نبتي    nibiti
Colors In Arabic
Colors In Arabic

How To Use Arabic Colors In Sentences

  • His eyes are light blue  عيناه زرقاوتان
  • The tree’s color is green  لون الشجرة أخضر
  • This table is red   هذه الطاولة حمرا
  • Ali wrote his name on the white board – كتب علي اسمه على اللوح الأبيض
  • I have brown eyes and black hair – لديّ عينان بنيتان وشعر أسود. 
  • My sister’s hair is turning grey very fast – يتحوّل لون شعر أختي إلى الرمادي بسرعة
  • This cat is brown – هذه القطة بنيّة اللون
  • I like blue colour the most, my car is even blue – إنّ الأزرق هو لوني المفضّل، حتى سيارتي زرقاء اللون!
  • Why are you wearing this orange shirt with the green trousers? – لماذا ترتدي هذا القميص البرتقالي مع البنطال الأخضر؟
  • My hair is brown – شعري لونه أسود
  • My trousers are grey – إن بنطالي رمادي اللون
  • She has beautiful blue eyes – لديها عينان زرقاوتان جميلتان

To learn Arabic and become fluent in speaking it, you must constantly increase your vocabulary and sentences in Arabic, and then practice by using them in Arabic conversations or even in writing.

Read Family In Arabic (Complete Family Members Vocabulary List)



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